• 1 • A New Family (Edited)

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"We have our Apex Champion." The camera twirled around both my partner and I. I was teamed with a robot, standing beside me. I remembered his name was 'Revenant'. He looked at me and pointed his hands at me. "Look at me again and I will silence you." I quickly turn back to the front. He is scary!

He scares me through out the whole match though he helped me out alot too. He always pinged things that I request. I wanted a M600 Spitfire, he got me one. Heavy ammo? No problem. He helps me stock them up. Scope? He pinged me the specific scope that I wanted.

I have always loved watching Apex. It's something that I enjoy alot. It's something like paintball but deadlier. These thrills always get my veins pumping and the adrenaline rush that I feel when I am being targeted, I love them all.

"Welcome to Apex Legend." The door infront of us opened. There stood eleven people, waiting to greet us. "Bonjour! New teammate!" A blonde hair girl came up to me and gave me a hug. I returned her embrace and greeted her back. "Hello there, you're a bubbly one." She giggled at my comment.

"Why thank you!" She released me from her hug. "What's your name?" She asked. I am not sure if I should tell her my real name so I told her my Legend name instead. "Eternal." She looked at me with bright eyes. "What's your power then?"

"I am able to heal my teammates with my powers. Something like Lifeline but instead of using health drone, I use my own powers." Lifeline came up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I heard ma name. What's yuh ultimate move then?"

I was playing with my fingers to keep myself calm from all those pair of eyes staring at me, waiting for my reply. "I am able to self-revive without the help of a golden knock-down shield."

I turned to look at my ex-teammate. He was surrounded by the guys. They were talking to him but he tried to shush them by wanting to use his ult but was stopped by the officials working here.

I then turn my attention back to those infront of me. Wattson, Bangalore, Wraith, Lifeline and Bloodhound were all surrounding me. "Finally we have another girl to join the legends!" Wattson exclaimed. I gave her a smile and laughed. "You sounded like it has been years since a girl joined." She signed. "Not that long but still-!"

I vowed to myself that if I am a legend, I will try to be more outgoing and not shy. Now that I am a legend, I should be outgoing. "Should we go for a drink or two? To throw a welcome party for these two." Bangalore asked everyone in the room, including the guys. I turned to her and waved my hands infront of me. "Ah, sorry about that but I will have to pass. I don't drink alcohol."

Everyone turned to me and I could feel like face started to heat up. This is so embarrassing!! A twenty-two years old lady who doesn't drink? I must be joking. I then opened my mouth to speak again. "I-I retract that. I have never drank alcohol before so m-maybe I could try it?"

Then suddenly everyone started celebrating. "It's time for drinks and party!" Mirage shouted. I had a feeling that I might regret my decision. The girls then said that they wanted to show me my new room. They all lived together in a dormitory. Males and females mixed.

When we were nearing the dorm, I thought we had went to the wrong place. The dorm looked like a 5-star hotel. It was a huge hotel. Wraith then told me that each level only lives two legends. "As you can see here, the ground level is the lobby. This is the common area for all of us." Wattson said. "You must be kidding me. This place is huge! Its like the size of a football field!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe my eyes. The lobby this big? Impossible! Except it's possible because it's the truth.

"Oh, talking about football field." Bangalore remembered. "The second floor is a field. A field that allows us legends to use to exercise or even fight each other." Oh my, the head of this Apex Legend must be loaded. "Let's take a look at your room, shall we?" Lifeline said in an excited tone.

My room was on the fifth floor. There were two door just right infront of the lift. "Room Five-O-two is yours." Bloodhound passed the keys to me. I took the keys and opened the door just to be greeted by the beautiful decorations and pastel pink coloured walls with the look of a princess room. "This was what I wanted-" I choked. "I didn't think you like princess things judging by how you joined the apex team." Wraith was shocked by how my room looked like. I covered my face with my hands to cover my blush and embarrassment. "Gahh, sorry. I always fantasize about being a princess."

They stayed for awhile, talking about how the room looked so princess-y, girly and pink. "Ladies, let's not stay here any longer, she needs to unpack and make herself at home." Bloodhound stood up and told the others to make their way back to their rooms to rest instead.

"There might be a match tonight before the welcome party. That's what the voices told me." Wraith said. I thanked her for telling me so I could get ready for it later in the evening and closed the door after they entered the lift back to their respective floors. I looked over to my luggages and boxes that needs my attention to unpack them and decided that I would arrange my items now while I still feel energetic.

Once I am done putting away my battle gears and casual cothes in the closet, I set my alarm to alert me to give me time to prepare for the next match in the evening. I looked at my room as a whole once more before running to my bed and pounce on it. I grabbed my favourite plush toy and fell asleep instantly. That was how tired I am.

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