Engagement Party

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It was the next day, Sunday, and it was time for the engagement party that Ginny had planned. Hermione woke up and heard shuffling outside her and Draco's room, she left the room and saw Ginny, Harry, Luna, and Blaise all in nice clothes talking. "What are you doing?" Ginny asked. "The party is in 15 minutes, go get dressed, and get Draco dressed, everyone is in my apartment," Ginny said enraged, Hermione stumbled back into her room and woke up Draco, "Draco, Draco, get up get dressed the party is in 15 minutes" Draco groaned and Hermione went into the closet, she got a white shirt and black pants and threw it on to Draco. He put it on then went into the closet even further and she got a flowy white blouse and long black flowy pants. She got some heeled boots and rushed into the bathroom to see Draco doing his hair, she grabbed her limited makeup and put on some blush and lip gloss. She put her hair half up and went back outside, but before she could Draco grabbed her hand and spun her around, "I love you, you are beautiful, now let's go do this," he kissed her and Hermione kissed him back. They walked out of the bathroom hand in hand and into the living room, "Okay people lets go you two are the guests of honor and were almost late," Ginny said as she grabbed their hands. They were lead into the Potters apartment and saw all of the Weasleys, Luna, Blaise, and Hagrid, they all applauded when Hermione and Draco walked in. Draco got 2 glasses of champagne and gave 1 to Hermione, "Well, I just wanted to say thank you all for being here and for coming to our wedding next week, I have been blessed to find love with, let's say, the most absurd, I could have never imagined I would be here with him, but I am so happy I am, as you know our wedding is Saturday, July 23, at noon, at the history museum and aquarium and the reception will be held there as well, you all have a special place in my heart and I am so glad you are all here," Hermione said, Ginny then stepped in front of them, "Cheers to the Malfoy's," she said then the whole room raised their glasses and all took a sip from them. They separated and started weaving in and out through the crowd, "Well, hello, Mione, I wanted to con'ratulate you and Draco, now that is a pair I never saw comin," Hagrid said to Hermione,(I tried I'm sorry) Hermione smiled, "Thank you Hagrid," Hermione responded. After about an hour, Narcissa came up to Hermione, "Hello Hermione," she said, "Narcissa!" Hermione exclaimed. Hermione pulled her into a hug and Narcissa returned it, "I wanted to ask you something, would you like to be part of my bridal party, Draco and I agreed on only 2 bridesmaids and groomsmen but I want you at my bachelorette party and helping me get ready," Narcissa was almost at tears, "Of course, Mione, I would love to, what are you doing for your party?" Narcissa asked. "It will be you, me, Ginny, and Luna, drinking wine, watching movies, and talking in my apartment," Narcissa set down her champagne and hugged Hermione again, "That sounds wonderful, so what is going on with Blaise and Luna?" Narcissa asked. Hermione looked around the room and stopped when she saw Blaise and Luna making out, "Oh goodness," Hermione said. Draco was walking past her and she grabbed his arm, she pointed out Blaise and Luna, "Oh, now I don't know what is more unlikely, you and me, or those two," he said. Hermione chuckled, "I'm thinking option 2," Draco laughed and bent down and kissed Hermione. A few hours passed and everyone cleared out of the Potters apartment, Hermione took off her boots, "Oh thank god," she said, "Oh I wanted to tell you apparently the Ministry gave us all next week off so we can do final touches on the wedding," Draco said, Hermione, sighed in relief, "Oh yes, I'm glad we are having a small wedding, so we can do it as soon as possible," she said. Draco chuckled and pulled her in, he kissed the top of her head, "Me too," The happy couple returned to their apartment, "Okay, tomorrow we have a cake tasting and we need to tell the caterers what we want, then you and the boys all have a tux fitting, then Tuesday is furniture for the wedding, chairs, arch, and such, Wednesday is final fitting, for everyone, then Thursday is final looks on the venue, then Friday is the party and when we all move into the hotels, then Saturday is the wedding and Sunday, what are we doing Sunday?" Hermione said, Draco chuckled and kissed her, "Nice try," he said, Hermione groaned with frustration, "Can you please tell me?" she asked, he shook his head and kissed her again.

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