Chapter 15

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"Who was that?"

Jem put her phone down on her bed and looked at Coleen."Sela."

"Huh? Why? Isn't she sick?"

"I know. She just asked me where and who I am with."

Coleen frowned."Why?"

"I don't know. I find it weird too." Jem answered, getting up from her bed."I'm going out. I'll just borrow some books in the library."

"Okay. Get me a book to read too."

"What kind?"

"Fantasy fiction."

Jem snorted."We're literally living in a fantasy-like world already you know."

"That's exactly why."

Jem just shook her head before stepping outside their shared room. Their room is only located on the second floor of the building so it only took her less than a minute to reach the exit.

She was about to make her way towards the library when she suddenly noticed a familiar girl who looks a little bit lost.

The girl was only standing rooted on the middle of their wide quadrangle while seeming to observe her surroundings.

Jem narrowed her eyes to get a clear view of the girl.

Anyone would think the girl is a new student but definitely not Jem.

'Isn't that Sheki?' she thought as she slowly went to approach the girl.

"Hey Sheki!" Jem called out once she neared her friend. Sheki then turned to look at her. She was just blankly staring at her which Jem finds a little bit odd.

"Hey." Sheki replied, a little bit emotionless.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you promise to stay beside Sela since she's sick?"

"I lost my necklace."

"Necklace?" Jem frowned. She doesn't remember Sheki wearing a necklace though.

"Yes. It's a gift from my mother before she passed away that's why I need to find it."

"Hey, what are you saying? Your mother is still alive!"

"I mean, my grandmother."

"Okay. So where did you think you lost it?"

Sheki pointed at somewhere and Jem swore she felt her hair on her arms standing up as soon as she followed where Sheki is pointing at.

"At the forest?!" Jem asked in disbelief."Why would you lost it there?"

"I went there yesterday."

"Are you crazy? Why did you go there?"

"I was training."

"W-Why would you--" Jem stopped her rant and just let out a heavy breath. She knows Sheki is constantly trying to do her best to improve her powers but she didn't expect she would even go to the forest just to do so."So you're planning to go there?"

Sheki quickly nodded."You don't have to come with me though."

"What do you mean? I would in no way allow you to go there alone for the second time."

Sheki smiled."Thank you. Let's go?"

"I'll just call Sela to--"

"No." Sheki quickly stopped Jem."Sela is sick and resting. Let's not disturb her."

"Then Coleen..."

"No... You already said that the forest is dangerous. Let's not drag our other friends into this."

Jem carefully stared at Sheki who was also directly looking back at her.

And she doesn't know why she suddenly feel nervous.

Jem looked around the forest. It's her first time being in this dangerous place but she doesn't know why the surroundings feels somewhat familiar.

It's like she's been here before.

She kept her gaze at Sheki's back who for some reason was walking ahead of her.

She doesn't know why she feels strange.

Sheki is with her but at the same time, she feels like she's alone.

"Hey Sheki. Wait for me." Jem tried calling but Sheki just ignored her and kept on walking.

Jem shook her head and just tried keeping up with her friend's pace.

A black shadow can attack them here anytime and it won't be good if she will be left alone.

Jem was surprised when Sheki suddenly stopped from walking. She looked around and realized that they reached a huge field that is being surrounded by trees.

'This is probably the place where student council members practice.' Jem thought before stepping forward to reach her friend.

"Hey Sheki, I don't feel good in this place. We should quickly look for your necklace. I'll search here and you--" Jem wasn't able to finish her sentence when Sheki suddenly turned around and tried to hit her. Fortunately, Jem was quick to dodge it."What the hell, Sheki?!"

"Who is Sheki?" Sheki asked as she made a fire on her palm and aim it to Jem. Seeing that, Jem quickly made a huge metal shaped like a shield to protect herself from the fire.

"What are you doing, Sheki? This is not the right time to practice!"

"Uhhh? Being able to make things is your power?"

Jem gulped.

She now gets it.

The reason why she finds Sheki odd the first time she saw her in the quadrangle.

This Sheki is not the real Sheki.

It's a Black Shadow.

"I should have copied you instead of this girl who can only make this small fire. What a lame power."

Jem clenched her fist.

Sheki has always been determined to be strong. This weakling black shadow doesn't have the right to diss her friend like that!

"Says the one who only lives by being other people's doppelganger. You have the shittiest power!"

If it's only this one black shadow, she can probably defeat it.

Jem made a long sword.

She'll defeat this shitty black shadow and go back--

Jem's eyes widened.

Three other black shadows got down from the trees and  were looking at her maniacally.

"Shit." Jem could only cursed.

Just dealing with one black shadow will probably be hard for her.

What more with four black shadows?

She doesn't even know what their powers are.

There's no way she can defeat them.

Jem dropped her sword in surrender which earned laughter from the Black Shadows.

There's no way she can defeat them.

But thinking about her family outside.... there is also no way she would die here.

Jem quickly threw the flash grenade she had managed to make after dropping her sword.

It created a huge smoke which blinded the Black Shadows vision. Jem took this opportunity and immediately ran away. She also got the time to fish her phone out of her pocket and messaged Coleen with a 'Help'.

She knows it will be a miracle if she can make out of here alive but she's going to hold on in that miracle.

She still doesn't want to die.

Not in this kind of set-up.

This kind of set-up where people would think she's one of the students who died because of their naughtiness.

She wants to die in a heroic way. One where her family would be proud of.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Jem felt like her heart almost jumped out of her chest, seeing the other Black Shadow from earlier now infront of her.

She still hasn't able to process how the heck did this Black Shadow managed to get through her flash bomb that quick when she was suddenly pulled by her hair.

Jem was harshly dragged back by the Black Shadow and the next thing she knew, her body hardly landed on the ground.

Jem saw the Black Shadow who is still in Sheki's form getting the sword she dropped awhile ago.

"I wonder how does it feel like to be stabbed by your own sword?" the black shadow Sheki said while aiming the sword in front of Jem who was helplessly lying on the ground."...And by your friend, to add that."

Jem didn't say anything and just closed her eyes, awaiting for everything to end.

It sure sucks looking at someone who looks like Sheki thrusting the sword she made on her.

She rather not see it.





Jem frowned when she suddenly heard rumblings. She opened her eyes and was surprised when she saw the Black Shadow in Sheki's form got sent flying due to this familiar girl's kick.

Jem still doesn't know who is her saviour because the girl has her back facing her but she already felt relieved knowing she won't be fighting alone now.

Her saviour then slowly turned to look at her and Jem felt like the miracle she was hoping for finally came after seeing who it was.

It turns out there isn't even a need for her to fight too. This girl alone can already beat those black shadows.

"Are you okay?"



This is really short, I know. So I hope I can update again soon.

For some reason, I'm motivated to write now because I have some scenes on my mind that I want to write already but I couldn't because I still need to build up the story. Do you know what I mean? Hahahaha

But I'll try updating as soon as possible now so you won't forget this story :(

Btw, Who do you think is Jem's saviour? Hmmm...

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