Chapter 10: SIXTH SENSE

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"Doc says I'm gonna be fine, huh?"
Alvar remarked when he saw her.

Glimmer hovered in the doorway, still formulating the result herself.

"Seems like it," she agreed.

He propped himself against the bed frame.

"What now?"

Glimmer knew the answer.

"I take you home."

The last word made Alvar pause.

"I'm not going back to that sad excuse of a family."

"No, Alvar. Not Everglen."

She chose her next works carefully.

"Home- as in, with me."

Glimmer held her breath.
She watched Alvar consider the words.

"I think- I'd like going home." He whispered.
"I think I would too." She whispered back.

Glimmer had been staying in an old house she found on a beach.

It was nothing size-wise compared to the Elvin mansions, but it was nice enough.

She imagined her and Alvar staying there.

"I won't tell them we found you." A voice said from behind her.

Both Glimmer and Alvar jumped.

Biana appeared behind her.

"Elwin promised not to tell anyone either. I'll sneak out your old clothes and some of mine for you, Glimmer. I can bring some food to get you guys by too."

Glimmer was surprised at Biana's willingness to help her brother after all he'd done.
Apparently the Vacker daughter held more forgiveness in her heart than her other brother.
"Thank you." Alvar said to his sister.
She nodded.

"I'll need the address of the place you're hiding out, though," she told Glimmer.

She gave Biana the instructions, telling her the pathway between the two palms that she used to find the location.

Biana's eyes flickered to her brother's, holding his gaze.
She looked conflicted as she turned and left.

"Will you be telling anyone?" Alvar asked.
Glimmer hasn't thought of that.
Would she?
Who would she need to tell?

It was then she remembered the pretty little blonde boy siting on a cot right now who's trust she needed so badly to earn.

"I think we should tell a Keefe," she said quietly.
Alvar nodded.
"I trust that you'll tell him the right amount of information."

Alvar Vacker said he trusts her.

She nodded, heading to the his bedside table to pick up the list Elwin had left for him.

Alvar's Medicine

One regenerator with every meal to kick start his system
Two Energy elixirs a day
Lots of rest for the regenerators to do their job.

Take care,

Elwin had helped them in ways that could've gotten him exiled himself.
But he still helped.
He cared.
She took comfort in knowing that some people weren't out to get them.

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The sky was just starting to turn into a fiery array of bright orange and deep crimson strokes when Glimmer made her way back to Foxfire.

The recent events were playing out in her head over and over.

So much had happened.

The last talk she had with Keefe felt like days ago.

She pushed open the glittering doors to enter Foxfire's large entry way. The gleaming floors reflected the late day light coming from the shimmering glass ceiling.

Glimmer knew that the healing center was on the
second floor.
She began to head into one of the shiny hallways lined with rows of lockers when she paused.

Something wasn't right.

The thought had barely entered her mind before a hand clasped her lips shut.

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