Chapter 3

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I'm at the school's cafeteria right now with Sheki and her four other friends which I still don't know the names because as soon as we settled down in our seat, Sheki just kept on eyeing me as if she wants to burn me.

"So first things first..." Sheki suddenly said while still keeping that deadly glare at me."There's a rule in our school that we are not allowed to talk to any of the student council members when inside the school hall. If ever you have any concern, you have two options. It's either you go to the student council office and arrange a meeting with whomever you want to talk with or you can just wait for that member to come outside of the school building though I wouldn't suggest the this one because our student council members tend to be pretty snobbish."

I just nodded, mentally noting the new information.

As expected from a school of magic.

They have strict rules.

But who are the student council members, anyway?

"And do you know that you've just broke that rule in your first day?" Sheki asked, rolling her eyes. I heard snickers so I looked around only to see Sheki's friends trying to control their laughter.

Wait. Does it mean--?

"And you're a pretty high class rule breaker because the one that you've just approached earlier is none other than Abby, our student council president." one of Sheki's friends who still looks like a baby, said while grinning.

"Plus, the other girl with her earlier is Rans, the vice president." the girl sitting in front of me added. She seems to be the most sane out of Sheki's group.

"You're lucky Rans didn't burn you alive." the talkative one commented and they all laughed from it. She might have noticed the frown on my face so she added, "Well, Rans gets quite protective when it comes to Abby, so yeah."

"Anyway..." Sheki suddenly said."You need to get to know the other members of student council. They also go here in the cafeteria around this time. So while we're waiting for them, I'll introduce you to my friends."

"Oh! This is the part I'm waiting for." the talkative one exclaimed, earning a glare from the girl beside her."I'm Belle. I would've extend my arm for a handshake but because I can see my girlfriend glaring at me, let's just schedule our handshake next time. It's nice meeting you."


Ah, they're in a relationship. So that's why..

"I'm Ecka." the glaring girl which is apparently Belle's girlfriend, introduced, smiling at me.


She seems friendly.

I thought she will be mad at me just like those bullies in my old university.

"Welcome to our school. I'm Jem!" the girl who is seated in front of me said.

"I'm Coleen." the baby-faced friend of Sheki quipped in, grinning."Let's get along well!"

I couldn't help but smile.

Okay, Let's not mess this up, Sela. If you were given a new life, you should do things correctly now.

"Hello! Thank you all for your warm welcome. I'm Sela!"

I saw Belle opened her mouth and was about to say something but stopped when we felt how the entire cafeteria suddenly grew quiet.

"They're here" Sheki said, looking at the group who just entered the cafeteria.

The group consists of 7 students. 5 girls and 2 boys. But I have just my eyes set on the girl who is somewhat leading the group.

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