No. 4 |Place Your Bets!

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Cheering rings out.
"Newcomer M wins!! Come grab your spoils!" She announces. I slip the knife in my pocket.
"Anyone more ballsy than M? Come up and fight!!" I raise my hand with my heart pumping.

"You kid in the crowd!" She points at me and I step into the ring.
"Anyone seen their kid?" A stranger yells out causing the crowd to roar with laughter.

"Name?" She asks me.
"Deku." I blurt out, only thing at came to mind. The crowd laughs more.
"Alright!! Place your bets! New kid on the block Deku or M, our former winner!? You got five minutes!!"

I hear the murmurs in the crowd, no one will bet on the kid.
"Sure you want to fight against me?" M asks me.
"Got a hungry stomach." I pat my stomach.
"Sure kid, I'll make sure to go easy." I smile. Thank god he's underestimating me!
"Thank you sir!" I sing.

"Time's up!!" I look at my opponent. Kind of nervous, first fight I'll be sticking up to.

"Alright, remember! You can use anything! Only rule, no killing your opponent nor anyone in the crowd! We'll call the cops and snitch on the killer!" She repeats again.

Ding Ding Ding

I put my fists up. He charges and I duck under his legs. I quickly get behind him and kick his balls. He goes down with a thud. I kick his head hard. He passes out.

"Deku wiiiins!! Come grab your spoils!" I look at the stunned crowd and walk to the announcement area.
"Anybody want to take on the kid deku!?" Some other man raises his hand.

"Quill." He answers, another English word.
"Alright people! Place your bets! Who'll win!? Quill a new guy or deku!? You got five minutes!!" She turns to me.

"You didn't get a lot of money, but you should if you win again." She hands me a stack of money. I slip some in my backpack and some in my sock.

"Sock?" She questions.
"Got robbed before, putting some in a sock helps." She looks impressed by my answer.
"Ain't you that one quirkless missing kid?" Gosh this is the second person to recognize me. I pause.

"Don't worry kid, we only snitch on people who kill in our ring." She assures me.

"Yeah I'm that kid." I answer her, I can just run.
"Why'd you run? It's dangerous out here."
"Personal reasons." I answer her.
"Alright, go get up there you got two minutes."

I go up and enter the ring. Quill stares at me saying nothing.
"Time's up folks!!" She yells out.

Ding Ding Ding
I put my fist up again. He pulls out a knife and charges. I barely dodge. Suddenly I feel pain on my arm. I grab it to feel the warm liquid. He didn't slash me at all. Is this his quirk?

He kicks my chest making me hit the ropes and they collapse under me. I get up quickly and grab a empty beer bottle from the ground. I hit him on the head with his and he goes down.

"Dek-!!" She starts but Quill gets up. I don't like that.. I clutch the broken bottle. He charges at me again and slashes wildly. More cuts appear doubling his actual slashes.

I yelp in pain at the new injuries. I shove the bottle into his shoulder. He screams.

"Deku wins!! Come grab your award!" She stops the fight. A confused murmur ripples.
"Careful! There's an artery in your shoulder! Don't bleed out on us!" She chuckles.

I get up and go to the area again.

"Anyone want to go against Deku!?" She yells. Another person raises her hand.
"You!" She points to the girl.
"What's your name?"
"Black rain!! Who'll win this time? Ahmya or our winner of two Deku!? Place your bets folks!!"

She hand me a bigger stack of money. I stuff half in my other sock and the other half in a different section of my backpack.
"Nice job kid, rooting for you!" She gives me a thumbs up.
"Thanks!" I give her a smile.

I go in the ring.
"I'm not going easy just because you're a kid." She coldly claims.
"I'm not going easy on you because you're a girl." I say back. She smirks.
"You got my respect."
"You too."

"Time's up!!"

Ding Ding Ding
This time I charge. But I'm stopped by a thin wall. She throws a punch, bending the wall from the inside and hitting me. My blood stains the floor further, I forgot to wrap my wounds.

She takes advantage of me on the ground and grabs a shard from the other fight and stabs my stomach. I scream in pain. I take out my knife and stab her shoulder. She activates her quirk and it make me fly off along with the knife.

"Deku wiiiins!! Come on up and get your shit!" She announces. It was because of the shoulder again, I knew it. I grab my knife that was lodged into the ground near someone's foot.

"Any one want to go against or third-time winner!?"

Nope not doing this again.
"I forfeit!" I yelp out.
"Alright! New fighters, step up!" A bunch of hands raise and she picks two.

"Name?" She points to the smaller guy.
"Arata." He smirks.
"And yours?" She looks at the other guy.
"Alright! Place a bet for Arata and Bright! You have five minutes!"

I grab my awards and split it again.
"Go to the doctor behind me." She points her thumb behind her. I got to the place, not hard to find because it's littered with blankets and injured people.

"Take off your shirt." He orders me. I do as he says and take off my back pack them my shirt. He only checks my stomach.
"Good news, nothin' punctured. I'll just stitch you up. Don't do anything excessive or you'll rip them."

Yay! He won so many times! This was only because Midoriya is smart and calculating. He would have won to them at all if it was just fists and knives.

Words: 1026

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