Chapter 17

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It's been a long time since my last update, I'm really sorry :( Been busy reading some fics here in the Wattpad that I forgot I also have a story hahaha

Anyway, you might have already forgot what happened in this story so feel free to move back and scan the previous chapter first before reading this update.

And also, I posted this as soon as I finished writing this on my drafts. Haven't re-read this again so if you see some mistakes or grammatical error (a lot more than I already have in the prev chapters hahaha), please excuse me.

And belated happy birthday to my Kami-oshi Abby 💚

Thank you everyone!



I sadly looked at the empty chairs in front of me. Jem and Coleen didn't come to class today. Jem got sick probably because of what happened to her yesterday while Coleen chose to stay to take care of her roommate.

I knew it was going to happen.

I saw how Jem would be in danger and I could have prevent it to happen but I didn't do anything.

Though Jem was safe, I still feel kind of guilty. I felt like it was my fault. And that was the reason why I still haven't told anyone about my somewhat premonition.

Well, except Abby.

And speaking of that girl...

I shifted my gaze towards the two empty chairs in the front row.

Abby and Rans didn't come to class as well.

I let out a heavy breath.

"What's wrong?"

I turned to look at Sheki who seems concerned about the way I'm acting.

"You seem distracted."she added."If it's because of what happened to Jem yesterday, you should stop worrying about it already. Jem is fine and we'll visit her again right after our class."

I just forced a smile before nodding my head at her.

"Yo Jem! What's up?" Belle enthusiastically greeted the girl who is lying on her bed. She put her palm on the girl's forehead and immediately retrieve it back."You're hot."

"I was feeling quite okay but not until you guys came. I suddenly felt sick again."

"Oh wow! So this is how you treat your friends who couldn't concentrate on our class earlier because we kept on worrying about you?"

"As if." was Jem's response to Belle while rolling her eyes."We all know you only sleep with your eyes open during class."

"That's not true!"

"Yeah. You should use your own magic power to yourself and see if you're lying or not."

Belle then turned to look at the mirror that was hanging on the room and pretended to check herself before exclaiming,"And my own magic said I wasn't bluffing."

My lips curved up into a smile.

Until now, I couldn't help but be thankful that I found such precious friends like them.

"Uhmm..." Coleen suddenly mumbled which gained our attention."Can you guys please stay with Jem for awhile? I'm just going somewhere."

I looked at Coleen in confusion.

She looks in a rush. Probably avoiding to be questioned.

Where is she going anyway?

My gaze then unconsciously went to the paper bag she's hiding behind her back.

What's that?

Is she hiding something?

"Where are you going?" Ecka asked.

"In the cafeteria. I'll be quick."

"I'm going with you." I said which made Coleen's eyes grew wide.

She obviously doesn't like the idea of me tagging along with her. But I'm're being suspicious.

"N-No need, Sela. I'll just be quick. I pro--"

"Just let Sela come with you, Coleen." Sheki firmly said."It's getting pretty dangerous even inside our school lately."

"I'll be fine, you--"

"Let's go." I said, flashing her a smile. I walked ahead of her towards the door and turned back to look at her when she didn't move and just stayed on her spot."Not going anymore?"

Sighing, Coleen started moving her feet towards the door.

As soon as we made it outside the dorm building, I turned to her and was about to question her but got surprised when she opened her mouth and said,"I'm just going to give this to Gabb."

I looked first at the paper bag that she lifted towards me before moving my gaze to her in confusion.

"What's inside?"

"Cookies." she shyly answered, lowering her head.

There was a faint blush on her cheeks and I bit my lips to stop myself from smiling because I know it would irritate the girl.

"What for?"

"Uhmmm know...she helped me find Jem yesterday. I just want to give this to her as a sign of my gratitude."

"Okay." I nodded and then continued walking, leaving her behind.

"But--" she started before quickly catching up to me."...I'm just doing this because I feel guilty. I've been really bad to her but she still helped me, you know."

"Yes, I understand."

"I still don't like her. I just need to do this so I won't feel guilty."

"Why do you even hate her?"

"I don't hate her. I just...don't like her."

"Okay. So why do you not like her? Did she do something to you?"

There was a long silence that I even have to tilt my head to check if Coleen is still with me.

"No..." she answered after awhile, looking down."And that's the problem. She didn't do anything."

"Ha?" I asked, frowning. She only mumbled those words so I need to confirm if I heard it right.

She then looked at me and shook her head."Nothing."

I pursed my lips.

I knew it. There was a reason why Coleen doesn't like Gabb.

It seems like something that Coleen doesn't want to share to anyone though. Considering how even Belle and the others thought Coleen is only envious of Gabb for having the same but greater power as hers.

I sighed.

If it's something that she doesn't want to talk about, then I don't have the right to push her to confide to me.

"Where do you think we can find Gabb though?" I heard Coleen asked. And as if on cue, I saw Gabb with what seem to be like Michael, exiting the school building together.

They seem to be headed towards the gate outside and they also look kind of serious.

I was contemplating whether is it right to disturb them since I know that the student council officers are all busy right now considering how even Abby and Rans didn't attend our class earlier.

But anyway, it's not like we will take a lot of their precious time. Coleen will just hand out the cookies to Gabb and go.

"There she is." I said, pointing at their direction.

"Let's go."

We approached the student council officers and I saw how Gabb's eyes widened in surprise, seeing Coleen.

Her obvious confusion only heightened when Coleen just wordlessly lifted her arm that was holding a paperbag in front of them.

"Ahhh.... Mine?" Michael cluelessly asked, pointing at himself."Or Gabb....?" now, pointing at the girl beside him. When Coleen directed her gaze towards Gabb, Michael could only awkwardly nod his head."...I guess for Gabb then..."

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from my mouth.

It seems like the student council members are also cool to be friends with. I don't understand why every students in here are intimidated to them.

"What is that?" Gabb carefully asked, alternating her gaze between the paper bag and Coleen.


"Cookies?" Michael was the one who asked.

"What for?" Gabb asked, still not getting the paper bag from my friend.

No. This is not good.

Judging from how Coleen is gritting her teeth, I feel like it will only be a matter of time till she burst out in anger.

Gabb better just accept the gift and stop asking questions.

"You helped rescue my friend, Jem yesterday. This is just a sign of my gratitude."

"But I...." Gabb paused, tilting her head in confusion."... didn't really do anything. Dana was the one--"

"Just accept it, will you?!"

The student council officers both look surprised at how Coleen slightly raised her voice but they probably just chose to ignore it.

"I don't eat cookies though."

Oh, God!

That's it.

Coleen's last string of patience.

Coleen then suddenly grabbed Gabb's hand and forced the paperbag on her."I said this is just a sign of my gratitude. I don't care if you eat cookies or not. You can give it away or throw it, I don't care. I just don't like being indebted to someone like you, okay?!"

"Someone like me? What do--" Gabb didn't manage to finish her sentence when Coleen angrily walked out from her."Seriously?!"

I just threw Gabb an apologetic look before running after Coleen.

I didn't know what I just witnessed.

I honestly thought I would be able to watch how a new lovestory will unfold but I guess not--

I stopped from running when my vision suddenly turned black. There was a deafening noise so I quickly used my hands to cover my ears but the noise is still there. Behind the noise, I can hear Coleen's voice worriedly calling out my name.

I couldn't see anything so I tried blindly reaching for Coleen. She quickly held my hand and patted my back while continuously asking what's wrong with me.

I couldn't answer because I didn't know what is happening with me too.

Am I going blind and deaf at the same time?

And then a stinging pain hit my head which made me gripped on Coleen's arm a little tighter than earlier.


This kind of pain.

This is the same one as I felt when I was with Abby.

Could it be...

... another.....premonition?

The pain on my head increased and I seriously thought I am already dying when images suddenly popped out.





I looked at Coleen in disbelief. The headache and noise on my ears already gone. But my face still pale because of what I saw.

And if the last vision I had became real, it's also possible for this one to come true.




"Huh?" Coleen was weirdly looking at me.

I firmly held her shoulders."I need to see Abby."

"Who is Abby?" she cluelessly asked but ended up giving me that weird look again when she realized who I might be talking about."You don't mean our student council president Abby, right?"

"Yes. That Abby."

"Sela..." she breathed out."It's possible to talk to the other student council members but with the president, it's kind of...."

I shook my head.

Of course. Coleen won't understand. I don't know why I'm telling this to her anyway l.

But I really need to see Abby.

I need to tell her what I saw.

As soon as possible.

"Coleen, go back to the room. I'll just go somewhere." I was about to leave when she held my arm, stopping me from walking.

"Are you seriously going to see Abby? How? By an application meeting again? Just do that tomorrow. It is not possible now because they're all busy." she seriously said, letting go of my arm.

I just looked at her, not knowing what to say.

It's not like I can tell her that I do talk to Abby even without the application meeting, right?

"Now or Tomorrow, it's not like you can slip off Rans tight security of Abby again like the first one though. I'm sure Rans won't let you talk to Abby again." she was just mumbling this so I didn't really feel the need to answer her."But anyway, I won't let you go alone. Not after what happened to you earlier. So let's go back, Sela."

I sighed as I reluctantly followed her.

I'll just sneak out later at night then.



Abby settled her gaze at Rans as the girl kept anxiously pacing back and forth in front of her in her office.

"Rans...." she called out once she already felt dizzy from following the girl's movement.

Rans only stopped for awhile to glance at her friend before continuing to walk again.

"You're making me dizzy."

"Then don't look!" Rans snapped but Abby look unfazed. Rans is a sweet and protective friend but she could also get quite grumpy sometimes. And being with her for almost all of her life, Abby is already used to her friend's mood swings.

"How can I when you're literally right in front of me?" Abby tried to play it cool but when Rans directed a glare at her, she just smilingly looked away.

After a few minutes, Rans finally stopped from pacing and put both of her hands on Abby's table, leaning on it.

"What's the name of Black Shadow that Dana killed again?"

"I think it's..... Miro? I'm not quite sure. Why?"

Abby just looked at Rans. The latter seems to be in deep thought so she just kept mum, waiting for her friend to organize her thoughts.

"Dana shouldn't have killed him."

"I agree." Abby said, pursing her lips.

Because they have killed Miro which is a Class A Black Shadow, the Black Shadows won't probably stay put. It will only take a matter of time till they attack and go on a killing rampage in their school just like what happened in the past.

"But if Dana didn't kill him, then she would be killed." Abby added which instantly removed the creases on Rans' forehead.

Seeing as to how her friend still kind of look worried, Abby stood up from her chair and moved towards Rans, putting her hands on both of the girl's shoulders.

"I have a plan."

Rans raised an eyebrow."What?"

"I'll go and attack the camp of Black Shadows."

With that, Rans shook Abby's hands that was on her shoulders and glared at her."Shut up."

"You think I'll fail?"

"Yes." Rans didn't hesitate to answer and when she noticed the slight disappointment on Abby's eyes, she added,"You're strong. Out of all people in here, I'm probably the only one who knows how capable you are."

"I know. So that's why--"

"But I don't think you can handle all of those Black Shadows alone. We know how strong Dana is even without transforming into her Demon form, right? But Miro, a single Black Shadow, managed to successfully push her to use her demon power. And we don't know how many Class A Black Shadows are waiting for you there. Plus, the head of the Black Shadows. Do you seriously think you can handle that all by yourself? I'm in no way doubting your capabilities but--"

"That's why you're coming with me."

Rans' eyes grew wide in disbelief."What?"

"We'll go together."

"You've gone crazy." was all Rans could only say as she moved a step away from Abby but the latter held her shoulders once again, turning to face her.

"Look, Rans. I believe in you. When you say that out of all the people in here, you're the only one who knows how capable I am, the same thing goes with me. I know how powerful you could be. And I think together, we can do it. We can beat the Black Shadows."

"I am fluttered but no. We already made a plan with all of the student council members and we're going with that. We'll wait for the Black Shadows' attack and wiped all of them here."

"But you know that's risky." Abby mumbled, looking away."Few lives would probably have to be sacrificed with that plan and I--.....I am not really fond of that idea."

Rans bit her lips to hide the pain and disappointment she's feeling.

If Abby don't want what they've planned because a lot of lives may be sacrifice and suggested that the both of them should be the only one to go and attack, it only means that Abby is basically sacrificing both of their lives.

"So you just want us to be the sacrifice and die together with you?" Rans didn't really plan to blurt that out but now that she did, she doesn't care anymore."That's sweet, huh?"

"We will not die." Abby answered, mumbling.

"Yeah." Rans snorted. Abby needs to convince herself first before actually saying that.

Abby tightened her grip on Rans' shoulders and directly look into her eyes."Or at least you won't die. I'll protect you whatever happens. I'll make sure of that."

Rans couldn't help the faint blush that appeared on her cheeks. There was something in the way Abby had said it that sent shivers down her spine. And she hates it. She hates the effect Abby have on her.

She bit the insides of her cheek.

She won't lose this argument.

Not when Abby is basically confirming that she'll sacrifice her own life for everyone.

She won't let that happen.

Rans removed Abby's hands on her shoulder once again and walked towards the glass window of the girl's office, looking outside at the peaceful quadrangle.

"I appreciate the trust you have in me but you have to trust the other members too." she started, turning back to Abby to look at her."Michael, Justin, Gabb, Dana and Alice. You know how they've been constantly training to maximize their power, right? I'm sure they're not just doing that to brag to everyone how powerful they have become. They also want to protect this school. And do you think they'll be happy to know that you're planning to  do everything on your own? Or with me only? Are you seriously just going to disregard their effort?"

Rans gazed at Abby and bit back a smile from forming on her lips. By the face that her friend is making, she knows she have won this argument.

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