No. 1 |Nobody's Origin

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This is an old story of mine, it is not up to date on my new style but if you want to continue reading I appreciate it!


"What do you want?" He spits.
"Why do you hate me?" Midoriya whimpers.

"Cuz' you're a nobody who doesn't know his place!" He yells like it was obvious.

Midoriya stays in pitiful silence while walking down the street next to his bully.
"You're so annoying." Bakugou Mutters.
"S-Sorry.." He pouts.
"If your that sorry about it get lost, go die a shit-hole or something." His.. Colorful vocabulary is quite surprising for a 10-year old.

Midoriya stays stunned silence. He just told him to kill himself... What if he did? Does he even think of his own consequences? Or does he hate Midoriya so much that he doesn't care for his reputation?

A deep sigh erupted from his small body when he reached his home. He quietly opens the door to hear speaking.
"I don't know what to do with him.. He's quirkless you know what people do.."

Silence filled the room while Mrs. Midoriya listens to the person on the phone.
"Yeah.. You're right.."

He takes off his shoes and goes to his room.

'A pathetic fanboy's room..' He tears up. He gets up and rummaged through his drawer. He finds what he was looking for, a metal blade.

He presses the cold blade against his skin, trembling. He makes a small cut but then quickly goes deeper.
'Kacchan would love to see these right? To know I'm suffering?'

He stands up from his floor with blood dripping onto the wooden floor. He fell back feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

He decides to search for his bandages from the ground. I finds them and wraps them up to stop the bleeding.
'I'll wash them later..' He thought to himself.

Extremely tried from his long day at school he falls asleep on the floor, not bothering to get on the bed.

"Ah!" He screams. A cold sweat drips out of every pour. He quickly covers his mouth and wonders if his mom heard.

He looks out the window, still dark out. He sighs and goes to the bathroom. He turns of the faucet and unwraps his bandages. He tosses the used bandages in the trash and let's the water wash away excess blood.

"I want to get out of here." He states aloud.
He's thought of it so many times. Just getting out of this place.
'I should go now, right now is perfect.'
He makes up his mind. No one will miss him.

He tightly wraps his wounds and goes to his room. He dumps out everything in his school bag and stuffs things he'll need.

'Money check. Canned food check. Spare clothes check. Pocket knife check. Note book and pencils check. Bandages and disinfectants check. Thin blanket check. Water check.'

He didn't want to bring too much. He was going to go out to the streets he shouldn't take too much. He grabs a new pair of clothes to put on.

'Am I really doing this?'
Doubt plagues his mind. He shakes his head. Then he grabs paper and pencil.

'Goodbye Mom.
-Izuku Midoriya.'

He didn't want things to be emotional and he back out. He also didn't want her to think someone kidnapped him.

With a heavy sigh he exits his home.

Darkness picks at every corner. He already found a great place to get away. An abandoned apartment tucked away at the edge of town. But he wanted to stop by the Bakugou's.

'Katsuki, I know you hated me. I'm afraid I couldn't come to kill myself, sorry.
-Izuku Midoriya'

Nothing holding him back now. He dashes for his new home. A perfect place where he can get away from everyone. It was his new paradise.

The run down apartment came into view.

I can't wait. I'll clean the place up a bit and plan where I'll sleep. It'll have to be secure and remote just in case people come in.

I walk in to see glass and furniture everywhere. Does it have it's own water pipeline? If not I'll have to find something else.

I got to the old kitchen and turn on the tab. Nothing.. Oh if I remember correctly then old building often have well pumps. I go outside and there it is, I try this one and it works!

If people come here I don't want them to know someone lives here. Maybe I'll only sweep up the glass and take some furniture.

I sweep up the glass with an old broken broom. Now I'll search for the best secret room. Maybe the attic? Or the furthest room? I'm not sure. The apartment is made in concrete so I don't have to worry about wood caving in.

I find a built in closet. Perfect. No one would suspect a closet. It has a shelf tucked inside and the floor can be swept. I grab a rag and pour water in a bucket I found. Time to scrub my new room.

Spic and spam. The dirty grime and mild has been completely removed. I suddenly remember out of nowhere, I didn't clean the blood off my floor. Too late now. Its already day.

My small ten year old body troops heavily. So tired. I grab the blanket and close the closet door. Its summer so it's not too cold anymore, I quickly fall asleep.

I wake up. My stomach growls and I walk outside to look at the sun for time. Its nearly noon. I'll ration my food and eat half of a can for my lunch.

I wonder what I can do around here. People should be searching by now I should stay inside. Maybe I can clean upstairs? I know I said I wouldn't clean but it's better than nothing. I grab the broom, rag, and bucket and haul them upstairs.

First I swept and that took a long time there was a lot of rooms and too much broken things. I threw all the furniture down the stairs. It was satisfying to see the stuff break now I see why people destroy stuff!

Now I can scrub. This will probably take longer.. But it'll be worth it because when it's clean it will be pretty.

If you guys are wondering why I didn't warn you with the depressed thoughts and actions then it's because I have already labeled my this book mature.
Thanks for reading!

Words: 1063

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