No. 10 |I'm Troubled

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My body jolts up. I ignore the pain and run to a corner. Where the hell am I? Did I get kidnapped? My eyes dart around and I see the familiar face of Katsuki. He looks surprised.

"Why the hell are you here?" I growl.
"Shut it deku."
I'm so confused.
"Oh shit I'm in a hospital. I gotta get out." Panic fully sets in and I run for the door. Suddenly I'm yanked violently to the floor. I look up to see Katsuki hovering over me.

"Get in your bed now." He orders.
"No! I have to get out of here!"
"You're still hurt, you dimwit!" He drags me across the floor and sets me up on the bed. I thrash around trying to get away from him, but he quickly pins me down.

He presses the red button and nurses rush in.
"What the hell!? Stay back!" They grab a needle and stab my neck with it. My body stops doing what I want to do, instead my body slowly halts to a stop.

They put restraints on me. Katsuki glares at me. Police walk in. I'm cornered.

"Mr. Midoriya we would like to question you."
"I ain't saying shit to you." I growl.
"We heard you fought for money is this true?" Who the hell ratted me out? I glare at Katsuki.
"No. Fucking. Comment." I bear my teeth in hostility.
"Did you ever commit any crimes while missing?" They just keep ignoring me and hoping to the next thing.
"Fuck off." I spit.

They sigh and finally realise I'm not tell them anything. They get out of the room.
"You tell 'em?" I glare.
"No, you ungrateful piece of shit." He barks back. I sigh and bang my head against the wall slightly.
"Why?" I continue.
"You're so much more annoying than you were before."

I stop.
"How's my leg?"
"Fine now, they gave you a bunch of antibiotics."
"Good." The sooner I get better the sooner I can get out of here.
"I'm hungry." I complain, might as well take advantage right?
"I don't care." He crosses his arms.
"Can you call and order me something?"
"Shut up already!" He stomps to the phone and dials the number given.
"Yeah can you grab this idiot some food?" He growls into the phone.
"Chicken soup or something." That sounds heavenly.

After a few a nurse come in with soup and a bed tray. My mouth drools at the steamy meal. They untie my hands and I quickly grab the spoon and dig in.
"Where the fuck did your manners go?" He growls. I right I forgot. I gulp the soup.
"Itatakimasu?" I say and dig right back in.
"Hopeless." He sighs.

I finished half of in and my stomach was full. Katsuki looked at me weird.
"You don't really get a lot of food out there." I explain.
"No wonder you're skin and bones." I mean yeah but I got some muscle here.
"Do you not hate me as much?" Katsuki I knew would probably just ignore me most of the time.
"You're still worthless." He answers, not really and yes or a no but I'll take that as a no.

"Hey Izuku, how are you feeling?" My mom's gentle voice cracks the silence.
"Fever's gone." I state. She touches her hand to my forehead.
"Still a little warm, get some rest okay?" I nod. I am tired right now. Whatever, I'll just go to sleep right now. I slip down and take off the blankets its already got hot and uncomfortable.

"Put the blanket back on." Katsuki orders.
"No it's way too hot."
"Just do it."
"I'll have a heatstroke!" I complain. I know he hates me and all but trying to kill me?? What more could be want?

He clicks his tongue and forced the thinnest blanket there in my body. I huff in retaliation but attempt to go to sleep. My eyelids get heavier and I manage to slip into a dream.

I wake up. I stretch my very achy body. I don't move in my sleep anymore so when I wake up my body hurts. Oh look at that my blankets are off, did someone take them off for me?

I look around and see Katsuki staring at me.
"That's creepy ya know." I say to him.
"What's creepy is that you don't move in your sleep at all."
"Wah! You were staring at me while I slept!?" My hands fly up to my chest.
"Shut up, you're so loud!"
"You're talking!"
He grumbles.

"Man Katsuki you grew up to be so pervy." I tease him.
"What's you say you little bastard?" Popping noises come from his hands.
"Katsuki is peeervy~" I continue you to patronize him by exaggerating my talk.

"You're dead meat!" He gets up from his chair and flys toward me.
"KATSUKIIII!!" Mrs. Bakugou yells.
"Shut it hag!"
"Stop yelling in the hospital!!"
"You're the one who's yelling!!"
"Both of you are yelling.." I mutter.

They stopped yelling after someone threatened to kick them out. Pretty quiet now. Of course the glares from Katsuki won't stop at all.. I don't want to fall asleep again, I'd rather him not stare at me while I sleep.

"Hey Katsuki?"
"What do you want Deku?" He questions roughly.
"Why are you still here?"
"Cuz' I'm here to bother you're annoying ass."
"I'll kill you."
"Yeah I know, I know."

I want sleep.
"Katsuki don't stare at me while I sleep this time."
"Why would I want to stare at your ugly ass?" He snarls.. But he's been staring at me.. He's too weird.. I close my eyes trying to ignore is creepy behavior.

I have to get out. I'll stay one more day and I'm out. I woke up a little ago. The hospital just made me anxious. Especially anxious because the police waited outside the door.

One more day.

Will he get caught by the police while attempting his escape? Will he go home and escape there? I wonder what his best choice of action is!

Words: 1024

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