Chapter 7

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News about the level of my power that caused our practical class to be cancelled quickly spread around the whole campus.

Whenever I walked passed by, students would always look and gossip about me.

I do not in any way enjoy the attention I am attracting but it seems like my friends do.

'This is so cool. We're now like a powerful group' - Coleen.

'So this is how those student council members feel whenever they walk around the hall, huh? I like it!' - Sheki

'Get off our way, weaklings!' - Belle

As much as I want to deny the news, I couldn't do that because a lot people have already witnessed my power.

After our practical class that day, I kept persuading my friends that it wasn't me so we went to the quadrangle and they asked me to lift the vacant bench using my mind control power so I did.

And guess what?

I broke the bench and the lamp post near to it fell down.

All of the students at the quadrangle that day witnessed it.

And I also witnessed it myself.

There is no Abby to be blame to.

It really is my power.

It's great that I can now finally show my power but the thing is, I still couldn't control it.

Whenever I try to use my power, it would always caused a disaster so my friends advised me not to use it for now. Not until I get the hang of it.

I just let out a huge breath as I plopped my body on my bed.

"What's with the sigh?" I heard Sheki suddenly asked.

She was busy playing with her fire power again.

Which I really do hope she stop doing that inside our room anymore because it seriously gets hot every time.

"Isn't it sucks that I now know how to make my power appear but still can't use it because I couldn't control it?"

"You're making it sound like a big problem."

"It is!" I whined.

"Well, if it is really that big of a problem for you. You can just go and practice your power instead of lazily lying in your bed like that, you know."

"How? I destruct everything every time I use my power!"

"There's a forest here where you can practice your power. You can destruct everything there and no one will know."

I quickly shot up from my bed and looked at her interestedly."Where is that?"

"When you go outside of this dorm building, face left. Opposite of the direction towards our school building and just go straight. You'll see trees, just go further until you see a wide area. It is said that student council members practice their powers there but I don't really know."

"You never go there?"

Sheki shook her head."It's too dangerous. Black shadows linger there."

"And you're asking me to go there?" I asked, shocked at the fact that she had just suggested me to go to a dangerous place.

"Well, you're powerful. You can probably beat them with your power"

I rolled my eyes."I don't know if you're being serious but whatever."

"Are you planning to go?" she asked when she saw me getting up from my bed."Bring your cellphone."


She put off the fire in her palm and looked at me."Yes. What? Don't tell me you still haven't get your cellphone?"

"I don't know. I lost my cellphone when I woke up here."

"No, silly. This school gives us our own cellphone. Check your drawer."

"Drawer? There's no cellphone there. I already checked it It's just clothes."

Sheki just rolled her eyes before lazily dragging her feet towards my drawer. She opened it and took something from the far back of the drawer.

It's a cellphone.

"How-- Where did you get that?"

"You've seen it with your two eyes!" Sheki scolded, lightly hitting my head with the phone before handing it to me."I saved my number and the others there. Just call us if something happen, okay?"

I smiled."Thank you, Sheki."

I was busy putting my shoes on when Sheki suddenly speak again.

"Or do you want me to come with you?"

I looked at her and my heart instantly warmed at the worried look on her face.

I never once imagined having someone who will worry about me after the death of my foster mother.

"Don't worry." I assure her."I'll give you a call when something happen."

When Sheki nodded, I quickly went out of the room and headed towards the place where she suggested me to practice.



Coleen was heading back towards her shared room with Jem when she was stopped by five students.

She knows them.

They are Lara, Cole, Laney, Nikko and Maru. In short, they are Brei's underlings.

And she might also know the reason why she's being cornered like this....

They want Sela.

After the news broke out about how there's a powerful newcomer, Coleen would be surprised if Brei doesn't make her move.

Excluding the student council members, Brei is the most powerful student. And together with the gang she made, they become an untouchable group.

However, with the news rounding about Sela, there is no way Brei would keep mum about this.

She needs to confirm the rumors herself.

Coleen looked at the five students cornering her. She knows their powers. And there isn't anyone from them who can fly.

So there is only one way she could deal with them.

Fly and escape.

Because there is no way she could beat five powerful students after all.

Coleen was about to fly but she was suddenly splashed with water.

"Nah uh. I won't let you escape, Ms. Birdie." Laney mocked as she lifted a hand and formed a new set of water just right above Coleen's head.

Coleen knew that trying to flee again would be futile now so she just stayed still, sharply looking at them.

"Where is Sela?" Cole asked.

"Why are you asking me instead of checking her room yourselves? Do you think we will hide Sela from you?"

"Awww what a good friend you are." Lara sarcastically remarked, laughing alongside her friends.

"No. It's because we're confident that Sela can beat all of you. You can even bring your one great leader, you know."

Laney didn't like Coleen's response so she put her hand down which made the water fall on the girl once again.

"Now... Can you repeat what you said?"

"I said....." Coleen paused, wiping the water that is drenching her face."....Sela can beat all of you even with her eyes closed."

Laney had enough. She was about to hit the girl again with her water power when someone suddenly spoke.

"What are you guys doing?"

They all snapped their heads towards the source of the voice and their eyes widened in shock, seeing one of the student council members - the one who can expertly control the water, Gabb.

Coleen silently huffed. She's thankful that someone came up but of all people, she wonders why does it have to be Gabb?

She just looked on as Gabb slowly walked towards them and stopped just right beside her. The student council member's gaze stayed at her for a while before switching to the group.

"What is this?"

"W-We--" Laney tried to answer but she was shaking so Lara quickly spoke up.

"We were just training. She asked us to help her improve her power."

"Is it true?"

Coleen glanced at Brei's group only to see Lara giving her a threatening look.

Even though Coleen really wants to tell the truth and let them be punish, she thinks that it is useless anyway. If she expose them now, they will just be given a 3-day use of power prohibition punishment but their anger towards her will probably last until the day they die.

Coleen looked at Gabb who is waiting for her answer.

And she doesn't want to be indebted to this girl.

"Yes. They're just training me."

"S-See?" Laney let out a nervous laugh. Then she nodded at her friends, signalling them to leave."We will go now. Goodluck, Coleen!"

Gabb's eyes just followed the group's retreating figure before turning her gaze to the drenched girl in front of her.

It's obvious that they're not training and just bullying this girl but if the one who is being bullied doesn't want to be helped then she couldn't do anything.

"Are you sure you don't really want them to be punished?" she tried politely asking so she was surprised when the girl lifted her head and somewhat gave her a glare.

"No, thank you." Coleen sharply said before walking away from the student council member as well.

Gabb could just stare at the girl's heavy footsteps away from her.

She was so sure that the girl got bullied earlier. But now, she thought that maybe they were just really training and she somehow ruined it.



I couldn't help but stare in awe when Abby cut down a lot of trees by doing slicing hand gestures as if she's just playing the fruit ninja game.

I finally found the place where Sheki suggested me to go but was surprised when I saw that Abby was already here so I hid behind a huge tree and just watched her while she was training.

Abby looked like she was just waving her hand but she had already managed to chopped a huge stem of tree into a dice.

"Show yourself." I almost jumped in surprise when I heard Abby suddenly said.

She still has her back facing me so there's no way I'm the one she's talking to.

But then I saw her put her hand down and turned around, just exactly at where I am hiding.

"Ms. Powerful Newcomer."


How did she know I'm here?

I mean--

Yeah. I forgot she's that powerful.


Surrendering, I stepped outside of the tree where I'm hiding and looked at her."I have a name. It's Sela."

I don't know why but it actually irks me to hear her also calling me by the name every students in the school have given me ever since our practical class.

We've already met at her office and we're even classmates so I would be lying if I say I'm not hoping that she would at least remember my name.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm just--"

"What is it that you want again?"

Wow, seriously?

She's making it sound like I'm stalking her!

"Excuse me but I'm just planning to practice here. I didn't even know you're here!" I exclaimed and I honestly don’t know how I got this courage to talk back to our school's almighty president.

Just when I was about to apologize for my rudeness, she suddenly chuckled.

And it's my first time seeing her beamed like that.

She's really pretty.

"The last time we met, you were anxious around me. But now, you look brave." she paused, chuckling once again."I can see how your power changed you."

I widened my eyes in defense."It's not like that!"

"You probably think you can defeat anyone now, huh?"

I clenched my fist

She's really starting to get on my nerves.

"I said it's not--" the rest of my words hung in my throat when she suddenly appeared right in front of me.

I unconsciously made a step backwards which made her smirk.

What the hell?

Using a teleportation, huh?

"Just by the fact that you're here means you're confident with yourself."


I yelped when she suddenly put her arm around my waist and pulled me near her. I was about to push her away and ask what the hell is she doing but stopped when she lifted her free arm and slashed something.

A scream escaped from my mouth when I saw a head suddenly fell on the ground. I unconsciously gripped on Abby's uniform and buried my face on her neck.

And I hate myself for still having a time to notice how good she smells.

"Don't you know that this place is where the Black Shadows usually lurk to spy on our school?"

I didn't answer and just tightened my grip on her.

I was shaking. So much.

Because this is my first time seeing someone who got beheaded.

However.... I understand that it is needed.

Abby pulled me near her so that Black Shadow must have been aiming to kill me. If it weren't for Abby, I'll probably be dead by now.

"I teleported us to a different place. You can now let go." I heard Abby said so I quickly pulled away from her, face heating from embarrassment.

I looked around and realized that we're indeed, already in a different area though still part of the forest.

She probably teleported us just a few meters away from where we were before so I wouldn't see the dead body.

"T-Thank you."

"What is this? Are you being shy again?"

I  lifted my head to send her a glare.

"I'm just joking." she chuckled."Walk straight and you'll be back to school."

I frowned.

Back to school???

Why is she--

"Hey!" I exclaimed at her."I said I went here to practice my power! Why are you asking me to go back?!"

This girl!

She must have really thought that I was just stalking her!

"I told you Black Shadows linger here. If you go here, you also need to be prepared to kill. And I can see that you're not yet--"

"I was just surprised, okay?" I countered, directly looking at her."If it's Black Shadows, I would kill them without any hesitation."

Abby just stared at me and didn't say anything.

And I was starting to get anxious again.

Did I go overboard?

I don't even know why I kept on talking to her as if we're friends. It's weird but I kind of feel comfortable around her

It's like we've already known each other for a long time.

I kept forgetting the fact that she is a well-respected figure here in our school and a simple student like me shouldn't even be having any kind of conversation with her.

"Tomorrow, after our class...let's meet here."

I frowned.

What is she saying?

"I'll train you."

A simple student like me shouldn't even be having any kind of conversation with someone like her...

But yet, a simple student like going to be trained by someone like her.



And there! I really tried put in a glimpse of the other pairing which is UniCoco. And of course, there is also SeBy.

I'm sorry that there isn't much romantic scenes. It's because I don't want to rush the love line. I want them to be able to build their characters first.

I don't believe in love at first sight you know. You might be infatuated at first sight but being in love, I believe takes time. Hahahaha

Thank you all for your comments. And you said that this story is like Alice Academy and Boku No Hero so I'm planning to watch both animes. Maybe I could really get some inspiration there.

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