No. 11|Running Away

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The day is here thank god. I'm getting out of here. I'll wait until Katsuki falls asleep.

He fell asleep finally. I look to the door and there is no commotion. I open the window slowly trying not to make any noise. I'm a story above the ground so I should be fine.

I hop in the window frame and let my legs fall down freely while my arms held me up. Okay climb down further very carefully. I started to climb down avoiding the other windows.

I lost my grip. I fall with a heavy thud. Ouch my butt.. I get up quickly and rub it painfully. Well gotta run. I dash quickly across the green grass and then the black pavement. No shoes, hospital clothes, no money, no food nor water.

First I need some clothes quick. Hospital clothes are pretty obvious. I run to the nearest dumpster praying there's some clothes there. Nope nothing. You know what I'll just break into my old house. Mom should still be at the hospital.

I race to my old house trying to avoid the public eye in fear of suspicion due to my clothes. I have to be quick. I reach my old house and break the door quietly, thank God I learned that trick.

I quickly run to my back pack and stuffed my junk in. My clothes were damp but I don't care. I grabbed the water bottles, my knife, and my notebook and pen. I'll grab some food so I can stretch it out throughout my days.

Got everything but shoes, no time! Basics are priority. I run out bare footed and still in my hospital clothes. I'll change later. I dash into an alleyway away from society. I stop and catch my breath. Man what an adrenaline rush!

I take out my tight tank top and baggy pants that's adorned with a belt. I strip from my hospital clothes and was about to put on my pants but two figures came into view.
"Look at what he have here!"
I stare at them in the awkward position of pulling my leg throw a pant leg.

I recognise them. Both are guys I fought at the rings, salty fellows. Came fighting again after I won.
"Oh Hi!" I fake a cheerful tone. Weirdos. I slip my leg through and do the next.

"What're y'all doing down here?" I cheerfully ask.
"Looking for prey."
He sounds grungy with the attempt to sound intimidating.
"Oh, did I fall in the trap or something?" I smirk.
"Yes you did." The other guy talks. Oh come on I'm just trying to change.

"What are you guys gonna do then?" I tilt my head in curiosity.
"Beat you into a pulp and take your money." The first guy smacks his fist into his other palm.
"Sorry! I don't have any money."
"Bullshit." The second one mocks.
"Nope. Haven't had a stroke of luck so far! Can't even find the rings!" I chipperly deny their denial.

They look at each other and nod the strut towards me. What are they doing? I make a confused smile. One grabs my shoulder.. umm? What's happening??

"What cha doing?" I ask nervously. I don't know their intentions at all. A hand slides down my back and to my butt. What..?
"Ha ha not into that sorry." I try to back away. They start to chuckle as that touch me more.

"I'm not into pedos man." Their gross touches signal to me that they don't even care. I haven't even put on my freaking shirt. This is gross.
"You guys are gross ass homos." I try to push them away. I don't have anything against homosexuals but making people embarrassed sometimes makes them back off.

"Aw come on, let's just have a little fun!" He smirks. Nope, nope, nope. Not doing this. I shove them violently. They struggle to gain balance and I rush for my things and try to run past. One grabs my ankle and yanks me down. I yelp at the sudden pain.
"Look, you can take all my shit and sell it to other pedos or something."

They hover over my body laying on the cold concrete ground. A hand grabs the back of my head and lifts it up only to smash it against the ground. Blood trickles down my nose traveling to my mouth. I can only take so many people on! I reach for the yellow bag that I dropped while falling. They pin my hands quickly.

My knife was in there. Panic swells up in my body.
"Get off!" I yell.
"This is a great position." I hear one smack their lips and then grope me. A shudder of disgust invades my entire body. I struggle under their weight.

I feel a pull on my pants. Then I hear the noise of fiddling of his belt. My heart races faster as I struggle more. The second one pressed against me harder to make me more still.
"Make sure to leave some for me." The second one chuckles. Bile roses to my throat.

I can barely see what they're doing because my head is smashed into the pavement. I don't like this one bit. I feel the color drain from my face. The first guy gropes my bare skin.
"Help!" I scream.
"Anyone!!" I yell more.
"Scream all you-" The weight suddenly flys off.

I get up to see what happened. Katsuki! I see that familiar spiky hair. I pull up my pants and brush off some dirt.
"Kacchan!" I happily yell. Thank god! My heart seems to flutter. The two bodies start to stir. One of their quirks was extremely annoying.

We have to get out of this alley before he gets up.

Bleh. Gross. Disgusting. I wanted to throw up while typing this chapter. Thank God Bakugou is here though!! What what about that annoying guy? What's his quirk?? I wonder myself why they have to get out of there.

Words: 1005

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