No. 12 |Follow me!!

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I grab Katsuki's wrist and drag him away after quickly grabbing my stuff.
"What the-?" He grumbles.
"We gotta get out of here!" I yell. I remember what his quirk was and I barely lost that fight. It was a stroke of luck mixed with a lot of broken glass bottles that got me out of his grip.

He follows my lead to my relief. We run and run, I hear him panting harder. Right. He doesn't have my stamina. I find the nearest dumpster and duck in along with him.

"Ew!" I see his hand fall into something slimy.
"Shh! We have to be quiet!" I whisper with seriousness edging at my voice.
"Why the hell did you lead me into a damn dumpster?" he quietly grumbles.

"His quirk is some bad news I barely won that fight and it has some serious repercussions following." I explain and quickly and silently as possible.
"Fine." He grunts.

I pause and hold my breath as I hear voices and footsteps running past. I feel Katsuki tense as well. My heart thumps so loud it gets me more anxious.

The footsteps faded away half and hour ago. I get out and so does the grumpy Pomeranian.
"Katsuki I suggest we find somewhere else to hide."
"Huh? Why?"
"I don't trust the fact that they're still up and looking."

"Follow me I'll find a place, if not then we'll just sleep in the dumpster." I see his face scowl at the mention Of a dirt dumpster.
I'll check all the places I know have rooftop sheds. I go to the first few and make Katsuki follow, They were all inhabited. The climbing was clearly wearing out Bakugou so I have to go faster.

I climb up the last one and find it empty! I pump my fist victoriously.
"Katsuki! We got a place to sleep!" I smile brightly. He looks uncertain but goes along with me. Blanket. He'll need a blanket. Hm..

"Can you hold down the place while I go find a blanket?" I don't want to lose the place again like I did in the beginning.
"Whatever loser." He grumbles and sits down.
"Thank you!" I save goodbye and pull out my knife to slip in my pocket. I find a clothing line, perfect these won't stink!

I grab a blanket and run for the building. I climb up the stairs clutching the blanket. I go up to see a stranger and Katsuki arguing. I sigh and pull out my knife.

"Back off this is mine." I reveal the knife to the stranger.
"Come on! I slept here yesterday!"
"I don't fucking care, run along before you get hurt." I cock my head to the side towards the exit. Defeated he walks off to the stairs as I watch him go down.

"Damn." Katsuki mutters.
"Did you really have to pull out a knife??" He continues. I'm a bit confused, you should always be armed!
"Yeah no dip! Unless you want something to happen to you like back there." I mention the whole incident with the two guys. He grumbles but shrugs it off.

I get into the shed and hand him the blanket, it'll be dark pretty soon. I know he'll probably be pretty cold. I hear his stomach rumble. I suppress a giggle and see him get angry at my amused face. I pull out a can of food and toss to to him. I'll allow him to eat the whole thing, I just won't eat now and have only one meal tomorrow.

"What about you?" He glares as he digs into the meal.
"I'm not hungry." I'm really not, the food from the hospital filled me up a lot.
"Whatever if you want to starve yourself then fine." He continues to eat. I watch him angrily eat the crappy meal.

Night falls down. He slides down with the blanket covering his body. I doze off sitting up.

My eyes flash open. I grab the knife and put it against the throat of whoever was moving. I see katsuki with wide eyes, I back down.
"You shouldn't move around so much." I complain, it's still dark out.

"Don't pull a knife on me again or I'll rip your throat out." He threatens. I shrug which causes him to get angrier. I aggressively turns his back to me laying back down. I don't think I'll be able to sleep anymore.

I get up and walk to the edge of the roof. I sit down and let my legs dangle dangerously. I look around to see the city scene and watch the people scuttle around below. I continue to do this until the sun crack through. Katsuki hasn't gotten up yet.

I won't leave him because I don't trust that idea at all. I want to wander around and attempt to find more info on the rings so I can get money. I wait longer watching more people crowd at the minutes fly by.

I hear a shuffle and turn to see Katsuki finally up.
"Morning!" I say happily and get up from the ledge. I walk towards him and hear his stomach growl once more ands it did last night. I sigh and hand him another can.
"Just eat half please." He nods and eats half.

"So Katsuki. Do you want to find the rings with me?" I suddenly feel the urge to let him see my world.
"Rings?" He questions. I forgot I never mentioned the name.
"Where I go fight for money."
"Oh that."
"Sure why not."
"Yay!" Excitement overflows.

I climb down the stairs with Katsuki following.
"Ah.. we shouldn't use our real names." You don't really want to be revealed by those sketchy characters.
"Oh I'll use my fighting name, deku!"

"Almost impressed. I'll be explosive murder."
"What? No, that won't be taken seriously by anyone."
"My name is awesome!" He barks.
"How about.... Alpha Zero?" It sounds dominant I think he would like that seeing that he has a huge ego.
"I'll take it."

Yeah i know this story sucks. I'll rewrite it.

Words: 1023

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