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Draco and Hermione pulled up to another building but before going in Hermione stopped Draco, "Hey, I'm sorry about this morning, I shouldn't have brought it up,"  she said. Draco tilted his head and kissed her, "It's okay, now let's go pick out some chairs," he kissed her again and rubbed his hand on her thigh. They got out of the car and went into the building. "Hello, are you the soon to be, Malfoy's?" a woman asked as they walked in. She was in a beige pantsuit and her brown hair was in a tight bun. "Yes we are," Draco replied, she clapped her hands together, "Great, follow me," she said. They walked down a hall into a large room, with chairs, arches, and tables. "Okay can you tell me how many people are attending your wedding?" she asked, "13 with us," Hermione replied, the woman wrote it down, "And how many people in your bridal party?" she asked. "6, 2 bridesmaids, 2 groomsmen, and us," Draco replied, the woman wrote this down as well, "Okay so you need 11 chairs for the ceremony, and you can just move them for the reception, we have these 3," the woman said as she pointed to 3 chairs, one was white, one was silver and the other gold. "Then we have these tables for the reception, you will have 7 people on the ground so I would suggest 2 tables, 3 at one and 4 at the other," she said pointing at 4 tables one round and white, one round and black, one rectangular and black, and the last square and white. "Yeah, we will have to figure that out, that's the Weasleys and your mother," Hermione said looking up at Draco, he nodded. "And we have these 2 arches," she said as she gestured to 2 arches, 1 was white with lines going down the sides and flowers intertwined, the other was white with a grated pattern also with flowers intertwined. "I will leave you two to think," she said as she left the room. "Hey Mione, I wanted to run an idea by you," Draco said as Hermione was examining the arches, "Yeah what's up, Draco?" Hermione asked. "What if my mother sat up with the bridal party?" he asked, Hermione looked up and him and smiled, "I think that is an amazing idea," Hermione said as she kissed him. "Well, then I think we should do the square tables, 3 at each, and we can leave the spot facing us open," Draco said. Hermione nodded and they moved to the chairs. "What if we did the gold, it would go best with the black," Hermione said, "I agree," Draco said as he kissed the back of Hermione's head, "And I like the grated arch, we can have vines weaving in and out and have small purple, blue, and yellow flowers," Hermione said with a big smile on her face, "I love you so much Granger," Draco chuckled. Hermione giggled, and the woman came back in, "So, have you decided?" she asked, "Yes, we have, we will take 2 of the square tabled, and 1 of the long rectangular ones, and 13 gold chairs, and 1 grated arch," Hermione said, "And where are your ceremony and when?" the woman asked as she wrote all this down. "Um that would be Saturday, the ceremony starts at, noon," Draco said, the woman nodded, "Okay I will see you Saturday then," the woman said. Hermione and Draco then left, "Shit," Hermione said, as she looked at her watch, "What?" Draco asked concerningly, "We are going to be late for your rescheduled tux fitting, I can apparate home just drive," Hermione said as Draco started the car.

They arrived at the tux store and Hermione went around back and apparated home. Draco walked in and saw Blaise and Harry talking in chairs. "Hello, which one of you is Mr. Malfoy?" a man in a suit and white beard asked as he came around a corner. "That would be me, sir, nice to meet you," Draco said as he shook his hand. "Well, I will be taking all your measurements and finding suits for you all, you can leave with them today," he said. The boys nodded, Draco was first he stepped up on a podium, and the man propped up Draco's arms. "So, Blaise what is going on with you and Luna?" Draco asked as the man was measuring his arms, "I don't know man there is just something about her, she is so honest and real," Blaise responded. Harry chuckled, "Look I love Luna, but she is really bizarre at times," he said. Draco chuckled, "You really don't remember her, Loony Lovegood?" Draco said as the man measured his waist, Blaise's jaw dropped and his eyes widened, "You mean that is Loony? When did she get so hot?" Blaise asked they all laughed.

The man had finished taking all of their measurements, "You are all very common sizes so I have 3 black suits in your sizes," he walked away, "So Draco, did you ever think in a million years you would be marrying Mione?" Harry asked him. Draco scoffed, "No, my family always planned it to be me and Andromeda," Draco said, "I'm just glad it didn't turn out that way," he finished. The man came back with 3 suits in bags and gave them to each of the boys, "Okay well, I will see you guys tomorrow," Draco said when they got outside, Draco then got back in his car and drove home. When he got there Hermione was on the couch reading a book, "Hello my love, how was the fitting?" she asked as she got up and kissed him, he threw down his suit on the counter and grabbed her waist. He brought her in and kissed her passionately, "What was that for?" she asked when he released her, "An apology, for this morning, I shouldn't have reacted like that," he said, he brought her in one more time and kissed her again, this time even more passionately, "And that was an I love you, and I can't wait to be your husband," Hermione smiled and snaked her hands around his waist and embraced him. "I can't wait to be your wife, so where are we going on the honeymoon?" she asked, he chuckled and kissed the top of her head, "Nice try, really, I appreciate your attempt, it's cute but you won't get it that easily," he stepped away and into the bedroom to hang up his suit, Hermione stood in the doorway, "Come on this is killing me," she said, he chuckled, "You survived, death eaters, my deranged aunt, Voldemort himself, Andromeda, I think you can go a few more days of not knowing where I am taking you for our honeymoon," Draco pecked her on the cheek and walked past her to the living room, he sat down on the couch and picked up the book she was reading. Hermione then dragged her feet to where he was sitting, she collapsed on his lap and groaned, "Pleeeeeeese," Hermione said extending her words, he looked down on her and smiled, "You're cute you know when you can't get information out of somebody, you try so hard and it bugs you when you don't get your answer," Hermione scrunched up her nose and sighed, "Oh really, well-" Draco said he set down the book and started to tickle her, her whole body crunched up and she laughed, when he finally stopped he looked down on her and kissed her, "I love you so much," he said. She smiled, "I love you more," she replied, Draco shook his head, "I think I love you more, your hair, your eyes, your brain, they are the most beautiful I've seen," Hermione smiled and blushed, "No, I have you beat, your eyes, they've changed, at the Manor, during the battle, they were grey, lifeless, now they are green, a beautiful green that I get lost in every time I look at them," Draco's eyes glassed over, "Hey, are you okay, I'm sorry," she said, she got up and straddled his lap. "No, it's nothing you did, I just can't believe we are getting married soon," Hermione smiled and kissed him, it slipped into making out.

Getting Married-A Dramione Love Story InterquelWhere stories live. Discover now