Chapter 9

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"And where are you going, Dana?"

I was about to touch the doorknob and make a quick exit from this boring student council office when I suddenly heard Gabb's voice.

Turning around, I looked at the girl who has lifted her gaze from her laptop to look at me.

"I'm just going to stroll around the campus. It's so boring here."

If I'm talking to Alice, lying would be useless because that girl can read our minds anyway. But since this is only Gabb, I can--

"You're planning to watch the battle between Sela and Brei, am I right?"

Okay. Maybe I'm just a terrible liar.

"I'm not. Why would I?"

She shrugged."I don't know. Maybe because Jem would be there too?"

In just a second, I then dashed towards Gabb and slammed a hand on her table."Can you please stop mentioning her to me?" I hissed but she just grinned at me in return so I just sighed and rolled my eyes."If I watch Sela and Brei's battle, that would be because I'm interested to see who will win between them and not because of her, okay?"

"Okay. Okay." Gabb laughed, raising both of her hands in surrender."By the way, come here.." she's signalling me to look at her laptop and so I did only to be surprised, seeing a picture of one of Jem's friends - Coleen."Do you know her?"

I secretly glared at her.

She's just probably asking me this to tease me for knowing all of Jem's friends.

"I don't. Why? Is she your type?"

"Type, my ass." she rolled her eyes."It's just that I feel like I always see her with Jem. Are they friends?"

"Why are you asking me? How would I know?" I defensively asked her back in which she just responded with a teasing look."Can I break a few of your bones and just let Alice heal you after?"

She laughed."Why are you so defensive? I'm just asking."

"Why are you even interested about Coleen?"

"Aha!" she happily exclaimed."So Coleen is her name. And you really know her after all."

I clenched my fist.


"How many times do I have to tell you to stop stalking Jem? She might find you creepy."

"Shut up or else I'm really going to break your bones."

"Calm down, Dana. I'm just kidding."

"What's the deal with Coleen anyway?"

Gabb then brought her gaze back down to her laptop and shrugged."She was cornered by Brei's group last time and I happened to see it so of course, I came to the rescue but instead of thanking me, that girl named Coleen just glared at me and left."

It's now my time to laugh.

"Until now, I couldn't comprehend why would she be mad at me." she said, pouting.

"Well, it's probably because you look annoying."

"I do?!"

"Yes. I'm leaving now. Bye" I still managed to hear her asking me again if she really does look annoying before sprinting out of the office.

The battle is about to start and I don't want to be late.

I'm not really lying when I said that I want to watch the battle because I'm curious on who will win between the number one student and the powerful newcomer.

Having to see Jem as well while watching the battle is just a bonus.

I arrived at our school's somewhat small stadium specifically made for this activity and was not that surprised to see a lot of students waiting to watch the battle.

Really a blockbuster.

When I stepped inside the stadium, a lot of students looked at my direction and began gossiping. I just ignored them and looked for a vacant yet good seat.

I don't know if it's just because I'm already familiar with Jem's aura but I easily spotted where they are sitting. They were seated at the fifth row center and just like everyone in this stadium, they were also following my movement.


I suddenly heard a familiar voice. I turned my gaze at the source of the sound and was surprised to see Justin sitting at the front row. No one probably dared to sit beside him so all of the seats in his row are empty.


"What are you doing here?" I asked him once I sat down beside him.

"I want to ask you the same question."

"Well, isn't watching the battle between the two most controversial student in our school interesting?"

"Same answer."

I smirked."Really?"

As far as I can remember, he also signed Sela's application meeting with Abby last time.

Is he interested to Sela?


"Isn't it because of Sela alone?" I added, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Okay fine." he surrendered, sighing."I mean... Sela is pretty...she already caught my eyes the first time I saw her inside our office."

I then playfully poked his side."Awww Justin. I support you. Ask her for a date after this battle, okay?"

"That's what I'm really planning to do." he grinned and I just smiled at him.

Justin is sure going to get Sela. He's handsome, gentleman and doesn't have a scary magic anyway.

I furtively glanced at Jem's direction. She's busy talking to Sheki.

"Hey, who are you looking at?" Justin suddenly asked, following my gaze.

"Nothing. I was just looking at the audience as a whole."

"Oh right!" he exclaimed, smiling."There's a lot of students watching this battle."

I just nodded at him and kept quiet.

Why do I even have this despicable power?

If only....

If only I have been given a good power....then maybe....

Maybe Jem and I would still be friends.

I was only 10 years old when I got admitted to this magic school.

And I was also 10 years old when I first met Jem who was happily signing up to this magic school with her parents.

At first, I was envious of her.

I got admitted to this school because my parents abandoned me.

I was only 7 years old when my first power which is speed showed up. I was running towards my school because I woke up late when I suddenly noticed myself going super fast. So fast that I even went ahead of some of the cars.

I was so overjoyed with my power that the first thing I did when I went home was to tell my mother about it.

I thought she would be amazed but I was surprised when she called me abnormal.

She fought with my father, blaming him for my 'abnormalities'.

'You're a demon. I knew it. I knew you will be a demon just like your father!' was my mother's last words before she left me and my father.

My father was devastated. But even so, he would always assure me that I'm not a demon.

I was happy that at least my father accepted me but that quickly went away when he suddenly commit suicide.

He died, leaving me alone.

Rumours about me being a demon spread around our town so I was always being bullied. Some even say that I killed my own father.

I don't understand why having some extra speed in doing things could be considered evil so every time the kids bully me, I would always defend myself by saying I'm not a demon.

But of course, they didn't believe me.

Until two girls around my age came. One girl threatened the kids who were bullying me with a fire coming from her own palm while the other girl was calmly picking me up.

They eventually introduced themselves to me as Abby and Rans. They told me that there's a school where everyone has magic powers and invited me to go with them.

I was surprised.

I thought I was the only abnormal one in this world.

But it turns out there's a school for us.

And it was also the time that I got admitted to the magic school when Jem showed up.

She was with her parents. And they looked extremely happy for her.

It must have been because I was envious that I found myself always staring at her.

Everyday, I would secretly glance at her and follow her every movements.

And the more I look at her, the more envious I become. 

I thought I would just be forever looking at her but I was surprised when one day, she suddenly approached me.

She told me that she knows that I was always looking at her so she asked me why.

And I think it's because I was still a kid that I told her everything about me.

She comforted me and asked me to be friends.

We became close. Every day, we would always hang out near the water fountain.

And after all the things I've been through, I felt like being with her truly made me feel happy again.

But not until, black shadows came to attack our school.

It has unfolded right before my eyes. A black shadow was about to slash Jem.

And I don't really remember what happened next but suddenly, my eyes become red and tail and wings grew out of my body.

The next thing I knew, I was brutally killing the black shadow that was about to attack Jem.

After I killed the black shadow, I turned and was about to approach Jem but stopped when I saw her trembling while looking at me.

I looked at my own form and was also shocked at what I have become.

'D-Dana?' I heard Jem called out, still in disbelief.

I made a step towards her but she moved back. She was crying while shaking her head. I was about to approach her when she suddenly ran away from me.

And there was like a flashback of how my mother left us while telling me I was a demon.

My mother is right after all.

I am really a demon.

The next day, Jem and I didn't meet.

Instead, Abby came to me. She explained to me that having two kinds of magic powers, I am one of the rare cases and wants me to join the student council.

I heard about a student having the power to erase a person's memory. And I thought it would be the best if Jem doesn't remember me.

I don't want her to be scared of me for the rest of her life.

So I told Abby I would join the student council if she were to remove Jem's memory of me.



"What's the problem?" I asked, shooting Rans a worried look.

We're currently heading towards the stadium to watch the battle between Sela and Brei when I noticed that the girl walking beside me has been awfully quiet.

"Rans?" I called out after failing to catch her attention the first time.

And that finally made her look at me."Huh?" she asked, a little dumbfounded.

"You look bothered. Do you have a problem?"

"Ah." she smiled which I know was a fake one and shook her head."No. I'm just feeling a little bit sleepy, I guess?" she even tried laughing.

I just quietly nodded my head.

She's definitely hiding something from me.

But I've known Rans for the longest time, if there's something bothering her and she can't directly say what it is, she would eventually end up telling it to me...either discreetly or accidentally.

"Hey." she suddenly called so I tilted my head to look at her.


"Are you in talking terms with Sela?"

And there. She said it.

The Principal must have asked Rans to ask me if I'm associating myself with Sela. And probably stop me from doing so if I am.

"Well..." I started. There's no point in lying. Let me tell her the truth."Yes. We're kind of talking to each other."

"Like friends?"

"Friends... I don't think so. We just talked."


I chuckled which turned into laugh when Rans rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm seriously asking!"

"Why do you even want to know what we talked about?"

She suddenly turned serious."You know that the Principal prohibited us on talking to Sela."

"Did he?" I asked."As far as I can remember, he just said that we should try not associating ourselves with Sela. Only try."

"What's with you?!" she angrily exclaimed, glaring at me."Why are you so interested with Sela?"

"Rans..." I laughed."Calm down. I was just messing with you because you look so cute being stressed out like that."

She didn't say anything and just rolled her eyes at me.

"I just met her once accidentally, okay? I was training in my usual place when she suddenly showed up, saying that she wants to train as well. But black shadows appeared so I had to tell her to come back the next day and I would help her train."

Our first meeting is actually in my office when Justin signed Sela's application meeting with me but telling that would just bring trouble for Justin so yes, he owes me one for this.

"Why did you volunteer to train her?"

"Believe me or not, I don't know as well." I answered which made her raised an eyebrow."But don't worry, okay? I'm not planning on talking to her again now."

She sighed."It's not like I'm prohibiting you on being friends with her. It's just much as we can, it's better if we avoid doing anything that has something to do with her."

"I know." I flashed her a reassuring smile."Don't worry."

Rans' mood seems to lighten up after I reassured her and we kept on talking until we finally reached the stadium.

As expected, there were a lot of students watching and the stadium got almost full.

The battle is about to start and everyone's attention is on the two girls who are already standing in front of each other.

"Let's just settle here." I told Rans as we quietly sat down on the back row seats of the stadium.

"Hey, isn't that Justin and Dana?" Rans suddenly said, pointing at the seat on the front.

I squinted my eyes.

It's really them.

"I understand why Dana is watching this. Jem is here after all. But Justin? When did he ever take interest in watching someone's battle?" Rans continued, giving me a curious look.

Thinking about it, Justin wouldn't just sign someone's application meeting with me knowing that he would be in trouble doing so but he still did it with Sela.

And now, he's here watching Sela's battle with Brei.

Could it be.....

Is Sela on a talking terms with Justin?

Is he interested in her?



I'm sorry that it took me a long time to update again. I can't really find any motivation to write these past few days and up until now... I'm just forcing myself write hence this somewhat crappy chapter update.

I was planning to include the battle in this chapter but that would make this chapter really long and I also feel like I need to update now so I cut it here.

Anyway, thank you all for the votes. Hope to hear your insight with this story too.

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