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Hermione lept off of her bed and to Draco's bedside, "How is he, has he woken up yet?" she asked, she looked up at Blaise, and he shook his head. "Mrs. Malfoy, you need to get back into bed, we still don't know the full effects of that potion," a doctor said when she came in. Hermione shook her head, "No, I'm fine, it's him I'm worried about," Hermione said, the doctor smiled, "Mr. Malfoy, as of right now, is stable, it's you I'm worried about, we need to see what exactly that potion was," she said. Hermione nodded her head and got back into bed, "Harry, can you hand me my bag?" Hermione asked, he nodded and handed Hermione her beaded bag. Hermione opened it and stuck her entire arm in, she pulled out the book she found in the library at Hogwarts. She opened it to the page on the reversal and handed it to the doctor. She smiled, nodded, and left the room with the book. Hermione emptied the rest of her bag, she got the picture of her and Draco, she set it aside and organized the rest of her bag. "You brought polyjuice potion?" Harry asked, Hermione, nodded, "Well, he was attacking the person he loved, what if I wasn't that person anymore?" Hermione said, "Now I couldn't live with myself," Hermione looked over to see Draco, awake. 

Hermione lept off the bed and to Draco's bedside. She kissed his lips and he smiled, "Hmm, I missed that," he said, Hermione chuckled and kissed him again. The doctor came back in with the book and handed it back to Hermione. She checked Draco's heart rate, blood pressure, and more. "Okay, I have run every test, and I can't find any side effects, so I will get started on your discharge papers," she said as she left the room, Hermione looked at Draco once again and kissed him. "We will leave you guys alone," Ginny said, she grabbed Harry's hand and they left the room, Blaise and Luna with them. Hermione crawled into Draco's bed and lied next to him, he put his hand on her waist and she wrapped her hand around his head, "If you ever do that again, I will hurt you," Hermione said to him. He chuckled and kissed her, "That month was the worst month of my life," he responded, "How did you even find me?" Draco asked as Hermione snuggled into his chest, "The 'I've always liked the smell of pine' was a dead giveaway,"  Draco sighed, "That was supposed to be if my mother needed to find me, it was called Pine Lodge," Draco said, afterward he placed a kiss on her head. "So, I figured you were somewhere in the woods, then I remembered the story you told me about that cabin. The five of us split up and camped until we found you," Hermione said to him, Draco chuckled and shook his head, "I couldn't give up on you," she said. Hermione looked up at Draco and he kissed her lips. 

Draco opened the door to their apartment and Hermione walked in, followed by him. The apartment was a mess, books everywhere, empty butterbeer bottles, "I'm sorry," Hermione said, she set down her bag and started to clean up the mess, "It's okay, Mione," Draco said as he grabbed her hands, Hermione chuckled as Draco lead her into the bedroom. He grabbed her hips and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, she fell back onto the bed, and Draco moved her hair, he started to kiss her neck. Hermione started to unbutton his shirt when she opened it, she saw his chiseled abs, and the scars, from Fenrir Greyback. Draco unbuttoned Hermione's shirt and kissed her stomach(I think you know the rest). Hermione lied her head on Draco's chest and he put his arm around her. "I'm so sorry Mione," Draco said, "For what?" she asked him, "For almost hurting you, for everything I've put you through since we have been together," Draco said, Hermione looked up at him, she sat up and straddled his lap. "Draco, how many times do I have to tell you before you get it through your head? I love you, and nothing can keep me away from you, plus, you didn't almost hurt me, it wasn't you," Hermione said, he smiled and sat up, he wrapped his hands around her back and pushed her forward onto his lips.

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