No. 7 |Dragging In The Dirt

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I wake up as soon as I hear noise in the kitchen.
"Oh you're awake I was just about to make us some breakfast."
"Oh no, let me." I feel like I need to take after her, she looks so frail.

"Are you sure? I can make a good breakfast."
"Yes, you should just sit down and rest."
"Well alright."

I get up and head to the kitchen and watch her sit down and turn on the TV.
"Izuku Midoriya was last seen at a convenience store fleeing the scene after be-"
I turn off the TV.
"Was that you?" She croaks. I sigh..
"Why did you run?"
"Because I don't want to go back home."
"I understand.."

I turn the TV back on because no use hiding it now. I get back to the kitchen where she already laid out ingredients.
I cook the meal to the best of my abilities, I cooked sometimes at home.

We ate and watched TV. I didn't eat a lot because I was full too fast. I have to leave now.
"Thank you for having me here." I bow to her and go to leave.
"You can come back anytime."
"I think I'll take up on that offer someday."

I put on my hood. Wonder what I'll do today.

-Four years later-

Today marks day 1,464. Four years and four days ago I ran. And holy shit, I'm bleeding out. Fucking great right? Guess what happened? I'll tell you.

Exactly one FUCKING month ago..

I turned 14 yesterday. I got to treat myself to nothing. I'm starving I have to steal. The old lady died. I can't find the fighting rings. This is my lowest point.

I run and grab someone's wallet. I dash as far as I can as I hear yelling behind me. I duck into a dumpster like I always have. I catch my breath as my body feels weaker than before. I look in the wallet and see nothing. Fucking nothing!

I wait about an hour and then get out of the dumpster. I need water at least. I hobble to a store and go to the bathroom. I take out my bottles from my backpack.

Its taken quite the beating, I have one strap left hanging on threads. I don't have any clothes but the ones on my back I lost the blanket a long time ago. Used up the antibiotics, no more bandages, notebook is filled to the brim. At least I still have the pocket knife.

I drink like I haven't before and pack the rest for the road. I get out much more satisfied then I've been in forever.
"Hey kid you okay? Don't look so good."
"You got food?"
"Ah.. Yeah sure."

He hands me a bag of chips. I grab them and devour it.. Food finally.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"I'm sorry, I don't have any money."
"Yeah I figured. This is just something coming out of my paycheck."
I smile. I feel a little bad but at least I didn't steal from him.

I head out and go anywhere else. I'll just drop the wallet on the street hopefully someone will pick it up and return it. Where is the fighting rings when you need them the most? I should have saved up more.. I can't even run that well, I got a big gash on my leg from a fight a little ago. What a burden.

Maybe I should give Mom a little card again. I did that a year after my running away and done it whenever I feel. I guess I should. I grab news paper and my old trusty pen. I run to the apartment and go up the stairs.

A meal is laid put at the edge of the door. How nice.. she left it for me. I scribble 'Hey it's been a while! Thank you for the meal, I'm starving!! Love you as always!♡♡' I scribble more hearts around it. I take the dish, thankfully it's already in a container.

Oh shoot. I look up to see my mom's face.
"H-Hey.." I give a little wave... man this is awkward.. I was just going to slip the note under the door too.
She lunges at me. Her arms wrap around my body. She releases my body and her hand drift to my face.

"My baby.."
She mutters while attempting to wipe the grime off my cheeks.
"You've grown so much! Oh my god are those scars!?" She looks at my arms.

I ditched the hoodie for a tight black tank top. I don't need to hide anymore, everyone gave up. My body is riddled with scars now. Not even my totally 'beautiful' face was spared.

"Yeah.." I avoid her gaze.
"Gosh you stink! Come inside and take a shower! I-Ill cook you katsudon! J-Just come inside, okay?" I know what she's doing. She wants me to come in and never leave again. I sigh.

"Alright Mom." I can always just run out the window. Pretty tall drop but practice with a bunch of tall buildings has made me in like a ninja or something. I can scale walls a little.

She urgently pulls me inside.
"I-Ill make the katsudon while you take a shower, okay?" Her voice sounds desperate.
"Okay." I walk off to the bathroom. I take off everything and hop in with the shower on barely warm. I've taken mainly dips in cold water for the longest time, I've gotten used to cold but the heat hurts. This annoying wound I got has to get cleaned.

I get out pretty soon. I grab a towel and wipe myself down then wrap it around my waist. I don't imagine she would want me to slip in my dirty clothes again. I peek out.
"Hey Ma? You got any clean clothes?"
"O-Oh! Um.. I can get some of your father's clothes, I doubt your old ones will fit." She chuckles.

After a minute I see her hand poke through holding the clothes. I change into them, they're pretty baggy but better than nothing. I step out to see her cooking. Smells great.

"You look good." She gives me a weak smile. I can see the bags under her eyes. She looks all nervous an jittery.
"Smells great. I kind of want to check out my old room."
"A-Ah yes! Of course." She stops what's she's doing and follows me. Weird but maybe she's just paranoid.

Poor Inko Midoriya! To explain her behavior, she's extremely nervous to see that her son isn't there anymore. She's very paranoid that he will leave if she doesn't keep her eyes on him. She kept looking up constantly during his shower to see if he'll slip out.

Words: 1102

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