• 6 • When you are ready (Edited)

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Please let them be a girl, please let them be a girl. Please let them- Someone walked out from the back of the stage and it's a guy. "Curses.." I muttered under my breath. The MC looked at me and smiled, eyeing me suggestively.

"Wow, the first game with the legends and you are already a champion? How did you feel?" He sounded amazed and passed the microphone to me. I took the microphone from him and before I could speak, he had his hands on my knee, rubbing it.

All eyes were on me and the pressure was intense. I didn't know whether to voice out my discomfort of to just suck it up and continue the show. "I-I am honored to be here w-with all the legends. It has always been a d-dream of mine to be able to play games with them.." The MC's hand was slowly and steadily travelling up thighs. I looked at Lifeline who immediately caught on. She whispered something to Crypto and he looked at my way and nodded his head.

He sent his drone my way but out of everyone's sight. The legends are able to hear the drone but the venue was too loud for normal citizens to hear. I squeezed my eyes shut, secretly pleading for help. I had a phobia with guys that I have never met or know little to no knowledge about them.

Lifeline looked at Crypto's screen and slammed both her hands on the table. "How dare you... Touch our youngest member of the Apex Legends inappropriately." She was fuming.

Gibraltar stood up and looked like he was ready for a fight. "We may be enemies in the field but when we are out of there, we are a family." Caustic stood up too. He slowly walked towards where I was at and scooped me up from my seat. I was crying. I feel so contaminated, disgusted with myself. How could I let someone touch me so easily?

Soon, all the legends stood up, leaving the stage. We were notified that the Meet-and-greet session will be postponed. I clinged onto Caustic the whole trip back to the dorm and no one said anything.

"Are you okay..?" Wattson had tears in her eyes. "I shouldn't have let you sat there alone." She sobbed. Caustic groaned in annoyance. "Stop crying, I don't want to have to babysit two twenty-two year olds." Crypto brought Wattson back to their dorm and Caustic went to ours. He reached my doorstep and asked if I wanted to have some personal space. I shook my head slowly.

"I'll let you calm down in my place then. Call me if you need me." Caustic opened his front door and placed me on the bed. He went over to the bathroom and water can be heard running. I would like to bathe too. Maybe it will help me wash all these filth off me. I thought.

Tears started blurring my sight again. "Why does it have to be me.. I'm scared of being alone.." I sobbed. Suddenly a wave of floral aroma filled the air. It smelt.. Pleasant. A warm embrace can be felt after that. Caustic hugged me. "S-Stop it, I am filthy. Defiled and contaminated." I sniffed uncontrollably.

Caustic caressed my hair like how a doting father would. I could hear his heartbeat beating rapidly like it's about to explode. "I will be here to absorb all those contaminations."

"Why are you so kind to me..?" I asked, face filled with snot and tears. He looked at me with a face of disgust and took a few pieces of tissues from his bedside to wipe them off. "Think about it. I don't normally let people in my room." My face flushed. "Is it because... You have feelings for me?" I asked straight-forwardly.

"Pretty bold of you to assume that I have feelings for you." He said coldly. "But that is correct." My body slumped "Stop playing with my feelings! You almost gave me a heart attack!" He let out a throaty laugh and loosen the hug. "It has been a long time since this 'Love at first sight' occurred." He smiled.

"Even if I don't have feelings for you, I will always keep you as my play thing. My test subject."

"Does that mean we are together or? Are we moving too fast? Because I just bawled my eyes out a few minutes ago." I looked away. "When you are ready."

He leaned in slowly. Lips slightly parted. I could smell the minty mouthwash he used when he was showering. THE Caustic is about to kiss me. WHAT HAPPENED TO WHEN I AM READY?!

His lips touched mine. It felt softer than it looks. He kept the kiss light and breathable. I closed my eyes as he held me close to his warm body. But I could sense that he had his eyes opened, observing me like what he always does to his test subjects.

Without any warning, he forced his tongue into my mouth. "Mmm..!" It shocked me when something foreign entered my mouth. It explored my mouth like it was a playground. From a light and breathable kiss, it quickly escalated to a deep and breath-taking one.

I was gasping for air when his lips left mine. All that was left was the tingly warm sensation as though as the lips was still there. He looked into my eye and slowly loosening the embrace. "I'll let you think about it. In the meantime, you can take a shower at my place."

All I can do was nod my head in response. My voice is not coming out. He literally took my breath away. Before I turned to make my way to his bathroom, he looked at me with predator eyes, licked his lips and smirked. "Strawberry cheesetart. Delicious." He said it in his husky voice.

My whole body shivered. Not out of fear but with pleasure.

Mom, Dad. I am in love with someone who is twice my age.

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