Chapter 13

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I woke up only to see Sheki sleeping with her body barely making it into her bed. Sheki's face is the only one lying on the mattress. Her whole body is on the floor.

I sighed. I suddenly felt guilty for just sleeping and not bothering to wait for her despite the fact that I'm fully aware my roommate would be this wasted when she comes back.

"How can you sleep like this?" I mumbled as I tried slowly carrying her on the bed.

Once I had successfully put Sheki to bed, I went out of our shared room.

I'm going to get Sheki some hangover soup in the cafeteria.

"Ahhh Ecka!" I called out when the first thing I saw after stepping outside of our dorm building is Ecka who just got out of their dorm like me.

"Sela!" she beamed, and just remained standing on where she is to wait for me."Where are you going?" she asked once I've reached her.

"Cafeteria. I'm going to get Sheki a soup. She looks like she'll wake up with a throbbing head. How about you?"

"Same. I'm going to get one for Belle. Let's go together?"

I nodded and we both started walking towards the school building.

"You look fine, Ecka. Did you not drink?"

"I just had a few. Belle and I can't both get drunk, you know."

"Ah yes. Something might happen." I teased, making her scandalously look at me.

"That's not what I meant. But thanks, now I know you also have that kind of mind, Sela."

"What I mean is that you both might get tripped or something."

"Whatever, Sela."

We were already heading back to our dorm building after getting soup from the cafeteria when Dana suddenly appeared in front of us. She was smiling so wide which I find really weird.

"Hello, Sela. A friend of mine wants to talk to you. Can you come near the water fountain later at 3pm?"

"What?" was the only thing I could say. I was surprised. I feel like I somehow failed to comprehend what she really said.

"If you have other plans that time, don't worry. It will be quick. You can just drop by."

"It's not that I have other plans but...." I trailed off. I don't really get it."Who am I meeting? And why?"

"It's one of the student council members. And as to why....." she flashed that weird smile again."'ll know later."

A student council member?

Is it Abby?

I shook my head.

No. What am I thinking?

Why would she want to meet me?

"You can't?"

"Huh?" I asked, a bit dumbfounded.

"You were shaking your head."

"Ah. No. I just thought of something. Okay. I'll go."

"Great then." Dana beamed."Bye!"

I tried to follow where Dana was going but just like how she suddenly popped up in front of us, she also disappeared in our sight in a speed of light.

"It must be Justin." Ecka concluded, giving me a teasing smile."He's probably going to ask you out on a date. Oh my God, Sela."

"Hey!" I playfully slapped her arm."What's with your imagination?"

"But it's possible!" she shot back."Oh my God! I can't believe someone's going to have a love life already only a week after her admission. And it's with a student council member!"

I rolled my eyes.

I really can't handle Ecka's mind.

"Oh, I'm sorry." she suddenly said, moving away from me."I think I just stepped on your hair."

"Oh shut up."


Fifteen minutes before 3pm. I just finished dabbing colour on my lips.

"You like Justin, don't you?"

I looked back at Sheki who's most likely been staring at me for the past minute."Huh?"

"The one you're meeting is obviously going to be Justin. And with how you're constantly trying to make yourself look good means you're actually interested in him too."

Justin Justin Justin.

Why do they only think it's Justin?

I sighed.

It's because they didn't know that I was somewhat close to Abby too.

But it's not like I was expecting it would be Abby.

She wouldn't publicly meet me.

All she ever does is talk to me in private anyway. Yeah... As if she's somehow making me a third party in their relationship.

I shook my head

What am I thinking again?

"Hey!" Sheki called out, snapping a finger on my face. I was too engrossed with my thoughts that I didn't even notice she's already in front of me."Having a hard time sorting out your feelings?"

My feelings?

Do I have feelings for her?


We've only talked for a few times.

And I can't.

She's in a relationship. And with someone who's on her level.

I can't compete with Rans.

I shook my head again.

Why would I compete with Rans?

"You know what, you can just think about your feelings later. You better get going now."

"You won't come with me?"

Sheki's eyes then suddenly sparkled."Can I? Wouldn't I look too prying if I go with you?"

I chuckled."Then tell everyone to come so it wouldn't just be you."

"Great idea!"


We were sitting on a bench near the water fountain just like where Dana told me to go when someone suddenly spoke behind us.


We all looked back and instead of getting surprised to see who's the person behind us, I got more surprised at the squeals my friends made as soon as they saw Justin shyly standing on our back.

It's good that there weren't many students around us or else, we will really attract their attention.

I can't blame them though. Justin looks really handsome with his hair neatly styled up like that. And also, he smells good.

Right now, he gives off the image of a popular guy who has a whole room full of love letters because he's so nice, he couldn't just throw them out.

"Hi....?" I answered, a little bit unsure if he is really the one I'm meeting or he just happened to pass by us.

"You know what girls, maybe we should go now and just leave them to talk?" Belle suggested but Justin was quick to stop them.

"No No. I just want to ask something to Sela and I feel like it's good that you're all here as well so you guys can also be aware of where I'm taking your friend in case she agreed."

My eyebrow instantly raised at that.

What does he mean?

Justin then brought his gaze to me and let out a deep breath before speaking,"Sela, can we-- Ah..."

I just looked at him, anticipating what he's about to say. He seems really nervous which I somehow find cute.

"... I don't know how to say this but the moment I saw you in the student council office, you already took my interest. If it's alright with you, I want to get to know you more so..." he lets out a deep breath once again.".. can we...go and hang out tomorrow?"

I was speechless.

I can see how my friends were trying to suppress their squeals this time.

So they were right after all? Justin is really interested in me.


I I even worthy of his attention?

I couldn't even believe the fact that I've been having conversations with Abby too. And now this?

I bit my lip

Why am I thinking about Abby again?

"I'm planning to take you outside this school..." he added which definitely caught not just my attention but even my friends.

They gasped. A sign that they were totally envious.

Student council members are the only ones allowed to go outside the university. If someone wants to go out, they need to ask permission from the student council first.

I pursed my lips

Although I'm enjoying my life here, I couldn't help but also be curious on what is happening outside. This is a good chance for me to visit my house and school.

I would like to see how my bullies were doing.

I shoot Justin a smile."Sure."

His eyes widened."Really?"

"Yes. I would love to get to know you too, Justin."

"I--" he was obviously speechless so he turned towards my friends instead."I promised to take care of Sela tomorrow. Please don't worry."

"Oh we're not worried. You can even leave her behind we won't get mad." Belle jokingly answered which made all of us laughed

I just kept my eyes at Justin as he started having friendly conversation with my friends.

I smiled.

He's really such a nice guy, isn’t he?


Slowly, I closed the door after me to avoid waking my sleeping roommate. It's already 11pm but I couldn't sleep. A lot of thoughts is running on my mind right now and I feel like I need to sort it out first that's why I went out to take a walk.

First, the thought of being able to see what's happening outside this university again tomorrow excites me.

I've been gone for more than a week already.

Did my school already drop me out?

Did someone even look for me?

Fifteen minutes have passed since I started walking around the campus. I let out a deep breath before settling on a nearby bench.

I don't get it

I don't understand myself

Why do I keep thinking about her?


My eyes grew wide when I suddenly heard a familiar voice spoke in front of me. The next thing I knew, the girl whom I've been thinking of this whole day, sat on the bench beside me.


Am I just imagining her or...

"Who do you keep thinking of?"

"W-What? Did I say that out loud or reading mind is also one of your powers?"

"No." she answered."You said that out loud. Why do I keep thinking about her?"

I bit my lip, preparing to blurt out a lie. She wouldn't know I was lying anyway."Just a friend outside."

She snorted and I didn't know what was the meaning of that until she mumbled,"I doubt you even have a friend outside."

I scrunched my eyebrows."What did you say?"

"Nothing." she said, chuckling.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, kind of glaring at her.

Oh right. I was alone. So of course, she would show up.

She would just always talk to me when no one's around anyway. I almost thought it's also one of the rules here in this school but not until I saw Justin freely having a conversation with my friends.

"I always stroll around this campus at this time to check if there were naughty students still wandering around." she answered, giving me a sly smile."How about you? What are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes.

So I'm the naughty student now, huh?

"I couldn't sleep so I just decided to take a walk."

"Why can't you sleep? Excited for your date tomorrow?"

I then tilted my head and directed my gaze at her, surprised at what she said."You know?"

The moment I asked that, I already wanted to take it back seeing how Abby was giving me a weird look as if saying 'Duh of course'

What was I thinking?

Of course she knows that.

"Do you like him?"

"Ah... I--" I was speechless. She was looking at me. We were both staring at each other. And I don't know why I suddenly feel nervous. I want to look away but at the same time, I want to keep staring at her eyes.

"Well," she suddenly said, breaking our eye contact."I’m sorry for asking. You wouldn't agree to go on a date with him if you're not interested anyway."

"I-It's not that!" I retorted."I just want to get to know him. It's just a friendly date."

She snorted."Friendly date, huh?"

"And besides... I'm curious on what is happening now outside."

"I can go with you if that's just your reason though." she was just mumbling that but too bad for her, I clearly heard it.

"What did you say?"

She shook her head."Nothing. You should--"

"You can accompany me outside?"

"What for? You have Justin to accompany you now."

I frowned."Why are you like that?"

"Like what?" she looks surprised.

"Flirting with me when you already have a girlfriend." I firmly answered which definitely caught her off guard.

She remained having that surprised look for a whole minute before letting out a small amused laugh.

"When did I flirt?"

"Oh, don't play dumb with me."

She chuckled."Okay fine. If you said I'm flirting with you then be it. But what's with I already have a girlfriend?"

"I told you already to not play dumb with me!"

"Is it Rans?"

"Who else?!"

She laughed."Rans and I literally grew up with each other. We're like sisters already. Please."

I bit my lip.

"So she's not your girlfriend?"

I don't know but my lips might have unconsciously formed into a smile because of that.

"I don't have a girlfriend. I wouldn't flirt with you like how you claimed it to be if I have a girlfriend, aren't I?" she was smirking and Oh God, there's this weird feeling on my stomach again.

"I-I...." I trailed off, averting my gaze from her."...just thought--"

"Are you jealous?"

With that, I shot my head back at her and was about to deny it but stopped when she spoke again.

"Is it because you think I have a girlfriend that you've agreed having a date with him?"


"Then now that you know I don't have a girlfriend, will you not go out with him tomorrow?"

I bore my eyes into hers. And that's when I know she was serious.

Does she... Does she not want me to go with Justin tomorrow because she's jealous?

I was about to answer but then she suddenly laughed again.

" I was just joking." she said, standing up."Have fun tomorrow."

I clenched my fist.

This girl.

After messing with both of my mind and heart, does she think I'm letting her go this easy again?


She stopped, turning back at me."What?"

"Do you or do you not want me to go tomorrow?"

"Well, that's your--"

"Do you or do you not want me to go tomorrow?" I repeated, firmly looking at her.

After a minute of probably thinking, a smile formed on her lips.

"Don't go."

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