No. 5 |Stitch 'em up

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He grabs a curved needle and thread. He also grabs a bottle of liquid. "No." I state.

"I gotta make sure you don't get infected."
I don't trust that. I take out my own antibiotics that I took from home.

He chuckles.
"Suspicious type huh?" He grabs mind and puts it in cotton. "This'll sting." he dabs the cotton on my wound. I flinch and wait until he finishes with all of them.

"I can give you numbing stuff for the pain, stitches hurt."
"No." I don't really want anything a stranger gives me, only hospitals.
"Okay kid." He dips the needle in the antibiotics and pierces my skin.

I grit my teeth.
"So, what's an eight year old doing fighting with the big boys?"
"Just.. Need money." I grunt with pain. I'm ten but no need to tell him anything.

He stops stitching my stomach and goes to a different one. He stitches that and that's it. He turns around to grab other bandages. I'll take those, can't do much with bandages.

He pays my back.
"All done."
"Here." He hands me new clothes.
I give him a look.

"Just take it, without some clean clothes you're wound'll get infected."

I grab the clothes and my backpack too, thankfully he had a hoodie. I want to get out of here quickly. I don't feel like having someone follow me from the fights and rob me.
"Thanks!" I save and walk out quickly, taking in mind of the advise I was given.

Now I'll go to the pond. Now I got new clothes I can clean my clothes or something. I get to the pond and take out my clothes. I start to scrub them I wish I had soap.

I finally finish and turn to a near by tree. Never slept in a tree before but almost everything is a first now. I climb the tree with the dripping cloths in hand.

I hang them on branches higher than me so no one can take them while I sleep or something. I find a decent thick branch and grab my belt. I wrap the belt around myself and the branch so I don't fall. With a cross my arms I slip into sleep.

I flinch as a pebble is chucked at me.
Laughter burst out. I look down to see a bunch of kids. I sigh and grab my clothes and stuff them in my bag ignoring the taunts and pebbles. I carefully climb down.

"Stupid bum!" They chant. I ignore them and walk off. They should be more wary of strangers.

I find myself in yet another alleyway. I look around and duck in a dumpster. I start to count my money after pulling it out. 107,465¥ Jesus that's a lot of money!

I stash half of it in my socks and the rest in my backpack. I'm going have to a good meal today.

I go to a little restaurant. They give me looks but serve me anyways.
"What would you like to get?" She takes my menu.
"Just Katsudon." I smile at the tasty thought.
"Alright your order will be coming up soon."

I scribble in my notebook as I wait.
"Here's your order." A hot, steamy, delicious looking bowl of Katsudon immediately make me drool. I dig in like I haven't eaten in weeks.

I can't finish all of it. I guess one can of food shrink my stomach at lot. I order a little to go box for tomorrow I think I'm covered for the entire day.

I gratefully rub my full stomach. I want a shower. I heard there were showers for truck drivers in convenience stores.

I pay more for the showers and hop in. All the crusty blood from yesterday and the grime built up from the two months wash away. I make sure to be careful while scrubbing near my stitches.

I also wash my bandages so I can use the same clean one later. I hop out and put on the same clothes. I should full my bottles again. I do and then walk out freshly clean. I'll go back here when I want another shower. I smile to myself and go to the exit.

"Hey wait kid." The cashier lady hold me up.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Empty your pockets."
Huh? Am I gonna get robbed by a cashier??
"Umm.. Why..?"
"I think you stashed something." Oh he thinks I stole. I sigh and empty my pockets, hey look at that, nothing.
I look at him.
"Backpack too." I roll my eyes. And does what he says.

A cop car pulls up. Shoot. I quickly shove everything in my bag.
"Hurry! Missing kid's going to get away!" He yells, seriously!? He held me up for the police to get here!?

"Asshole!!" I yell at him and run out of the store past the police officer.
"Kid wait!" He yells. I keep running. I run until I'm safely in a alley far way from the store. Great now I can't get a shower, hopefully there are others.

I look down to see blood seeping through my jacket. Shoot my stitches! I need them stitched back up thought? But with what?

I have to. I go to the hospital. I walk in and sneak past the nurses. Where would they put all the medical stuff? Oh I saw a hospital TV show that has stuff in the basement. I go in the elevator and another person hops in I click the basement level and ask them what floor.

"So why are you going to the basement?" I freeze. I'm a little kid going to the basement. Ok act like a little kid.

"Mama said to go down there to get some rest. She said it was quiet." I rub my eyes childishly. She chuckles.
"Yeah that's where a lot of doctors go to sleep, you don't really sleep around here." I give her a bright smile.

"Woah are you bleeding?" Her eyes widen and she looks at the blood on my stomach.

"What? Oh that! I spilt my juice box!" I nervously smile.
"I'm a nurse I know it's blood."
"Look." I stare her in the eyes.
"I just need some stitches and I'm out of here." I growl. Her face pales.

"Then let me help at least. I don't want a little kid stitching himself." I glare at her.
"Try anything and I'll hurt you." I pull out my knife. She flinches but nods.
This is just perfect.

Hope the nurse doesn't rat him out!
Thanks for reading!

Words: 1104

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