Chapter 14

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As soon as I stepped inside the office, my eyes instantly went to Justin who looks a little bothered. I was about to ask what happened when Rans beat me to it.

"What's with the sullen look Justin? Shouldn't you be preparing for your date later?"

Dana laughed."Well, the date is cancelled that's why he's acting like that."

My eyes grew wide but I quickly masked my surprise and asked,"Why is it cancelled?"

"She suddenly caught a cold." Justin answered while pouting.

She caught a cold?

I frowned.

Is it true or that's just an escape for their date?

But what if it's true?

She stayed up late outside last night anyway.

I noticed Rans was staring at me so I cleared my throat and said,"That can't be helped, Justin. You should check on her then."

"I told her that but she doesn't want me to come. She said she'll be okay."

"It's your fault. You must have made her so excited for your date today that's why she suddenly got sick." Dana laughed before standing up.

"Hey hey hey! Where are you going, Dana?" Rans asked, following the girl who was now heading towards the door.

"I'm just going to get a food. Don't worry. I'll quickly come back here to help, okay?"

Rans just sighed as she unwillingly let the girl out.

I sat down on a chair and continued stealing glances at the obviously upset Justin.

I felt guilty.

He really seems to like Sela a lot and I admit that they look good with each other but I just had to come and ruin it.

This is because of my selfishness.

Yesterday, when I found out Justin was about to ask Sela for a date, I immediately went to tell it to the Principal thinking that he would stop Justin from taking interest to his daughter but was surprised when he happily said 'That's great, isn't it?' instead.

I thought the Principal doesn't want the student council members to come in connection with Sela because he wants her to live like a normal girl but it turns out that was just all my imagination.

Obviously, I've gone crazy last night. When I saw Sela, I quickly took the chance to talk to her. And in the end, I've managed to stop their date.

I was overjoyed that time but now.... seeing Justin... I feel like I made a wrong decision.

Why am I so selfish?

Justin is not just one of my officers but also a friend.

How could I do this to him?

I sighed.

I don't even know when did I start feeling this way.

All I know is that when I first met her 3 months ago - when the Principal confide to me that he has a daughter and entrusted me to take care of her, I was in awe by her beauty. That's all.

But as I secretly watched her daily life routine, I somehow felt bad for her.

When at school, all she ever does is cry in the corner after getting bullied.

When at home, she would just either sleep or watch TV all alone.

She has no friends.

And there were so many times where I feel like wanting to just show myself up in front of her and talk to her.

I wanted to be her friend.

That's why even if the Principal's order is to protect Sela from the Black Shadows only, I somehow still used my powers to punish the students who were making fun of her.

I was scolded by the Principal because of that.

Apparently, he wanted Sela to stand on her own feet and defend herself.

But just watching her getting bullied like that was too much for me.

For some reason, I couldn't take it.

So that's why I would still always intervene to help her.

When Sela was brought here, I felt relieved seeing her with some friends.

I thought just seeing her finally smiling and laughing would already be enough for me. There's no reason for me to worry and associate myself with her anymore, right?

But some circumstances kept bringing us up together. And with those little conversations we had, I realized how I still wanted to be her friend.

And now, if I wanted to be just her friend or more than that is still unclear to me.

All I know is that I have to check on Sela to see of she's really sick or what.



Hiding under my blanket, I took a peek at my roommate who's busy reading a book on her bed. She was supposed to go to the recreational building with Belle and Ecka but she just chose to stay in our room to take care of me when I told her my head is aching.

I looked over the top of my drawer to see the untouched medicine and food Sheki had prepared for me.

She was so concern for me that I couldn't help but feel guilty for lying.

Oh well...

I don't know how to cancel my supposed to be date with Justin without hurting his feelings other than doing this.

I was about to go back on hiding under my blanket when suddenly, Abby showed up right in front of me.

My eyes widened.

This girl just literally appeared out of nowhere and we're now staring at each other with the same surprised expression.

Did she teleport here?

But judging from her reaction, it seems like she just teleported in the wrong place.

But then again, isn't it weird for someone as powerful as Abby to make a mistake like this?

I glanced over Sheki and was confused at how she was still so focus on reading her book.

I frowned.

Am I the only one who can see Abby? 

I noticed Abby was mouthing something to me while doing some hand signals that I couldn't quite comprehend so I mouthed back a clueless 'What?'

'Ask your roommate to leave the room for awhile.' was what I think she is saying.

With that, I groaned which instantly caught Sheki's attention.

"Are you alright, Sela?"

I then covered my mouth using my hand and faked a cough."Yes yes."

"Drink the medicine now."

"Yes. I will but...." I trailed off, clutching my forehead this time."...I'm really sorry for asking you this but...can you get me an orange juice in the cafeteria?"

"Oh? Sure." Sheki didn't hesitate to answer as she quickly stood up from her bed and prepared to leave.

"I'm really sorry, Sheki."

"Don't mention it." she waved a hand."This is just a little thing compared to the help you gave me with my hangover yesterday."

I smiled."Thank you."

"I'm going out now."

"Ah! Can you also bring me some fruits?" I added.

I'm really sorry Sheki but it would be really good if I can talk to Abby longer.

"You're really taking advantage of my kindness now, huh?"

I chuckled."I'm sorry."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Bye."

Abby had her head tilted to where Sheki went off before turning to look at me.

"W-Why are you here?" I nervously asked.

What's with my stomach again? I can't believe how she could shake my entire being just by her mere appearance.

"I heard you were sick. I was wondering if it's true or....." she paused, walking closer to me.

I just watched her as she sat on my bed and gently placed her hand over my forehead.

I gulped.

I don't know why I couldn't seem to move.

"Just as I thought." she mumbled, sighing.

I know she was referring to how I fake my sickness.

"W-Well...." I was about to defend myself but stopped when she suddenly flashed a smile.

"It's a relief that you're not really sick."

And that surely brought a smile from my lips too."Did I make you worry?"

"Did you intentionally tell you're sick to make me worry?"

"Yes. So you could come over and check me here." I playfully answered which made her laugh.

"It's just last night when you said I was flirting with you and now you're already flirting back?"

"Can't I?" I challenged her.

I don't really know where I got this confidence but I think it's already obvious that we both have some feelings to each other.

I just need to--

"Isn't this room too small for two people?"

Oh. She's trying to divert the topic.

I couldn't help the sigh that had escaped from my lips. She probably noticed it too because she looked at me but she just chose to ignore it.

"Yeah. Your room with Rans is probably huge right?"

She looked at me."Student council members have their own rooms. We don't do roommates."

"Ahh..." was the only thing I could say. I'm starting to lose interest in this conversation.

There was a quite long silence between us before she finally spoke.


I was about to ask her 'What?' when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my head.

I was groaning in pain while massaging my temple but Abby probably thought I was faking it again because she just let out a soft chuckle.


What is this?

A karma for lying?

But then suddenly, a blurred vision of something struck my mind.

I unconsciously held on Abby’s arm as I gasped for air.

“Sela.... “ Abby was getting worried.”What’s happening with you?”

I shook my head. I don’t understand what’s happening with me too.

The image is too blurry but I feel like it is somehow important so I closed my eyes again and tried to bring back that vision but to no avail.


I looked at Abby who is now in an obvious panic. I chuckled.”You still look pretty even with that creases on your forehead.”

Abby suddenly turned serious.”I am in no way joking with you, Sela.”

“Who’s joking with who? You’re the one joking with my feelings.”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is... we already have to make things clear between us but every time I try to open that topic, you will always try to avoid it.”


“Do you like me, Abby?”

“I—” she was about to say but instantly stopped when I screamed because of the sudden  sharp pain on my head again.

“Who’s joking with who now?” she asked, rolling her eyes.

I want to answer but my head really hurts so I just curled my body and tighten my grip on Abby’s arm.

“Sela, it’s not funny.”

‘Fuck you, Abby. I’m not joking’ was what I want to say but I couldn’t even open my mouth because of the tremendous pain I’m feeling.

And then suddenly, the same image popped on my head again. But a clear one this time.

"Jem!" I worriedly called out as I sat on my bed.


I then turned to alertly look at Abby who now looks concerned.

"Abby...." I slowly said as I tried catching for my breath."Jem is in danger!"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw it! I saw an image of Jem being surrounded by four Black Shadows in the forest!"

Abby frowned."Can you call Jem?"

I eagerly nodded before getting my phone from the top of my drawer and dialling Jem's number.

I couldn't help but feel anxious with each ring.

I was already getting up from my bed when I realized the call got finally connected.

"Sela?" came Jem's voice.

"Where are you, Jem?"

"In my room. Why?"

"Who are you with?"

"Coleen. Why?"

I finally sighed in relief.

So that was just my imagination?

What a weird imagination it was.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"You're being weird but I'll just take that as one of the side effects of your sickness."

I chuckled."Yeah, whatever. I'm hanging up."

Abby was curiously looking at me after I put my phone down so I told her,"Jem is in her room. I just had a weird imagination, I guess."

She didn't say anything and just remained frowning as if there's still something bothering her so I playfully poked her forehead which caught her attention.

"What are you thinking?"

She looked at me for a whole minute before shaking her head."I have to go now. Sheki's coming back."


She found a way to avoid the topic again.

Damn my weird imagination.

She must have sensed my disappointment so she flashed me a smile."See you again."

I just forced a smile back."Yeah. See you."

And that's it. She instantly vanished from my sight just at the exact time the door of our room opened, revealing Sheki with a lot of fruits on her hands.



A short update but don’t worry. I’m updating another short update tomorrow around this time.

What do you think?

Is it really only Sela’s weird imagination or Jem is really in danger?

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