Chapter 6

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"Two students died while the other three are in the clinic. Alice healed them but they still need more rest to fully stabilize their condition. They got serious injuries. Alice said that Class A Black shadows might have attacked them."

I just nodded my head while listening to Rans' report about last night's attack of the Black Shadows. The incident happened just right in front of the gate of the school.

We highly prohibited leaving the school's premises unless they have a permission to do so. But of course, it's impossible to not have some naughty students who probably finds pleasure in going against the rules.

"Class A Black Shadows?" I asked which Rans responded with a nod."Isn't it pretty alarming how some recent attacks were made by their Class A?"

Black shadows are divided by Class which depends on their powers.

Class C consists of Black Shadows which any of our students can probably deal with, Class B are middle rankers while Class A are the top rankers - definitely our counterpart.

"I know." Rans answered."It seems like they're threatening us."

I nodded, agreeing to what she said. We're currently heading towards the student council office and I couldn't help but be bothered on how some of the students that we're passing by kept on distancing themselves away from us.

As far as I know, the only rule is that they're not allowed to talk to us when inside the school hall. But there is no rule such as avoiding us as if we have some kind of a disease.

And it's not like we're going to attack them.

Though it might be because of the rumors that Rans can kill any black shadows or even our own students if she wants to.

"We will announce the death of the two students and the situation of the other three. This might alert them and be more cooperative of our school rules from now on." I stated which made Rans suddenly stopped from walking. I looked back at her,"What's the matter?"

"I agree. But don't you think we should do something about our school's force? You know... the Black Shadows' force kept on increasing every time. We need to do the same. They just can't keep on depending to us. "

"What do you want to do?"

"We should make the Challenge Battlefield a requirement."

I pursed my lips.

Challenge Battlefield....

It is one of the activities that we implement in our school. It is challenging someone into a friendly fight. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen the use of every student's power.

But the thing is, we don't really require this. A student can challenge someone but the one who is being challenged has the right to refuse it.

That's why no one seems to be trying the Challenge Battlefield Activity now.

But having to require this activity is kind of....

Other students might just use this chance to legally bully someone.

"Having just simple classes about powers isn't enough. They need to utilize their powers too, don't you think so?" Rans continued when I didn't speak up.

I smiled at her."Thank you, Rans. I'll take that into consideration."

"You know Abby.....I appreciate that as much as possible you don't want to involve any of our students in the fight against the Black Shadows. But I also want you to know that anything can happen. When an unfortunate event comes, they also need to protect themselves instead of cowering in fear."

I smiled.

It is because of Rans strictness in dealing with the students that makes everyone scared of her.

If only they know that this girl just wants what the best for them...

When we reached the student council office, Justin's eyes instantly bulged out upon seeing us. Next to him is Dana who is snickering at his reaction.

Oh yes!

He's the one who signed Sela's application meeting.

I just ignored his reaction and looked around the office. I saw Michael who is playing on his phone again and Gabb who looks serious on whatever she's doing in her laptop.

"Where's Alice?" Rans asked.

"She was here earlier. She just went out to check the condition of the three injured students." Justin answered as he hurriedly pick up his bag on the table and sling it on his shoulder."I'll be leaving as well. I have class. Bye!"

Rans suspiciously eyed the guy's rushing figure."When did he ever care about being late in his class?"

"I know right. He might have done something." Dana grinned before heading towards the door."I'll just go and inspect the scene where the attack happened."

"Go on. And please report immediately if you ever discover something. Alice said that the attackers might be Class A so please be careful in case that they're still lurking around here."

"Tss! Don't worry, Abby. I am Dana. I can beat even ten Class A Black Shadows."

"Just go." Rans glared at Dana so the latter quickly made an exit."And you...." she hissed as she walked towards Michael and hit his head.

"Awww. What was that for?"

"Is playing games on your phone the only thing you know?"

I chuckled as I looked at the pouting Michael while being scolded by Rans

"Gabb..." I called out the girl who's still busy with her laptop.

"Yes, Pres?" she asked, finally tearing her gaze from the device.

"Write an article about the incident last night. Make sure you put the headline on the cover page of our school's newspaper."

"Got it."

"Michael, help Gabb on printing and distributing the newspaper, okay?"

"Copy, Boss!"

"Rans and I will be going now. We have a class."

"You don't really need to study but.... Study well!" we heard Gabb exclaimed before we stepped outside of the office.

"By the way, Abby...." Rans suddenly said while we're walking along the hall.


"Isn't our class today practical?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Will Sela be okay?"

My lips tightly shut at the question.

Yeah. Sela. I forgot about her.

That girl still doesn't know how to show her power.

And practical classes require showing off your power.

I smiled at Rans."I guess we'll find out later?"



Our whole class is now here at a somewhat secluded place of the campus. It's like a small forest enclosed with huge branches of tree.

Sheki already told me about this. That our lesson for today is different from the usual.

This is going to be a practical class.

A practical class where you need to display your magic power

And yes, this might be a doomsday for me.

It's not like I spent the past few days just bumming around.

I went to the library and read every books about magic powers but the thing is, I couldn't really apply it to myself.

'Believe in your power and your power will also believe in you.' that was what Jem told me so I spent a whole day telling myself I have a power but nothing really happened.

Now, I couldn't help but doubt myself again.

"What should I do?" I worriedly asked Belle who is standing beside me.

She looked at me and grinned."Do you have skill in mind reading?"


"You know that I only have a truth or lie power, right?"

My eyes widened."Oh right! So how does this practical class work for someone like you who doesn't have physical powers?"

"Wow." Belle scoffed, looking really offended."You're making my power sounds like a useless power."

"Isn't it?" I teased which earned a glare from her."Just kidding. So tell me how?"

"So for me, Mr. A just tells stories about himself and I'll tell if it's truth or lie."

"That easy?"

"Yes. But right now, I think Mr. A is trying to improve my power. He wants me to be able to read what's on his mind and tell if it's truth or lie. Though I couldn't really do that now. If I did, I would be able to surpass Alice power." she paused, laughing."Imagine she can only read what's on a person's mind but she can't tell if it's truth or lie."

"You're right. Isn't Alice's power really weak compared to the other student council members then?"

"But she also has healing powers. Her powers might be weak for combats but she is really useful."

I nodded.

If I would be given a chance to pick a power, I would also like to have a healing power.

"So..should I just say that I have the same magic power as you?"

"Only if you're good at reading people."

"Why should I be good when you can just tell me if it's a truth or lie, right?"

I felt bad for suggesting us to cheat but... What can I do?

I'm desperate right now.

Belle laughed."I'm sorry but that's not possible, Sela. The use of power by someone other than the training individual is prohibited."

I closed my eyes in distress.

I'm hopeless now.

What should I do?

"Okay! We're going to start now." Mr. A, our professor suddenly said which made everyone looked at him.

I tilted my head towards Abby's direction and saw her attentively listening to our professor's instructions too.

They told me that Abby is more powerful than any of our professors so I wonder why she still looks so interested in listening to someone inferior to her

But it's not like it's my problem anyway.

Why am I even thinking about her instead of worrying about my own situation?

"Because we have a new student, we will call her first. Ms. Sela."


And as if on cue, the whole class snapped their heads towards me.

I looked at Belle, and then to Sheki, Ecka, Coleen and Jem for help but they all seem to be in panic too

"Tell him you don't have a physical type of power." Belle whispered to me after her few seconds of silence.

That seems to be the most right thing to do to escape in this situation since the activity is specifically for physical type of power.

There is a can on top of a small platform in the middle of this forest-like area where we are conducting this activity and all we have to do is to make the can fall out of the platform using our power.

Mr. A noted that this activity isn't as easy as it sounds because they made the can impenetrable - which means that weak power won't make it fall.

So I was about to follow Belle's advice when our professor suddenly talked again.

"It says here that your power is being able to control everything with your mind."


My friends all turned to look at me.

"So that's your power." Coleen said, eyes sparkling in amusement.

"N-No, I--"

"You really have a cool power." Ecka proudly remarked.

"But I--"

"Now you know what's your power. Go and show it!" Belle happily exclaimed as she hardly tapped my shoulder.

"Ms. Sela, come here."


Unwillingly, I moved my feet and started walking in front. I can feel how all eyes were following every movements I make and it's somehow making me uncomfortable.

I stopped my feet right at the line where our professor instructed us to be. It's like at least 10-15 meters far from the platform where the can is located

It's too far.

"On cue."

I breathed out.

My power is mind control.

So if I think that I'll be able to make the can fall, it will fall.

I narrowed my eyes, focusing on the can a few meters away from me.



Please fall.

Shit! It's impossible!

This is impossible!

I tilted my heads towards my friends and they just all nodded their heads as if telling me that I can do this.

But no shit! I can't!

Unconsciously, my gaze switched to Abby. And unexpectedly, she was also directly looking at me.

But then suddenly, our surroundings grew quiet.

I almost thought that it's like in every movies where when main characters stare at each other, everything else don't matter anymore. But not until I looked around and realized how everyone isn't moving.

As in they're literally like in freeze mode.

I quickly snapped my head back towards Abby only to see her still looking at me.

But I know that she isn't like everyone who is in freeze mode because her chest is moving which means that she is breathing.

Is this--

Is this Abby's power?

"Do you remember what I told you?" she suddenly said and I just looked at her, still not believing how I'm now experiencing her power."When you were about to get hit by a car, your power saved you. Do you know why?"


"It's because you're desperate."

I frowned

It's because....I'm desperate?

"So if you desperately call for your power...." she trailed off and I realized that everyone has also started moving.

I looked at my friends and it seems like they don't have an idea that they just become statues for a few seconds.

I brought my gaze back to the can.

If I desperately call for my power?

"Ms. Sela?" I heard our professor called me but I just kept my eyes on the can.

If I am desperate... power will save me.

If I am... desperate. power will show.

But I am desperate right now

So desperate.

I am really--

Then there was an explosion.

A lot of trees got cut down and a huge hole was made on the branches of the trees that were used to enclose this area

The platform where the can was placed broke down and the can didn't just fall, it got shattered.

Looking at the scene, everyone was speechless.

Even I, myself couldn't really believe what happened.

What did really happen anyway?

I tilted my head back only to see all of my classmates looking at me in shock.


Why are they staring at me as if I'm the one who made that?

I didn't do that.

There is no way I can do that.

It must be Abby.

Right! It's Abby!

I snapped my head towards the girl I am suspecting only to see her staring at the mess the explosion had caused. It looks like she was examining it.

And then she turned her gaze towards me.

Her lips curled into a smile.

A proud smile.

I quickly brought my gaze back at the disaster in front of me

Did I really--

Did I really do this?



Updated because it's #HappySelaDay!

Thank you so much for all of your comments! I've read all of it which makes me super motivated now 😅

For the next chapter, what should I do?

Focus on SeBy first (like let them get to know each other better first) or... is it already the right time to give a glimpse of the other pairings too?


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