• 13 • I do this for the fans (Edited)

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Caustic gave me a poker face and was willing to reply. "Yes. I have a subject that I am very much interested in." The legends stared at me and I looked down, feeling Caustic's warm big hands on the back of mine. A warm blush creeped on my face as I looked down even more.

"Oh! Now that's interesting, who is she?" Caustic's fangirls were screaming and shouting things like 'Oh no! My gas daddy is going to be stolen by some girl!' or 'I love Caustic more than whoever Caustic loves!' Caustic doesn't seem to mind about his fangirls and fanboys. He just continued holding my hand firmly.

The MC laughed at the crowd's screams and continued his questions. "How about Eternal?  People has been shipping you together with Mirage ever since that duo match. What do you think of him?" My heart raced. "Mirage is not really as annoying at Bloodhound says he is but.. He is a good guy." Mirage laughed and shouted out. "Hey, I wouldn't mind you being my girl y'know?" I could see Wraith staring at Mirage, telling him that he is dead when they get back to the dorm.

Caustic's grip tightened. I felt a chill down my spine. "D-Did I say something wrong, Alex?" I whispered softly. He didn't reply me. That's when it struck me. Perhaps Caustic is jealous that Mirage was trying to hit on me? I squeezed his hand. "You know.. I will never choose anyone other than you right?" The older male heaved a sigh and decided to look at me in the eye. "That goes without saying."

The rest of the time was just us laughing at Octane because of his answers to his question. "Octane, will you blow up every single of your bones if it makes you faster after that?" He smiled and answered "Of course, amigo." With confidence in his voice. Lifeline then smacked his head. "Yuh an idiot." She said it with a flat tone.


"Alright, it's time for the last question. These are for the girls." The MC said as he opened the envelope. "Would you like to have kids?" All of us had our eyes wide open. What kind of question is that? Questions for the fans?

Wattson was the first to start. "Having children is a dream of mine, I love looking after them and seeing their smiles." She smiled brightly. My heart softened. Oh baby, Wattson. You are so precious. Everyone looked at me  As I was the next girl after Wattson.

"I-I would like to have a child or two if my husband doesn't mind." My face flushed as I could feel Caustic's glowing emerald eyes on me. Lifeline sighed as though she is already a mother. "I am already taking care of a legend that acts like a child most of the time." She pointed at Octane. "But realistically, I would love to have a few. I will treat them like angels."

Everyone stared at both Wraith and Bangalore which they both shook their heads. "I don't have time for those." Bangalore said but it all depends on my partner too. "I am not interested." Wraith said softly. The MC then said that the hand-shaking event will start now where we are all lined up side by side and all of our fans will come up one by one to shaking hands with us.

"I love you so much Lifeline." I could hear a fan said as she was shaking Lifeline's hand. "You are the reason why I am a nurse now. I feel so inspired to be a combat medic because of you. I want to help and nurse people back to health too." Now that's sweet. A fan came up to me and shook my hand. "I masturbated with this hand and I have not washed it since then." He said to me as he walked away.

Caustic who was beside me, heard everything. He looked at the man with disgust on his face and passed me a packet of Dettol wet tissue. "Use this for now. Wash your hands thoroughly when we are done with this." I nodded at him and continued on with the event. I saw some of Caustic's fangirl tried hugging him but was stopped by the security guards or by Caustic himself.

"Eternal, I have always admired you from my television at home. Please be my wife." A male fan held my wrist and was pulling me out of the stage with great force. I was dragged along, I can't stop him myself. Crypto, Mirage and Bloodhound was trying to block the kidnapper's route out but he carried me over his shoulder and tried to run down the hallways and out from the main entrance.

Caustic wasn't going to take that without doing anything. He was ready to throw his gas canister at that man. Gibraltar was the one who managed to stop that man. "Hey bruddah, this is not cool. You should not go around kidnapping legends when we are still here. Back off and we will drop this." The kidnapper then let me down and held my hands. " I won't give up, Eternal. Or should I say Violett Skylar."

He knows my real name. I shuddered. I have a stalker. Caustic stood behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder without saying anything. I could sense that he is not happy with that stalker of mine. I placed a hand of his and petted it. "Don't worry, I am fine. I can defend myself!" He looked at me with sadness in his eyes and said nothing.

The day continues without anymore troubles but little did I know that I have a surprise up in store and that my time as a legend  or to be together with Caustic is almost up.

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