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Once Hermione and Draco had sat down, Ginny stood up with her glass of champagne. "I would like to raise my glass to the newlywed couple, I met Hermione in my first year, I had grown up with brothers and it was nice to have a sister. I also first met Draco in my first year, when his father slipped me Tom Riddle's Diary, back then he was a prick and she was a goody-two-shoes, I don't think any of us had any idea that it would end up like this. I got Hermione ready for her first date with Draco, she was so nervous, and she was just as nervous today, I just want to say, congratulations to you guys and have a happy honeymoon," everyone applauded, then Blaise stood, "I am not going to talk about how I met them because I think it would shine badly on me and the groom," everybody laughed, "well, if that made you laugh this is a much easier crowd than I thought, well, Draco first told me he liked Hermione after a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, he then asked her to the dance and that's when they took off, ever since then, they have been inseparable, at the alter was the first time they had seen each other in 2 days, and I can't say the same for Hermione, but Draco was suffering, so cheers to them finally being able to see each other again," Blaise raised his glass and sat down again. Then Luna stood up and raised her glass, "I am not one for speeches so I will make this quick, I always thought Hermione and Draco would be together, and when I saw it in the paper, I was just surprised it wasn't sooner, but thank you for inviting me, this wedding not only brought them together but me and Blaise, so to Hermione and Draco, good luck and you need to watch out for each others Nargles," Luna sat back down and everyone was speechless, but when Harry stood, "Okay, thank you Luna, well, I guess it is my turn, I first met Hermione, on the Hogwarts Express, she fixed my glasses than before the sorting, I met Draco he was, let's say rude, but I have seen how happy he has made Hermione, I had the pleasure of walking her down the aisle and I have never seen her happier, so Hermione take care of him and Draco, if you ever hurt her, I will curse you into next year," everyone laughed and Harry sat down, then Hermione stood, "Well, you heard our vows so cheers and let's eat," Everyone had a plate covered by a top, they all took it off to reveal, chicken, broccoli, and a potato. Everyone started to eat and Ginny leaned over to Hermione to whisper something, "We have a game for after we eat," Hermione looked at her, "Ginny, no," Hermione said, "Trust me it will be fun," Hermione sighed and excepted defeat. 

When everyone was done eating, Ginny stood up, "Okay, we have 1 game before cake and dancing, it is called the newlyweds game, can I have the bride and groom put their chairs back to back," Hermione and Draco both stood up, picked up their chairs and went down to where the Weasleys were sitting they put their chairs back to back and sat down. "Okay now take off your shoes," Ginny said, they both looked at her confused, and took off their shoes, "Now hand one to each other," Ginny said, and they did, so Draco now had one white heel and Hermione had 1 black dress shoe. "Okay I will ask you a series of questions, and whoever is most likely you will hold up their shoe," Ginny said. Everyone was looking at them, "Okay, who asked for the first date?" Ginny said. Both of them held up Draco's shoe, "Who wears the pants in the relationship?" Ginny asked. They both held up Hermione's shoe and everyone laughed, "Which person gets up first in the morning?" Ginny asked, They both held up Hermione's shoe and Draco said, "Not only that, but I also wake up in an empty bed, she is always on the balcony or in the bay window reading," Everyone laughed again. This went on for about 30 more minutes,  "Okay that is all the questions I have, so return your shoes," Draco and Hermione both got their shoes back and they kissed, "Well, I guess now it is time for the cake," Ginny said, with the wave of her wand the cake came out on a cart, it was a white and yellow cake. Everyone crowded around the cake and Hermione and Draco both picked up forks, "I think you know what to do," Ginny said. Draco and Hermione both plunged their forks into the cake they fed the cake to each other and both laughed. Draco then made the first cut and put it on a plate, he handed the plate to Hermione, he then cut up 12 more pieces and handed it out to the crowd. They went back up to their table and all ate their cake. Then the woman who runs the museum came in when everyone finished, she waved her wand and the rectangular table was moved to the other end of the room and was replaced with a dance floor, music started playing and Draco held out his hand to Hermione. She took it and he lead her to the dance floor, they started dancing to the slow song that was playing and people started joining in slowly. Everyone was dancing, with their significant others, with their friends, family. 

"Okay everyone, the couples do have a flight to catch," Ginny said, "The luggage is in their car, they just need a proper goodbye," Everyone line up in a tunnel, they threw flowers on the couple as they walked to the car, Draco got in the driver's seat and Hermione in the passengers. "So where are we going?" Hermione asked, "You will have to see," Draco responded, Hermione, smiled, "I love you," she said to him, "I love you more, Mrs. Malfoy," Hermione smiled even bigger, they drove to the airport and parked their car. 

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