No. 9 |Jesus Can You Just Be Quiet!?

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My fist flies up and land him in the face. He gets knocked backwards, now laying down with a bloody nose.
"Wow! I've always wanted to do that!!" I squeal with delight.

"Izuku!? Oh my god! You punched him!" My mom rushes to his side and so does his mom.
"I know my son's a brat but damn."
Mrs. Bakugou looks up at me almost impressed. Mr. Bakugou however looks terrified.

"You shitty nerd!!!" An explosive hand flied towards me. I grab his hand and crumple it into a fist so he can't use his quirk as well. Then with my other hand I grab his neck and rush to the concrete wall. All this moving around is hurting my leg...

"Aw gezz calm down will ya?"
"Katsuki." His mom calls out.
I let him shove me back and I put my hand up smiling.
"How've ya been dear old Katsuki?"
I wrap my arm around him.
"Get your shitty hands off me!"
"Okay! Okay!"

"Katsuki I swear if you don't stop swearing.." Mrs. Bakugou's fist trembles.
"Whatever old hag!" He goes inside and we all follow. I turn to my mom after everyone else went ahead.
"Ma! Why didn't you say that he was coming??" I whine.
"I thought it would be nice!" I sigh once more and head off to the living room.

"So Izuku! You've been gone for so long! Why'd you run?" Mrs. Bakugou starts out.
"Oh well.." I look away. How do you break the news that your son loved to beat his childhood friend senseless because he's quirkless?

"Izuku you don't have to explain.." My mom saves the day.
"Oh good. Well I'm open to tell you guys what I've been up to!!" I smile brightly, I love to tell people of what's happened.
"Sure!" Mrs. Bakugou calls out.

"Hehe.. well. When I ran, I went to an abandoned apartment and lived there for a while but then I got sick and the city tore it down." They look at me wide eyed.
"Then I ran and slept in a bunch of dumpsters."
"What? That's why you looked so dirty!" My mom exclaims.
"Yep! Anyways I ran out of food, but then I found a place where you fight for money. I won three times in a row! I got a huge paycheck from it too!" I smile confidently.

"Only thing bad was I got a few scars from it." I lift up my shirt and roll up my sleeves to show them.
"This one was caused by me getting stabbed by a girl named ahmya, the arms are from a guy who doubles his slashes." They stare at my scars.

"Oh and most of these scars are from me falling on a bunch of glass." I explain once more.
"But this one," I lift of my hair and point to my forehead excitingly.
"I almost cracked my head open!" I smile cheerfully.

"That's wicked kid!"
"Wow that must have hurt a lot.."
Katsuki says nothing as I happily smile from the reactions. If I had a tail it'd be wagging!

"You've been through a lot. Glad you're home now! Now you and Katsuki can get back to school!" She smiles.
"Yeah.." I drift off.
"You and Katsuki can catch up in your room while we talk." My mom tells me. Great.

I close the door he goes to my bed and tries to sit.
"Woah wait!" I stop him. He makes another angry growl and I grab my knife, he almost sat on it.
"Why the hell you got a knife?"
"Cuz' I gotta defend myself somehow!"
"Dumbass.." He sits down. I go to my desk chair and face him.

"Got any questions?" I ask happily. I'd rather not even talk to him but might as well.
"Yeah where has your dumb ass been?"
"Like I said, dumpsters, sheds, anything with a roof over it!"
"Why the hell did you run?"
"Pfftt.." I start bursting out in laughter. I catch my breath after a minute or two.

"You're not as smart as I remember!" I laugh at him
"Shut it!" He yells at me.
"Aw you want me to say it to you straight? Fine. Its aaall your fault."
"Tch." He clicks his tongue.
"You could have just came back." He grumbles.
"But on the streets being quirkless doesn't matter. Only that matters that you got food in your stomach."

"You've changed." He states.
"Whatever could you mean Kacchan?" He stays quiet.
"Anyways! What have I missed?" I lean in closer.
"A lot."
"Catch me up will ya?"

He explains different events.
"I want to go on the computer." I state. I turn around and open it up, password.. What was it again? I get up to the door.

"Mom! What's the password to my computer??"
"I'm not sure."
I go back into my old room. Katsuki is at my desk with it unlocked.
"How'd you know the password?"
"It was that nerdy shit you always talked about. Fucking AllMightIsTheBest49 really? Couldn't even think of something original." He rolls his eyes.

"Yup ten-year old me was super nerdy!" I peer over his shoulder to look at the screen. He smacks me.
"Don't get so freaking close." He growls. I back away with my eyes glued on the screen. He's such a nuisance. I wince again in pain.

"What's up with you?"
Oh shoot he noticed.
"Nothin' "
"You look like shit right now." He stares at my face. I admit I've been feeling the heat rush to my face for a bit now.
"Well I came here yesterday."
"Something's off." He stares me down. May have gotten a dumb but he's still as sharp as ever! He gets up and walk towards me. I start to back up.

"Nothing's wrong Katsuki!"
Get off my case already!
"Mhm." He sasses.
Fuck. I grab his shoulder as I feel my knees give in.
"Get the hell off." He pushes my hand away and I fall to the ground. My breath becomes rapid and desperate.
"Oh shit!"
I hear him curse and then I feel him wrap his arms around my waist, hoisting me up.

"The fuck.. are you doing..?" I manage to mutter, this sickness hit me like a brick! He walk to my bed and sets me down. I feel his cool hand on my forehead, I press his hand down on my face. This feels good..

"You're hot as hell."
He gets up brushing my hand away.
"Auntie! Izuku is sick!" I hear him yell. Oh wait. Is my wound infected?? I get up and pull down my pants to see away very irritated large gash.

"What the fuck pull your pants up." He growls.
"My.. wound's infected.."
My mom rushes in and sees my injury.
"Izuku! Why didn't you say anything??" Her worried hands reach my face. My vision finally starts getting blurry.
"We ha... to the hospital!" Words seem to fade out.

I should have been more careful.

Oops I sort of wrote too much I mean it's only 200 over but still, I enjoyed writing this chapter!
Hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did!

Words: 1204

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