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Hermione grabbed her wand and apparated to Hogsmede station, right outside the barrier. She walked through Hogsmede and up to the castle, it was 7:30 so everyone would be asleep or patrolling. She reached the doors and knocked, she was greeted by Professor Flitwick, "Mrs. Granger? What are you doing here, shouldn't you be on your honeymoon?" he asked her. "I need help," Hermione said, Flitwick invited her inside and escorted her to McGonagall's office. 

Hermione explained the situation to McGonagall, "Mrs. Malfoy, you have my utter sympathy, feel free to use the library, and any other resources you need, I think you already know our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor," she said to Hermione as she stuck out her hand. Then, Bill Weasley came into the room, Hermione smiled and gave him a hug. "Okay, fill me in," he said as he wrapped his arm around Hermione and walked her out of McGonagall's office.

Bill nodded as Hermione finished her story and showed him the books that even mentioned the curse. "I need help, I can't do this myself," Hermione said to him, he nodded and gave a soft smile. "I would suggest, going to the library, find any book that mentions it, I am free at lunch, before and after classes, and weekends, we are going to find him," Bill said to her. Hermione smiled and walked off towards the library.

Hermione woke up in the library, 4 stacks of books enclosing her. She picked up right where she left off, only a handful of the books mentioned the spell and Hermione set those aside. Someone tapped her on her shoulder and she turned around to see a Gryffindor who looked like a first-year. "A-are you Her-Hermione Ma-Malfoy?" she asked Hermione, Hermione smiled and held out her hand, "Yes I am," the first-year shook her hand and then left quickly. Hermione chuckled and got back to her books. She picked a new one from the top of one of her four stacks and started to read it. When her jaw dropped,

Amare Intermissue Cure:

The Amare Intermissue Curse was made to punish death eaters for things they did in the past, so, I have done something that can cure it. The original curator of this curse did not make it easy, the only way I have found to reverse this is with a mix of a potion and a spell.                                         Potion Ingredients:                                                                                                                                                                Armadillo Bile                                                                                                                                                                          Ashwinder Egg                                                                                                                                                                        Bezoar(zested)                                                                                                                                                                        The Blood of whoever the afflicted loves most(7 drops)                                                                                      Castor Oil                                                                                                                                                                                  Chizpurfle Carapace

You need to let it brew for a month

Incantation and Ritual:                                                                                                                                                        After the afflicted drinks a normal vial of the potion, the afflicted and the person they love most need to join hands and a third party needs to repeat the incantation Verus Amor Reditus 3 times. Just beware, this curse was not meant to be broken, the afflicted will be in enormous pain. Drinking the potion will feel like you are being cut on the inside and out, and the spell will put both the afflicted and the one they love in immense pain.

Hermione got the book and ran to Bill's office, it was lunch so the room was empty, she walked up the stairs to his office and opened the door, he looked up from a piece of parchment, "I found it," Hermione said. She set the book down on his desk and he scanned through the piece Hermione just read, "Okay, what are your next moves?" Bill asked her, "I am going to start on the potion, track down Draco, and do this, we can't live without each other," Hermione responded. Bill nodded, "But first, I need to get Harry, Ginny, Blaise, and Luna here," Hermione said, Bill nodded again and Hermione rushed back to the library.

Hermione ran up the stairs of the owlery clutching a letter to Harry and another to Narcissa seeing if she had heard from Draco, Hermione tied them to one of the owl's legs and he flew off. She ran back towards the castle and to Slughorn's classroom. She knocked on his classroom door, "Professor, I was wondering, I need to brew a very complex potion to save Draco, and I just want to use one of your cauldrons, I can get all the ingredients myself-," Hermione said before she was cut off, "Mrs. Malfoy, don't worry about ingredients, Mr. Weasley gave me the ingredients list, I have it all, feel free to use anything you need," Slughorn said to her. Hermione smiled and hugged him, he hugged her back, "Thank you," she said, Slughorn nodded and Hermione left the classroom.

Do you guys like where this is going, I genuinely want your guy's opinion.                                                                                               

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