Chapter 16

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Abby kept pacing back and forth on her room. She doesn't know why but something's bothering her.

'I saw it! I saw an image of Jem being surrounded by four Black Shadows in the forest!'

Sela's words kept running on her head.

She doesn't believe that it was just Sela's weird imagination.

It has to be her power. Her second power.

But what kind of power?

The power to predict the future?

Sela said that Jem is in her room so there is no way it is happening now.

But Abby doesn't feel good though.

She needs to go and check on the forest now.

With that, Abby transported in the forest. She's now on top of a huge tree and made herself invisible.

There's no need to fight Black Shadows.

The more they go and kill every black shadows lurking in the forest, the more the Black Shadows get mad.

One day, they might just come and attack them in the school just like what happened years ago.

That has caused a lot of death of their students and she's in no way going to let that happen again.

Black shadows shouldn't be the ones on the offensive side. The student council members should be the one to attack and eradicate each and every one of the Black Shadows.

That is Abby's goal.

Abby looked around.




She can only feel three black shadows in the area. And if she remembers it right, Sela said Jem will be surrounded by four black shadows.

Abby pursed her lips.

So it is really the power to predict future.

If so, when will that happen?

She sighed.

This is the disadvantage of that kind of power.

You will only be given a sign but you don't know when will that happen.

But the thing is, it's most probably not now.

She needs to go back to her office now and have someone to warn Jem not to go in the forest.

With that, Abby safely transported back in her office.

She let out a deep breath as she sat on her swivel chair.

"Just when can I get enough power to fight the Black Shadows?" she asked herself before closing her eyes to sleep.

Dana was just blankly looking at the water fountain when she spotted Jem and Sheki. They're actually gaining attention because they're having conversation right in the middle of the quadrangle.

'These days, it feels like I kept seeing you unintentionally.' Dana thought as she let out a deep breath and brought her gaze back at the water fountain.

She was already planning to go back to the student council office because she’s seriously going to get it from Rans if she doesn’t help them again but when she decided to take a last look at the duo, she found them walking towards the forest.

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