Final Food Tasting

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Hermione woke up to her 6 a.m. alarm clock she turned it off and sprung out of bed, she left the bedroom and came back 15 minutes later in a towel and her hair was wet, "Hmmm, good morning," Draco said to her. Hermione, still holding the towel came over to his side of the bed, "Hi, you better get up we have a cake tasting at 9 and it is an hour away," Hermione walked away and back to her closet, "Can you help me?" he asked, "Get up and we will see," she responded. He chuckled, sat up, and swung his legs around the edge of the bed, Hermione set out a red blouse and black jeans on the bed, she turned to her dresser, she dropped her towel to reveal her bareback, she then felt someone behind her, Draco moved her wet hair and started to kiss her neck and was moving down her back, "Draco we only have an hour," Hermione said, "Hmmm that's fine, we can finish in time," Hermione laughed, "It takes you 45 minutes to get ready so don't even try," Hermione put her bra and blouse on, Draco groaned and went to the closet when he looked back Hermione was completely dressed. She left the bedroom and went into the kitchen, she poured herself and Draco a cup of coffee. Hermione then got her Profit and sat down on the couch, flipping through it until Draco came out of the bathroom, he was wearing a blue button-up shirt, with beige pants, "So what was up with Blaise and Luna yesterday?" he asked as he sat next to her, Hermione was scanning through the obituaries and didn't respond. She did this often whenever she found herself engulfed in a piece of text, "Mione?" Draco asked he put his hand on the paper and put it down, "Hey, are you sure your okay?" Draco asked her. Hermione looked up at him and kissed him, "Of course, now we better get going, we can take the scenic route," Draco took Hermione's coffee mug and went back over to the kitchen, he poured both their coffee's into travel thermoses, he gave Hermione hers and opened the front door, and Hermione left their apartment with Draco close behind. They went down to the parking garage and Draco got in the drivers and Hermione in the passengers, Draco pulled out of the garage he grabbed Hermione's hand and she looked at him, they both had sunglasses on and the wind was flowing through Hermione's hair, "You are so beautiful," Draco said to her as he turned onto a road, "You're beautiful too," she responded, Draco chuckled, "So what was going on with Blaise and Luna last night?" Draco asked, "I don't know they were hardcore making out, it was kinda scary," Hermione responded, Draco chuckled, "I agree," he said. Hermione then heard her phone ring, "Hello?" Hermione heard an airy voice on the other line, "Hello Hermione, I wanted to let you know that I will be staying with Blaise from now on," Hermione was amazed, "Yeah okay, sure have fun I guess," Hermione then hung up the phone, "Apparently Luna is now staying with Blaise," Hermione told Draco, Draco laughed.

They pulled up to the caterers when they walked in they were greeted by a man in a suit and a woman in a pale yellow apron and jeans. "Are you the happy couple?" The woman asked, "Yes, I am Draco and this is my fiance, Hermione," Draco said as he shook their hands, Hermione shaking them right after. "Well, we have a lovely assortment of cakes for you to chose from, and tell me how many people are attending your wedding?" Hermione and Draco looked at each other, "13 including us," Hermione said, "And I still need whether you want chicken or fish," the man said, "Oh right chicken please," Draco said. The 4 of them entered a room with a long table in the middle and slices of cake around the table, the man left the room. "Well here we have triple chocolate," the woman said, Draco and Hermione both took a bite, "This is our specialty lemon," the woman said, Draco and Hermione tasted it, this went on for about an hour, "Okay I will leave you guys to decide," the woman said. "Okay pick your top three," Hermione said to Draco, "Hmm, well, Lemon, Coffee, and the cheesecake I guess," Hermione laughed, "Well, first of all, coffee ew no way in hell, but I am down for the lemon and the cheesecake," Draco chuckled and kissed her, "I guess I can sacrifice coffee but only for you Granger," she hugged then kissed him, "Lemon?" Hermione said they kissed again, "Lemon," Draco said, they kissed once more, the woman came back in the room, "Have you decided?" she asked. "Yes we will take the lemon, please," Hermione said as Draco pulled her in. "Amazing we will have them in time for your reception," Hermione and Draco smiled, "Thank you," he said. They left the building, got back in their car, and drove home.

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