No. 6 |A Warm Home

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The elevator dings. She goes first and I walk behind, watching everything she does. She goes around a few shelf and grabs stitches and antibiotics. I grab her hand and turn it to the label of the bottle. Good, nothing by says anything bc about drowsiness or sleeping, these are normal antibiotics.

I let go of her hand then take off my hoodie and shirt.
"Wow.. What happened here?" She looks at my torn stitches.
"Fight." I answer.
"What? You're nine of something though. Why do you have a knife wound?" She grabs the tweezers while questioning me.

"I needed money." I answer.
"You robbed someone?" She gives me an amused smile.
"I guess." I roll my eyes, no way I'm snitching the fight rings out. She pulls out my ripped stitches with the tweezers.

"You should really see an actual doctor, you might have punctured something."
"I didn't, I already got checked out."
"By a real doctor?"
I pause, was he even a real doctor? I shake my head no.

"I'll go get one." She gets up but I grab here wrist.
"No you will not." I glare daggers.
"Yes I will, I promise I won't tell anyone else." I grit my teeth in frustration.

"I swear on my medical oath." I let go of her wrist. A medical oath is literally everything a nurse and doctor is. I'll run or hurt them if they aren't truthful anyways.

The elevator rings again and she comes in with another female doctor.
"What? Why is there a kid her?"
"Just check to see if he punctured anything, please don't tell anyone either." The female doctor rolls her eyes. She goes to me and looks at my stomach.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me.
"What kind of dizzy?" what kind of question is that?
"Oh I don't know maybe blood loss dizzy." I give her a little attitude.
"Good you look fine to me nothing's punctured, maybe a little scraped but nothing your body can't heal." I nod.

She pours antibiotics on cotton and dabs them on all my wounds like the other doctor did. I flinch once more when it comes to contact with my skin. She finishes and stitches tighter than last time. Then she grabs a huge bandaid and puts cream on it. Then she wraps up my stomach with fresh bandages.

"Wow you actually have manners." She fakes surprise.
"I'll be off then." I walk away to the elevator. They hop in.

"Where's your parents?" The nurse asks.
"At home and another in a different country." I answer them.
"Why don't you just go home?"
"I ain't going to that place."
"Oh.. May I ask why? I know I may sound rude and nosy but.."
"I'm quirkless, is that a better explanation?" I snap at her, she's right she is being nosy.

"I see.."
Silence fills the elevator.
"Can you so how get off the streets? You're still just a child kid.."
She interrupts the good silence.
"I like it out there better."
I know it's rough but no one really judges you, everyone is in the same place and they except that.

Finally the elevator opens. I walk out quickly.
"Wait." The nurse calls out. I pause without turning around.
"Let me escort you." She offers.
"Well I have patients to go to, bye." The doctor excuses herself.
"Fine." This will give me better coverage.

She walks with me while others rush by without questioning us. We arrive at the entrance.
"Stay safe okay? I don't want to see you here again.." She looks down.
"Thanks for everything."

I couldn't find a place to stay. Guess another dumpster it is. Oh wait what day is it? Great. Trash day, not doing that again. Either I walk all night or find something.

A corner, a little hole in the wall, homeless shelter? Those seem to be my options. I don't want to exposed so corners are my last option. I walk around and the street-lights flicker on. I admit the sudden light change made me flinch.

"Deary do you need somewhere to sleep?" An old lady's voice calls out. I turn to see her in the frame of an open door.
"Yes ma'am."
"Well you can just sleep here for the night." She smiled at me with wrinkles folding upwards.

"I don't think you should let strangers in your home." I suggest, I pray she doesn't do this often.
"Oh it's quite alright, you look like a lost child, did you lose your parents?"
"Well it's not my business anyways, come on in I just brew a nice cup of tea that I'd love to share."

I follow her. What's an old lady going to do? She doesn't seem to recognise me from the news anyways. I see a few cats run around and rub on my legs.

"You can sit on the couch while I fetch the tea." I do as she says and sit down. Wow this couch is so comfy... So soft. A cat hops on my lap. I start to pet it's head, enjoying the soft fur.
She hands me the warm tea and sits next to me.

"You can sleep in my room."
"Where will you sleep?"
"On the couch."
"Honestly I like the couch. May I sleep here instead?" I'm not letting an old lady sleep on the couch. I've already invaded her house.

"You're such a sweet boy!" She pinches my cheek. I laugh a little at this gesture. I finished my tea and she bring a thick, soft blanket.
"Thank you." I give her a genuine smile.
"Anytime little one." She sweetly smiles and goes to her own room.

She's way too nice to a stranger. I fall asleep, for once very comfortably.

So sweet!! I love this old lady but she should really be more cautious. What if our protagonist was a bad person?? I hope she lives a long full life surrounded by her cats😊😊

Words: 1006

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