Chapter 12

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"Justin, look. Isn't that Sela?" Alice heard Dana whispering to Justin while pointing at somewhere along the crowded place they're currently in. She followed Dana's hand and really see Sela with her friends in one of the tables near them.

Alice then tilted her head back to Justin who is now trying to shush Dana with his reddened face.

'Does Justin like Sela?' she thought while still looking at the bickering duo.

She stared at Justin's eyes and tried to read his mind.

'I knew it! Telling this monster about my feelings is a mistake. Tss!'

'But Sela is really pretty. I wonder how can I approach her? I don't want to waste this chance.'

Alice finds it amusing how Justin was dubbed as a playboy but can't even approach the girl he likes.

"Hey, I'm just going over there to greet Sela." Alice suddenly said which caught everyone's attention.

"A-Are you friends?" Justin asked in surprise.

"I wouldn't say friends but we somehow had a talk in the clinic last time. I'm just planning to ask how she's feeling right now."

"I'm coming with you." Dana said, shooting Justin a teasing look.

"I-I'm coming too!"

Michael quizzically looked at his three friends. He doesn't understand why would they all want to go to some group's table but as long as Gabb doesn't seem like she would--

"Tag me in." Gabb thought this might be a good chance to see if Coleen really finds her annoying.

"What?! Why--" Michael didn't manage to finish his complaints when they all started walking away from their table. Left with no choice, he stood up and just reluctantly followed them.

As soon as they reached Sela's table, Alice was the first one to speak up and greet.

"Hi Sela!"

Sela slightly bowed her head and beamed."Hello Alice!"

"How's your condition?"

"It's like I'm back to normal. Thank you so much again, Alice."

Alice waved a hand."It's nothing. I'm glad you're okay now." she said before noticing one of Sela's friend who has her back facing them but is obviously squirming on her seat."Is she okay?"

"Ah, Yes. Don't worry. She's just having seizure." Sela jokingly answered which made all of her friends laughed. Sheki who was seated beside her, secretly pinched her waist so she tried hard to keep in a groan in front of the student council members

And yes, she's still wondering why is Abby and Rans not with them.

"What? Should I check on her?" Alice worriedly asked but Sela quickly turned her down.

"No no no. It's not needed. She's just usually like that."

Alice was confused so she tried looking at Sela's eyes to find answer but the girl's thought is empty. She then proceeded on looking at one of Sela's friends who is also laughing.

'This is too funny. Sheki is so obvious.'

'Sheki's probably going to kill Sela later for embarrassing her infront of her crush'

'Crush?' Alice thought before tilting her head back to the girl who still had her back facing them. An amused smile formed on her lips when she finally realized what was going on.

"Okay. If you say so." Alice just smilingly agreed to Sela. Being the school's nurse, she's used to receiving sudden confessions from her patients. She doesn't entertain anyone though. It's nice having people liking you but she also understands that it might be because they feel like they owe their lives to her and thus, developing feelings for her. And this friend of Sela might be one of her past patients. She doesn't want to take advantage of that

"Justin, don't you want to say something to Sela too?" Dana suddenly quipped in which made Justin blushed.

"W-What? I don't--" he was about to say but stopped when he finds Sela looking at him in anticipation."...I-I've watched your battle. You did great. Congratulations."

Sela smiled."Yeah. I saw you in the audience. Thank you so much."

"Y-You saw me?"

"Yes. You were sitting in front with Dana, right?"

"Yes!" Justin answered too enthusiastically, making Dana snickered.

Gabb, on the other side, just kept her gaze on Coleen. She noticed how the girl was just sitting quietly while trying to avoid looking at them.

"Hi, Ms. Sungit." she tried greeting Coleen but when she didn't receive any response, she snap her fingers in front of the girl's face, catching not just Coleen's attention but everyone."I was talking to you, Ms. Sungit."

Coleen hissed."What did you just call me?"

"Ms. Sungit." Gabb confidently repeated."Do you always frown like that?"

"No. Only when I see you."

Michael exclaimed a teasing 'Woah' while the others were trying to contain their laughter. Gabb was embarrassed. This is the first time she got talked down like that. She doesn't know how to react so when she saw Coleen grabbing a glass of juice from the table, she secretly used her power and made the liquid spill over the girl's shirt.

Coleen was furious. She's not dumb. She knows she didn't accidentally spill the juice because she saw how the liquid literally jump off the glass as if someone was controlling it.

"Did you do this?!" she asked through her gritted teeth while pointing at her stained shirt.

"Excuse me? What made you think I would waste my energy to use power on you?" Gabb spitefully remarked. If before, she's just curious why this girl was acting all sassy with her, now she only sees her as someone spiteful. And she wished she wouldn't see this girl ever again.

Coleen could only glare at her. She thought she would have a good Friday night but of course, Gabb have to come and ruin it.

"I'm sorry. Here, use this." Alice said, handing Coleen a handkerchief which the latter meekly took."I think it's time for us to go back to our table now. It's nice meeting you, girls."

When Sela nodded, Alice shot a look at the girl who still has her back facing them before guiding her members back to their table.

"Once you use your power again for something like that, I'm telling you to Abby." Alice warned Gabb while they're walking towards their seat.

"I know, I'm sorry." Gabb sighed."I won't do it again."


"You saw it too, right? Gabb used her power on me!" Coleen complained while cleaning her shirt with Alice's handkerchief.

"Well, it was partly your fault too." Jem said, making Coleen glare at her."You're being unjustly mean to her. You basically forced her to do that."

"She started it, okay? She called me Ms. Sungit!"

"Was she wrong though?" Belle quipped in."If I was Gabb, I would have splashed the juice directly on your face instead of your shirt only."

"That was something only evils like you would do." Coleen shot back, rolling her eyes at Belle before turning to look at Sheki."Hey Sheki, they're already gone. You can turn around now."

With that, Sheki relunctantly moved to face her friends again and let out a breath of relief when she didn't see the student council members anymore.

"You know what Sheki, from 10 percent, your chances of getting together with your crush is now down to 1 percent." Ecka stated, shaking her head."You just made yourself look like a fool in front of Alice."

"It's not like I was thinking of being together with Alice anyway. From the very beginning, I know it's impossible."

"Everything is possible. Look how I fell in love with Belle."

"Hey!" Belle whined while giving Ecka a joking glare.

"Sheki, I want to thank you for being a good friend so I'm giving this to you." Coleen said as she put Alice's handkerchief on the table in front of Sheki."Keep that."

"What? No way! I might like Alice but I'm not a creeper who takes and keeps their crush's personal belongings."

"'re lying." Belle said which made everyone laugh.

"Fine. The truth is I was actually planning to get this from Coleen."

And they all laughed once again.

"By the way..." Ecka suddenly said, cutting their laughter."Doesn't Justin seem to like our Sela?"

"I noticed that too." Jem agreed.

Sela just waved a hand in hope to dismiss the topic when all of them looked at her.

She honestly doesn't see it that way.

"Maybe that's why our Coleen looks so grumpy awhile ago."

"Hey!" Coleen glared at Belle."I told you I don't like Justin that way. I just admire his personality."

Sela just sighed while listening to them talking about Justin and the possibility of him liking her.

She couldn't concentrate on their topic anymore because she kept on thinking why Abby and Rans are not here.

"Sheki.... "

Sheki curiously looked at Sela."Why?"

"Where is Abby and Rans?"

"Ha? Why are you asking me that? How would I know?"

"No, I mean...why are they not here with the other student council members?"

"Ah!" Sheki exclaimed."It's because Abby doesn't like both alcohols and crowded places so she never really goes to this bar. And well, Rans...they're basically 2 in 1. If Abby isn't joining, expect Rans won't join as well."

"Ahhhh...." was the only thing Sela could utter.


After telling her friends that she's just going to wander around this building, Sela successfully went out of the bar.

She moved down to the 2nd floor and a smile formed on her lips when she saw a lot of clothes boutique.

"Now, let's enjoy this privilege." she mumbled to herself as she entered a shop which has a lot of pastel dresses.

Sela was holding four paper bags full of clothes as she moved down the 1st floor.

She never really likes alcohol. She would rather have coffee. And that was what she's going to do.

She was about to enter the nearest coffee shop from the escalator when someone caught her eyes.

There, inside the coffee shop that she was about to step inside is Abby. In front of her is Rans. They're seated beside the glass window so it's only natural that everyone who walk passed by this shop could easily spot them.

Sela just kept her gaze at them. She noted how there was a faint smile playing on Abby's lips while softly looking at Rans who seems to be sharing an interesting story.

Sela might have really gotten used to interacting with Abby alone that she forgot the girl was dating Rans.

She sighed.

She doesn't know why she suddenly lost her appetite.

With the amount of paper bags she's holding, it's not like she could go back inside the bar again. Not with how crowded that place is.

So with a heavy feet, she started making her way back towards her room.

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