No. 3 |Taken

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Great news I had some luck! It's worse than my closet but I love it already. I have to find some tarp though. I was passing by a TV store and the weather was on, it's going to be stormy tonight and tomorrow.

I search one dumpster with no luck and go to the next, no luck either. Third times the charm right? I search another and none. Four times the charm? No one says that though..

I finally get one. It has a lot of holes but I'm glad. I find a half used roll of duct tape, I'll tape the biggest holes with these. I rush back to my new spot to find it inhabited.

"Get away." The man says. I sigh and drag the tarp behind me. I guess I'll  find somewhere on the ground and wrap it around me.
"Hey wait. You got tarp, I'll need that a storm's coming." Ha ha not doing that. I walk faster to the exit.

"Wait! I'll share the place with you just for tonight! Be gone by daylight!" He proposes. It sounds good but I can't trust anyone.

"Sorry sir I won't take that offer, you can have it though." I pout I can just rummage through another dump or I can sleep in it.
"No way you're a kid, just go along and take it with."

"You can get sick, just take it I'll find a dump." I walk forward and drop the tarp. He's an old man I don't think I could sleep knowing I made him sick.

I run away and dash down the steps and latter. The sky is getting darker and more cloudy. No time to be picky with a clean one or something. I dive into another one.

I wrap the blanket around me with my stomach growling, I didn't eat today at all. I fall asleep as comfortably as a squishy, gross dumpster can get.

I wake up to hear the rain above my head tapping harshly on the dumpster door. I don't want to stay in here but I can't get sick again.

Light pours in and I get wet. I look up to see a wide eyed person with a trash bag.
"Huh? Aren't you that missing kid?" I flinch. I jump up and push them on the wet ground and run for it.

I have to get out of this section, no doubt they'll tell the police. If the police are informed then they'll search everywhere. I hover my blanket over my head to prevent myself from getting too wet.

I huff as I run to a different section of the city. This part is neater it's probably the one near U.A. I'll get out of this section after a few days. They normally have more patrols near the cleaner places.

I'm starving. I go to a store and change my outfit into a different one in the bathroom. I wash my face and drink the water. I'll fill up my bottles as much as I can too.

I get out and grab three cans of food. I take out my money and hand it to the cashier keeping my head low. He kinda makes a face and scans my food. I take it when he hands me the bag.

I don't need a bag so I throw in in a nearby trashcan and stuff the cans in my bag. I run to the other side of the street to find some place to hid and sleep.

Three days of food, six if I eat one half per day. My stomach won't like that but maybe the police can get off my back. Man I'll be running everyday. This won't be a fun time, better than school though. Plus I've gone too far to run back like a wimp.

Another month passed. Running away, eating almost nothing, getting somewhat clean in store bathrooms. Finally ran out of money thanks to that prick from before.

I wander around the alley. I don't want to steal but I will if I have to. I heard that there is a moving fighting ring around here. They work by allowing people to fight with their quirks and people bet their money of it.

This time it should be hosted in an abandoned warehouse. I heard this from some guys talking to each other. Maybe I can get money or food if someone pities me.

"Yeaahh!!" I hear chants in the distance. Perfect this it it. I arrive at the rumored warehouse. Got a decent crowd and a makeshift ring made of metal poles and rope wraps around.

They set up mini bars too, damn this place is awesome!
"Aaaand Vault wiiiiiinnnss!!" A woman's voice is heard announcing. A roar of cheers erupts and what I assume the vault guy raises his fist.

"Anybody want to go up against Vault?" A hand quickly raises.
"You in the crowd!" She points at the man and he walks forward.
"Name?" She asks.
"M." He replies while getting in the ring.

"Place your bets people! Who will win!? Our earlier winner Vault? Or will it be M who has some balls!? You got five minutes!" She happily cheers.

I want to place a bet but no money. I'll observe and if I think it can handle the winner then I'll fight them.
"Time's up folks!" Another wave of cheer comes.

"Alright, remember! You can use anything! Only rule is, don't kill your opponent nor anyone in the crowd! We'll call the cops and snitch on the killer!"

Ding Ding Ding
They start the round. The vault guy takes a swing but M dodges. M uses his quirk and the guy stars breathing heavier. Is this a suffocation quirk? Not very strong. Vault swings his arms at M and lands a few punches in. M grabs someone's beer and smashes it against his head, making vault pass out.

That went quicker than I thought.

Interesting! Will Midoriya fight M? I wonder if he can handle him!

Words: 1010

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