No. 8 |Pretty Cozy Here

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She follows me as I open my room. It's like I never left. Everything is perfectly clean and it's like a time capsule.
"Wow Ma. You did good."
"Why are you talking like that? Wait I don't mean to be rude you talk perfectly fine." She smiles nervously.
"I just caught it on while I was away."

I move to the bathroom again and grab my bag.
"Wait are you leaving??"
"No, I just don't like leaving my bag."
"Oh dear it's practically strings, I can get you a new one or maybe I can sew it!"
"You can sew it? Sweet! Thanks!" I give a chipper smile. I love this thing. I take out everything in my bag and dump it on my old bed.

"Is that a knife!?"
She gasps.
"Uh yeah?" Is she okay?
"That's dangerous! What are you doing with that?"
"It's for self defense." I explain calmly. I didn't expect this reaction but alright..

"Oh shoot the food." She grabs my hand and drags me to the kitchen. I'll just go along with this, she seems scared.
"I'll clean your clothes later and sew that bag up too, just put them on the couch." I do as she says, feeling the burn of her stare on my head as I moved around.

"You only had one pair?"
"Yeah I either lost the rest or outgrew them." I'm content with explaining everything. She kind of has the right to know what her son has been up to.
"Then where did you get the outfit you had on?"
I pause.

"Umm.. I stole them.." I mutter.
"Stole?? That's bad!"
"Yeah I know, gotta do what you gotta do out there.."
She releases a heavy sigh.
"At least you're okay.."
I feel a little guilty. I'm just going to leave her again.

The food clink down on the table. I go to the table and dig in.
"Izuku? You forgot to.." She looks confused, which I match with her.

"Forgot to what?" I speak with a full mouth.
"You forgot your manners.."
"Oh thanks. Meal's good." I smile after gulping the bite down.
"Nevermind.. Just eat up." She gives me a big smile.
Then she says, "Itadakimasu." Oh that's what I forgot!

"Sorry! Itadakimasu." I go for another bite. She smiles and shakes her head. I didn't finish a lot. Mom complained about how skinny I am.

"Hey Mom."
"Wanna see my scars?" I smile brightly. She's gonna be impressed and she'll wanna hear the stories!

I lift up my baggy shirt and show her my torso scars.
"Someone tried to mug me and I got stabbed," I point to one.
"And most of these are from falling on a bunch of glass. But this one," I point to another one on my stomach.
"This one was fighting for some money, a girl named Ahmya got me right there but I won in the end." I proudly smile.

"Oh these ones of my arms were mainly from a guy with a weird quirk which doubles his cuts, even if they didn't land. He was my first fight for money. Oh! Oh! This one was because i fell off a roof!" I point to my forehead.
"I kinda almost cracked my skull open but it wasn't high enough for that."

My eyes wander back to her's. She looks pale. She starts tearing up and hugs me.
"Ma? What's wrong?? Are you okay?"
"You just... you got hurt so many times..!" She cries more.
"Sorry.." I don't return the hug.

I'm pretty tired. I go to my old room after we watched TV together. She follows me too.
"I'm going to bed." I say akwardly.
"Oh yes of course." She walks away. Weird..

I jump on the bed. My leg hurts a lot but it's so soft! I pull the covers over my nod but it quickly gets too hot. I'll just ditch the blankets. I snuggle into the cozy bed, I was really living in luxury!

I wake up and give a big yawn. I then stretch and get out of my old room. She's out there too. It's early though, does she get up early too? She looks even more tired, don't tell me she stayed up all night!

"Mom?? Did you stay up all night?"
"Uh.. n-no.." She's clearly lying. I sigh.
"Go to sleep. I promise I won't go off again while ya do."
She makes a conflicted face.
"Alright but I'm sleeping on the couch, just sit next to me or something." I get it, that's so she'll wake up if I move around.
"Okay Mom, I'll just watch TV."

I grab her a blanket and lay it over her. I flick through the channels with the volume off and subtitles on. I get on a movie I haven't seen before.

She wakes up and rubs her eyes.
"You can get more rest." I suggest. A relieved face sprawls on her.
"No I'm fine. I have to finish your bag anyways."
She gets up and grabs her sewing kit and my bag. It looks pretty fixed up already, guess she sewed while staying up.

"Oh wait I have to go make a call."
"The cops??" I get up fast.
"No! I won't call them, sit back down." She tries to calm me. I sit back down. She grabs the phone and goes to the other side of the house with me in view.

She comes back and continues her sewing. After that she goes to throws my clothes and backpack into the laundry. She comes back and sits next to me, watching what I put on. I put back the volume since she's not sleeping anymore.

Ding Ding
"Woah the rings?" A sudden flashback hits me, hot glittering sweat burning my eyes. My fist up and my blood roaring as the crowd cheers.
"Rings? No, someone's at the door." She smiles.
"Can you get the door?" She smiles even more.

I open the door.
"Hello?" I look up.


Words: 1021

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