Chapter 4

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I felt my knees instantly buckled when the door opened and Dana's face came into view.

'Gaining wings and tails everytime she transforms, she really becomes a complete demon'

Damn! Of all people who could open the door for me, why does it have to be Dana?

"Yes? What do you need?" Dana asked, cluelessly looking at me.

"Ahhh I--"

My God, Sela! Don't stutter.

"I want to arrange a meeting with the president."

"President? Abby?" she asked and when I nodded, she suddenly started looking at me from head to toe and I want to applaud myself for not running away."Ahhhh. Okay. Come in." she said as she completely opened the door, allowing me to step inside their office.

The student council room, as expected, looks so classy and spacious. It really shows how privileged these student council members are.

Dana signalled me to sit on the vacant couch and handed me a paper which seems to be an application form.

Person you want to talk to:

Wow. Really so strict.

I started filling up the form one by one and wrote 'I want to propose an activity that will help the students improve the use of their magic powers' as the reason.

Jem was actually the one who helped me in thinking of a reason to talk to Abby.

She advised me that if the other members asked what is the activity that I'll be proposing, I should just say, 'It's a matter that I can only discuss with the President.'

'But that doesn't include Rans.' I remembered Jem clarified.'She will probably burn your form if you tell her that.'

I just let out a deep breath before my eyes wandered around the office to search for Dana.

Right now, I can only see the two guys, who I know by the name of Michael and Justin, focused on their phones, probably playing some games.

"Damn, Michael! How can you suck so much at playing this game?!" Justin exasperatedly exclaimed, putting his phone down on the table.

And yeah, that confirms it.

They're just really playing

"I don't have mana." Michael reasoned out."It's not my fault that my hero sucks. He consumes too  much mana. I can even do better."

"Yeah. You should just be a video game hero then." Justin sarcastically responded before standing up. He tilted his head at the exact direction of where I am seated and our gazes meet.

And I don't know why but our eyes got connected for quite a while now so I just bowed and flashed him a small smile to end our staring contest.

He was about to approach me but stopped midway when Dana suddenly came rushing to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Are you finished?"

"Ah yes." I answered, handing her the paper.

She read it and I silently prayed that she wouldn't ask me anything in which she really didn't.

Though she looked at Justin and asked,"She wants to meet Abby. But Rans still isn't here, you know."

Oh my God! Why did they suddenly bring up Rans?

What does Rans have to do with this?

"Yeah. Rans would get mad at us if we sign a meeting with Abby without letting her know." Justin answered and I unconsciously closed my eyes in distress.

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