No. 14 |Testing His Strength.

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My gaze flutters to Katsuki. He had his hand raised.
"Alpha Zero! No way I'm not fighting you!" I call out.
"As come on Deku let's just give it a try." He smirks confidently. The crowd by now is completely silent and confused. Understandable, no one but the announcer and Doc were friendly with me.

Thankfully the announcement area is dark due to a huge tree and you can't see his face well. He's being too risky. He wants to be a hero so he shouldn't do anything illegal.

I stomp to him with the Hawks over my shoulder dripping his blood on me. I get close.
"You will not fight me. Save that for private shit unless you want to ruin your hero carrier." I growl angrily.
"You don't get to tell me what to do!" He punches me. Gasps ripple through the crowd.

I grab his throat.
"Now now you don't want to ruin my precious reputation huh?" I growl deeper tightening my grip. I let go and he coughs a little.
"Allow him to fight and I will disregard our friendship and beat the shit out of you." I glare at the announcer.

"Calm down kid, I won't let him." She reassures me. Good. I would have robbed the place while I was at it too. I smirk.

"Now who else wants to fight me?" I clasp my hands together happily. It takes a few seconds but someone else raises their hand.
"You!" The announcer jumps at the chance.
"What's your name?"
"Alright!! Who'll win this time!? Our ferocious Deku or the sparky guy Ember!? Place your bets!! You have Five minutes!!"

I turn to Katsuki and sigh.
"What were you thinking?" He grumble and doesn't answer.
"You would have absolutely ruined your hero carrier the moment you stepped into any kind of spot light." Why didn't he think of this?

"Here." She taps my shoulder with money. I didn't bother to count and split half, one half to my sock and the other in my bag. I decide it's not super smart to have the bag on me while I fight, mainly the reason why it was messed up in the first place.

"Ka- Alpha Zero. Can you hold my bag?" I hold out my bag. The announcer looks at me weirdly.
"You sure kid? You're awfully attached to it. Hell if that was a person you'd be lovers!" She teases me.

"He has my trust." I state happily. He grabs the bag rudely and hugs it on his lap. I smile at this notion.
"I'll go give Doc this guy."
"You didn't have to be that much of an asshole to him." She grumbles.

I walk over to a different clearing protected by shade and carefully place the guy on a blanket.
"Sorry I have you more patients again." I apologise to the greying man known a doc.

"Why apologise when the bodies won't stop coming anyways?"
"Gosh you make me sound like a serial killer!" He crouches down to examine his face.
"You broke his nose, and probably have him a concussion." He grumble as goes off. He comes back with a sloshing bucket and started to wipe his blood.

"You wanna wipe down?" He questions.
"Too late I got one minute." I run off to the ring. I quickly get in the ring.
"Times up!!"

Ding Ding Ding
I once again raise my fist to face the enemy. Hibana, does that have something to do with his quirk? My questions is soon answer when he lunges at me with his fingers. I dodge and he falls, as he fell his fingers grazed my baggy pants catching them on fire.

"Oh shit!" I stop drop and roll at the elementary lessons taught me to. As I rolled my opponent gets up. I'm stoped from rolling with a foot. He reaches his fingers and singes my skin. I yelp in pain at the heat. I hate the heat, I growl in frustration.

I kick him off. He falls back on his butt. He gets up immediately. He's troublesome guess I have to do that huh?

I charge at him and he brings his arms up as a shield. What an idiot, I'm not going for his face!
I bring up my leg in a flash and BAM.

He lands with a thud. His hands covering his crotch.
My special move. Family jewel destroyer. I hear the crowd groan in pain as they pity the guy.
"Deku wins with his special move! Better watch out next time fellows! Who else is up!?"

"You! What's your name?"

He smiles confidently.
"Alright you know the drill! Place your bets! Deku or Koroshi!? You got five minutes!!"
I walk back to the announcement area and take the money.

"This guy came in while you were gone. He's a tough one just be careful." She warns me.
"You know I can't tell you that."

I'll go see if doc can do anything about these stupid singes. I walk over and he puts some cold water on it then puts antibacterial cream and wraps me up. With two minutes left I go back to the announcement area.

"Alpha Zero."
"We can go when I drop or after 2 more rounds."
"When you drop?"
"Yeah if I lose I'll pass out, only way to get me out of the ring."

I go back into the rings.
"Times up folks!!"

Ding Ding Ding
I look at my opponent. He doesn't have mutations quirk so he's probably an emitter.. He takes out a knife I put up my fist ready to disarm him. He suddenly starts to cut himself.. uhh is he okay?

He comes rushing at me with a bloody arm. He flicks blood at me, pain flys through my arm as it hits me skin. I look at it to see it drained of life. That's his quirk! I avoid the rest of his blood and quickly glance at my surroundings. Good more beer bottles.

I grab a bottle and smash it on his head. It doesn't knock him out, great! My arm shake like a leaf, it's useless right now, there isn't any strength left there. The opponent starts to cough. I look at him more carefully, he looks sick, is that a drawback from his quirk?

I take advantage of his weakness and knee him hard on the stomach. He collapses to the ground throwing up. I lift up my foot and slam my heel to his back which makes him fall flat. I kick him merciless until she interrupts.

"Deku wiinnss!!! Come on up and grab your reward!"

Jesus Deku hold back for once. Wonder what's going through Bakugou's head as he watches this..

Words: 1134

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