Chapter 5

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Setting aside all of the papers in front of me, I stood up from my seat and looked outside the transparent glass window of my office.

The view of our wide quadrangle came into sight but I just kept my gaze towards a certain girl walking towards this way - the main school building.


It was not a coincidence.

I didn't stand up from my seat, look outside the window and just happen to coincidentally see Sela below.

I felt it

This office is located at the 7th floor of this building so there's a huge distance between us but I could feel it.

I could feel the strong aura radiating on her.

It's weird because few months back when I was still secretly guiding her on her normal lifestyle, she still doesn't possess this kind of aura

She just really seems like a normal human being then.

But now....

Her aura is so strong that it's making me both scared and excited.

When Sela disappeared from my sight and felt her aura slowly diminishing, I went back on my seat and let out a deep breath.

It might be because of that incident.

That incident which accidentally activates her magic power.

I understand why the Principal doesn't want Sela to know her magic power before. It must be because he wants his daughter to live a normal life and I respect that.

But now that his daughter's power had finally been awakened, I wonder why he still doesn't want us to help her realize her potential.

Judging by the aura Sela exudes, she will be a huge - a very huge help in completely exterminating the black shadows.

But I only move by the Principal’s orders.

By having to bring his daughter in this school, I have already failed him.

So there is no way I would go against his wish now.

I just sincerely hope Sela will be able to determine everything by herself.

But if not... I'm going to destroy the Black shadows by myself.

Even if it means risking my own life.

A knock from my door woke me up from my thoughts.

"Come in." I said as I looked up, thinking that it will be Rans so a surprise look couldn't help but flashed on my face when the exact girl that I've been thinking of came into view.


How could I have not felt her aura?

The same thing happened in the classroom before.

The whole time I was seated on my seat, I could feel her strong aura from the back.

But when she approached me right after our class ended, I didn't feel her.


She's really scary.

But....what is she doing in my office? Did her friends forget to tell her the rules again?

And.. why does she keep on bothering me?

From the surprise look, I quickly put on a stoic face before asking, "Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

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