No. 15 |What..?

139 5 0

I walk to the announcement area.

"You fight like some sort of fucking barbarian." Katsuki interrupts me walking to my reward.
"Gotta live somehow." I smile. I grab the money that was handed to me and slip them in their rightful places.

"Ya know Alpha Zero, out here is shit. I could die in those rings, just like you could die if you actually make it pro."
"Your point?"
"You may see my fighting style like a barbarian but everyone.."
I spread my arms and put a hand towards the crowd.

"Everyone see it as life or death, and it's entertaining."
"You guys call this entertainment?"
"Of course! You watch All Might fight for the citizens, entertaining is it not? It's the exact same thing, why do you think heroes are fun to watch?"

He stays quiet. I watch the realisation take over his naive eyes. The announcer already picked someone, a girl named Altesh. I smirk and walk pass Katsuki to Doc. He checks it out and say only time will tell. Hopefully either my body can heal it or the quirk has a time limit.

I turn around and enter the rings once more for another fight.

Ding Ding Ding

I put up my fist(Seeing as my other arm is useless) and observe my opponent. Will she use her quirk? Fight fist first? Or will she wait for me to jump?

She closes her eyes and all of a sudden I'm on the ground. My vision blurs but I manage to see her feet shuffle towards me. I try to drag myself to the end of the ring. A swift kick my my head makes my head swat away.

She goes for another kick but I grab her leg and attempt to drag her down. It doesn't work, it's like I have muscle weakness or something. She continues to kick me all over, my vision turns black.

I sit up quickly. I look around and spot Katsuki right next to me. Relief washes over, I'm glad he's alright.
"Guess my streak ended there." I chuckle.
"Shut up or I'll punch you in the face." He growls. I roll my eyes.
"Thanks for fixing me up doc!"
"Stop making me fix you."

I get up and grab my backpack. It's sunset we should find a place to sleep.
"You wanna go back home or do you want to find some place to sleep?"
"Lets find a place to sleep."

"You two can sleep here." Doc suggests.
"No way I'll get robbed."
"I can keep an eye on you."
"Nope, let's go." I grab Katsuki's hand and we walk off.

"Why couldn't we just stay there?"
"Too many people have grudges on me. Most people are childish when they lose to a quirkless kid."

We search the rooftops, none. We move on to search anything else, none.
"You may not like this."
"We're sleeping in the dumpster."
"The hell? No."
"Then we're sleeping on a tree."
"Better than a dumpster." He grumbles.

We go deeper into a forest. He doesn't have a belt to strap himself on the tree so I give him mine. We climb into a big tree and go high up so no one can spot us. He straps himself.

"Bakugou give me your jacket."
He gives it to me and I tie it around myself and the tree, hopefully this helps. I give him the blanket in return and try to sleep.

"Hey you two!" Someone yells. I wake up quickly and shake Katsuki.
"This is the police. Come down with your hands up." Shit. I gulp hard.
"Katsuki.." I whisper.
"Fucking caught aren't we?"
"Bad spot... We need to give up." I sigh in defeat.

We hop down and raise our hands.
"Midoriya.. Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki correct?"
I nod.
"You two have been missing for a while, but you," He looks at me.
"You've been gone too long, worrying you mother half to death." He shakes his head.

"Come on." He makes us follow him to the car and has us hop in. He drives us to the police station and they search us, find my stash of money and knife in my backpack.. He separates us and takes me to a room.

"Alright, you have a suspicious amount of money, a knife, and a suspicious amount of scars. What have you done?" I stay silent.

"Look you're still a minor. Worse thing you can get is a few years."
"I haven't done anything illegal.." I defend myself.

"You know, had a tip the rings were set up yesterday. Is that were you got the money?"
"Rings? I've only heard whispers of that place. I admit I tried to find it but had no success."

"Then where did you get money?"
"A few jobs here and there I saved up."
"What about your arm?"
"Some jerk tried to rob me and used his quirk."
"Did you use the knife?"
"No I beat him up, sorry it was self defense."

"The scars?"
"People messing with me and me messing up, being the clutz I am." I chuckle.

"We heard of someone named Deku. He has green hair like you."
"Really? That's so cool! I've heard of his fights!" I give a fanboy facade.

"We have too, pretty dangerous don't you think?"
"Well yeah! He's defeated a lot of people!"
"You sure know a lot for someone who's heard whispers."
"He earned a big name for himself who doesn't know about him??" I smile copying the same reaction the bar tender had.

He sighs and exits the room. I hope I did good.. I wait for him to come back.  He comes back with a sorrow face. I give him a weird look, what's up with him?

"You alright sir?" I ask.
"We just received some news on you."
"On me??"
"Your mother.."
"My mom..?"
"She was caught in the middle of an armed robbery."
"What are you trying to say?" I growl.
"She was one of the hostages who passed away.."

Sorry I just dropped that bomb....

Words: 1011

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