No. 13 |Alpha Zero

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I drag him along to a bar.
"I'm not going in there." He crosses his arms.
"Well I heard this is the place to go for information." I tug at his arm. I walk in to see it pretty empty, only a few patrons.

"Hi!!" I excitingly sit at the bar and greet the bartender.
"What do you kids want?" He growls. I lean in to whisper.
"I can't seem to find the rings. Can you help me?"
"For a price."
"I don't have money though..." My hopes deflate.
"Good information is accepted."

I lift up my head happily. I know exactly what to say.
"You know the drug lord around here? I heard some people are going to rebel against him! They're currently gathering a lot of people." I smile.

"The rings will be held at a destroyed apartment near the forest, it was knocked down a few years ago." I smile happily, extremely content with his directions. I think he means my old home!

Bakugou stays silent.
"Do you buy information?" I ask, of course I have more on the rebellion.
"Oh good! Here, so about the rebellion it'll happen in a little less than a month and the organizer is..." I lean in and say the name. I retreat back to find his face extremely satisfied with my information. He slides me 5,330¥ I squeal with delight.

"Thank you!"
"Never caught your name." He stares at me.
"Oh I'm Deku!" I reach out to shake his hand. He pauses and stares at me carefully.
"That deku?" He looks surprised. Any chatter stopped and I felt the stares bore into my skull.
"One and only!" I sing keeping up my facade.
"Wow.." He mutters.

"We haven't heard of you in forever!" He suddenly get a bit happy.
"Well yeah, I couldn't find the rings!"
"I've seen some of your fights, sorry I didn't recognize you."
"Thank you for watching! Did you bet on me before?"
"Oh yes a lot actually, I knew you would win."
"Thank you! Welp I have to leave! See you in the crowd!" I wave goodbye and exit with Katsuki.

"You're known?" He asks.
"Apparently." I growl. My old facade quickly wore off.
"Alright! Let's go to the rings!" I cheer out.
"Ah? You want me to be surrounded by more rats?" An annoyed angry tone takes over.
"Well I don't want to leave you alone.. and I need the money anyways!" I whine.

"Fine." He angrily agrees to go with me. I walk along and go straight to my old home. The crowd it there cheering on the fighters.
"I don't suggest you fight or bet."
"No way in hell I will." I drag him to the front of the crowd. I start to study the fight while grasping Katsuki's arm.

I start getting a little anxious and put in in front of me. I saw someone get drugged in the crowd before and I don't want that to happen to him. One of them knocks to other out.
"Hawks wins!!" The same announcer voice booms out. Some of the people take hero names to hide their name.

"Come on over to grab your reward!" He trudge to the announcement clearing.
"Alright!! Who wants to fight the Hawk phoney!?" I get excited and raise me hand.
"You!" She points to me.
"Oh! A familiar face! Come on up Deku!" A murmur spreads throughout the crowd. I grab Katsuki and grab him closer to the ring then leave him to get in.

"Place your bets!! Who'll win? Our veteran Deku? Or will it be the rookie hawks!? You got five minutes!!"
I turn to Katsuki.
"Wanna see me fight??" I happily ask.
"Can't go back now, can you?"
"Nope!" I smile.

"Hey do me a favor." He looks at me weird.
"Can you go to the announcement area? Tell her you're my friend."
"Yeah okay." He shoves his hand into his pockets. I watch him carefully weave through the crowd and to the announcer. I see his mouth move and she looks at me with a thumbs up. I return the thumbs up to signify he really is my friend.

"Time's up!!" The crowd cheers.
" You can use anything! Only rule is, don't kill your opponent nor anyone in the crowd! We'll call the cops and snitch on the killer!"

Ding Ding Ding
The match starts and the familiar Ding let's adrenaline course through my veins. I put up my fists and stare down my opponent who is clearly nervous. I smirk, I can take advantage of his fear. I step closer, he steps back.
"Don't be a wimp!" A stranger yells at him.

"Come on hawks." I taunt. His quirk is weak. It increased his fist size by half an inch. He has some muscles but I know I'm much stronger and quicker. I get impatient and swing my fist at his kidney. He land on the ground with a thud. I quickly flee to the other side of the ring not allowing a split second for him to swipe my feet under.

He gets up grunting. I'll at least entertain him a bit, or rather the crowd. His fist increase and he lunges at me. I dodge and lift my elbow up only to slam it into his back. I hear him struggle to breathe, I guess I knocked the wind out of him.

I take my moment and kick his stomach with my barefoot seeing as I haven't found any shoes yet. I hear him hiss at the impact. I grab his hair and drag him to the center. Then I slam his face in the ground, blood splattered the concrete. I keep at it until I'm interrupted.

"Deku wiins!!" The announcer flashes me a warning. Oops.
"Come on up and collect your shit!"
I get up with a little blood on my hands from the poor guy. I pity him and lift him up to bring him to Doc.
"Who wants to go against Deku!?"
A hand raises.

Hehehe who is it?? It's not hard to figure out!! Take a guess and comment!!

Words: 1028

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