Chapter 10

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The battle has started.

Brei made the first attack.

She swiftly moved towards Sela which surprised the latter so she took the chance and kicked the girl, causing Sela to flew on the other side of the stage.

'Oooohhhhs' were heard from the audience. They seem to be enjoying this already.

"Sela's magic power is way ahead of Brei but Brei is really good at physical fighting which Sela obviously hasn't learned yet." Rans who is just casually watching the battle commented, leaning back on her seat."Who do you think will win?"

Abby shrugged."I don't know. One is a professional magic power user while the other one is a powerful newbie."

"My bet is on Brei. Magic is nothing if you don't know how to use it."

"Then my bet is on Sela." Abby confidently shoot her a smile which Rans just respond with a raised eyebrow.

They brought their focus back on the battle when Sela stood up.

She lifted a hand towards Brei's direction which caused the ground that Brei was standing to crack but the latter quickly avoided it.

That attack seemed to finally amused Brei as she made a ten replica of herself.

Yes. The power to make a clone of herself. That's Brei's magic power.

But even when Sela now has eleven opponent, she remained unfazed.

Her friends have already told her about Brei's power anyway.

"Okay. Let's start the real fight now, Sela."

Sela then wiped the blood that came off from the cut of her lips."Sure." she answered, smirking.

Her experience on being bullied might have made her tough after all.

Sela continuously attacked Brei with her power but those were apparently just clones because they only vanished with every hit she made.

"On your back." Brei said so Sela quickly turned around but was too late because she has, once again been sent off flying to the other side of the stage.

"It kind of annoys me how Sela was just blindly using her power like that." Rans said, shaking her head.

"I feel the same." Abby agreed as she let out an exasperated sigh.

Sela slowly tried standing up. She doesn't need to look at her friends' direction to know that they all still believe in her.

She's not going to fail them. She will win this no matter what.

Sela looked at her new set of opponents. They're too many and she doesn't even have time to count them.

What she needs to do is find the real Brei.

But how?

She closed her eyes.

She doesn't know why she feels like she can see everything more clearly when she closes her eyes. It's like the darkness helps her in finding the real light.

And yes, there it is again.

The light.

The real Brei is on the second to the last on her left side!

She was about to open her eyes and directly hit Brei when she was suddenly reminded by Abby's words.

'Just always remember not to make your actions so obvious. She must find your every moves unpredictable. You must not give her a hint on what you're about to do.'

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