Chapter 1

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Doc was running around his base, doing errands. While he was sorting through his chests and getting things he needs ready for today, he hears footsteps behind him. "Doc?" A familiar voice behind him calls out, patiently waiting for the mad scientist to respond. Doc turns around and sees BdoubleO100, or well, Bdubs for short. His ex enemy and neighbor.

"Bdubs? What's up, is there something wrong? Did the GOAT mother kill you again?" Doc joked, chuckling a bit as he looks at Bdubs who was quite nervous. "Well, I.. don't really spread out rumors but Keralis told me something very.. concerning." He explains to him, fiddling with his fingers a little.

Doc raises an eyebrow at this, now really intrigued with how things are going. He sits down on the edge of the hill where the GOAT mother is visible and pats the space next to him for Bdubs to sit. Bdubs sits down next to Doc and looks at the GOAT mother and sighs. "What happened?" Doc asks the concerned Hermit next to him, tilting his head a bit while glancing at him. "Well.. Keralis told me that.. Well, Xisuma has been acting a bit strange recently.." Bdubs starts off, his fingers finding its way to fiddle themselves again.

Doc nods and shifts all his focus to his friend as a sign to continue. "So I went over to Xisuma's base to check up on him. He was there, yeah, but.. when I talked to him he was just glaring down at me and scoffing. I then told him to stop with the joking to know if he was actually okay– and he, spoke to me. He said to me "What joke." and I was in total shock!" Bdubs continues, his normally cheerful voice now a bit shaky and serious.

The GOAT father was confused about this and asks him, "Did he say anything else?" He tilts his head down at Bdubs and pats his back. Bdubs nodded and looks up at the taller hermit. "I told him that I was concerned about him, but all he did was threaten me with his sword and scoff again. He told me to not waste his time and leave him alone." He finishes, looking down from the hill and sighing.

"And that was 2 days ago. I gave him some space and I'm scared to talk to him again. He really looked like he hated me. H-How could the normally friendly and approachable Xisuma do that, right–?" Bdubs mumbles the last part, enough for Doc to hear. Bdubs was right, his story was so far off the normally friendly admin. You wouldn't expect someone like Xisuma, go off at a Hermit like that or anyone at all.

"Have you talked to him recently? Or seen him?" Bdubs asks Doc, frowning a bit. Doc shook his head at this question from Bdubs. "The last time I spoke to him was a week ago when I showed him something from my secret lab." He says, remembering that day with the purple glitching block. Bdubs frowns and nods understandingly. "I see." He says, sighing a bit.

Doc was confused and concerned concerned at this point. He was also Xisuma's friend, every Hermit was, he felt obligated to check on him. "I'll go talk to him today, if that's alright with you?" He finally says, smiling a bit at Bdubs. Bdubs looks up at the mad scientist again, his eyes widened. "Nono– you don't have to. I can go talk to him myself today–" Doc cuts him off and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Then let's go together."

Bdubs chuckles and tilts his head to the side. "Are– are you sure you want to go?" He questions Doc to make sure he really does want to do this. "Positive. I'm also his friend, we need to be there for him, right?" Doc smiles a bit, his friendly side to him showing. Bdubs chuckles a little and nods. "Well, alright, if you really want to go, let's go." He says, standing up and adjusting his handy elytra. "Wait– right now–?" Doc asks, standing up as well and stumbling a bit. "Yes right now!" Bdubs says, his cheery side to him coming back.

The GOAT father rolls his eyes at his friend. "Why am I your neighbor again." He chuckles slightly, joking a little. "Hey– wh– come on, we resolved our fight fair and square!" Bdubs pouts, crossing his arms. Doc punches his shoulder playfully and rolls his eyes. "Okay, come on you Boomer. Xisuma may not be in his base when we come." He smiles and takes off to the sky with his rockets and elytra.

Bdubs follows suit as Doc hears fireworks going off in the distance from him. The two Hermits then flew over to their friend Xisuma's base, firework rockets all blasting in the air. The two finally lands down in front of the massive base. Doc leads and goes first inside of Xisuma's base, looking around for him. He finally sees the still purple robe that the bee admin was wearing. He beckons Bdubs over and starts walking towards Xisuma.

"Xisuma, how are you doing buddy." Doc says, coming up behind him. No response. Bdubs tilts his head and sighs. "Are you good, are you still upset?" He asks, walking a little closer to him. Xisuma turns around and glares daggers at the two. "I'm fine. What are you two doing here?" He says in a harsh, sarcastic way. Though, there was.. something wrong with his voice as Doc noticed.

"Dude.. what happened to your voice?" The mad scientist asks his bee friend, tilting his head to the side. Xisuma's voice, it was deeper than usual and quite disturbing. Is he sick? What happened to him during the past days? Bdubs backed away a little and frowns. "It's fine." Xisuma speaks again, his voice still very much like the one before.

Both Bdubs and Doc are a bit scared at the sudden change, at the very sudden change. "Are you sick, X? Maybe you should take a rest and we'll bring you some me—" Bdubs was cut off by a diamond sword threatening to slice his neck.

Doc immediately pulls Bdubs away. "Xisuma what has gotten into you?!" He yells a little, putting Bdubs behind him. Xisuma scoffs and glares daggers at the two Hermits in front of him. "Why can't you all just leave me alone?!" He yells, groaning and pointing his diamond sword at them.

Doc has a lot of mixed feelings about this, he was terrified, he was mad, he was concerned all at the same time. "Doc, let's just go– let's give him more time to cool off–" Bdubs says, tugging on the sleeve of Doc's lab gown. Doc glares at Xisuma one last time before walking away, Bdubs following immediately.

The GOAT father stops walking once the two were outside of Xisuma's base yet again. "What was up with him? He almost killed you! He almost killed us–!" He questions, still extremely confused about what just occurred. Bdubs takes a glance of the inside of Xisuma's base and sides. "Maybe he's not feeling well, he's normally not like this." He says to Doc, looking back at him.

Doc sighs and walks forward, Bdubs following again. "Just, that wasn't like him at all. Maybe something's up." He says, stopping again and turning to Bdubs. Bdubs crosses his arms and sighs. "Let's just give him more space, yeah? We'll go check up on him in a few more days and if nothing works out we need to go call in an emergency meeting." He smiles, reassuring Doc that all would hopefully go fine.

The two then went their separate ways, hoping in the back of their head that their friend would be alright. Doc went back to his base, a bit tired from the show that just happened. He went downstairs of his base and went past his lab. He stops in his tracks and glances back at the lab, thinking deeply in the back of his mind. "Could it be.. nah."

Doc dismisses his thoughts and walks away from the lab, humming a bit to himself and going to his bedroom once he finished checking if his base was all safe and good and going well.

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