No. 2 |Sick

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The rough coughing scraps my throat. I got sick. I've only been here for a month.. I guess the blanket was too thin for the nights.

I can't go outside. All I can do it drink water and put a rag on my forehead then wait it out.

So dizzy... I drag my feet across the ground to the water pump with bucket in hand. I pump the water in the bucket and drag it back to the closet.

I pant heavily. Finally I get to the closet. I dip the cloth in the water and put it on my head. I need sleep. I tick myself under the sheets and quickly my vision fades.

Laughter echoes.
They grab they grab each other's hands and runs to the playground.
"Come on! Let's play on the swings!"
"Okay Kacchan! You first!" He smiled brightly.
"Stupid Deku."

My eyes flutter open. I feel better. Fever is still there. I go to the bucket and dip the cloth in it again and wipe my nasty body. Freezing, but sweat feels gross.

I'm still super tired. I plop right back down and fall asleep.

"Useless! Why are you still alive!?"
He sniffles.
"God you're such a cry baby.
"Just looking at this freak make me want to throw up!"

"Goodbye Katsuki."

I wake up. Another sweat wave, I feel so gross. I feel so much better though! What day is it? It's early morning did I sleep the whole day?

Beep Beep Beep

A truck?? I peek out the window. Oh crap! There's a bunch of them! Some people get out of the trucks, construction workers... Are they going to tear down my home? I have to get out of here!

I run to my closet and pack everything quickly. No time to even clean myself. Where do I go though? The steps get closer.
"Damn I expected a bunch of glass in here." The worker laughs. Got to run now!

I dash for the back entrance.
"Hey! Who's there!?"
"Probably some homeless idiot."
They're voices fade away as I dash for the forest. Thank god I didn't use up my water bottles and only get it from the pump. Now thanks to that I have some water.

Do I just live in the woods? That's dangerous... The city is my best shot. I'll have to hid well there though. I keep running through the woods and curve to make it into the city.

I'm meet with a park fence, they fenced off the forest because kids kept wandering in here. I climb the fence with ragged breaths. I'll  climb the back of a building. I find one with fire emergency exits. I climb up there, sometimes there are sheds up top.

I'm out of breath when I reach the top. I need to work on cardio.. there one is! A shed yes! I move the tarp.
I'm met with a man. My eyes widen.
"Sorry didn't know someone was here!"
"Beat it kid!"
The alcoholic breath meets my nostrils and I scramble to get away.

I run down the escape stairs and down the latter. Where are more? I duck behind a dumpster. I brought a black hoodie just incase, hopefully I didn't leave it.

And I did. Of course I did. Now I can't walk the streets at all. Maybe there is something useful in the dump. I plug my nose and dive in.

Gross food, moldy food, shirts, paper, black banana peels.. hoodie! It's  pretty torn up but the hood isn't as much. I climb up and shake the hoodie as best as I can. It's not black but but better than nothing!

I slip it on and it reeks but the dumpster was worse. I pull the hoodie over my head and go to the street. As soon as I step out my heart races.

I start walking looking for any building with the same escapes. I notice people avoid me like the plauge. I feel a bit embarrassed, it's rude to go in public with horrible hygiene..

Night comes quicker than usual probably because I was bored there. I'll just hide in a dumpster, I sigh. I climbed all day to find roofs with nothing or inhabited. I find a dumpster quickly relitively cleaner than the one I dived in.

I hop in with my cleaner shirt over my mouth, not much but hey at least it blocks out most! So exhausted.. I fall back into dreamland.

"Wha!" I yelp. A dump truck! I gotta run again! I dash out before the claws attach to the dumpster. I had no idea it was trash day. I run further into the alley.

I shouldn't go too deep though, druggies and villains are back there. I sit next to a door to catch my breath. I haven't spent any money but I did use up most my food, only got a can and that'll last me today.

I crack open the can and eat half. Last half is my dinner.

"Hey kid you got money?" I flinch and look up to see a tried man with a knife. Play it safe. Some money in my sock, the rest in my bag.

"Yes sir, w-would you like it?" Ah shoot I stuttered..
"Just give it!" He screeches. Why'd I ask? Clearly yes! Think for once! I quickly grab the money from my backpack. It's in a zip lock bag so I chuck it and run.

No way I'll mess with anyone with a knife even if I have one myself, not worth the risk. I reach the streets again. I'll search again hopefully I'll have some luck.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Seems like Midoriya is having having a pretty tough time. Poor baby! Maybe he'll find a better place than a dump! I have hope for him. I'm glad Midoriya is smart because he probably would have gotten stabbed because of plot purposes, I swear I'm merciful.
Thanks for reading!

Words: 1010

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