• 14 • Worthless (Edited)

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A few days has passed and I was in my room, lying down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. Caustic and Gibraltar had an interview or should I say, a fashion photo shoot for older men. I was really hungry and I decided to head out to get some groceries.

As I got myself changed and ready to head out of the dorm, I saw Wattson heading out too. "Good afternoon, Violett, are you heading out to get some groceries too?" I smiled at her and nodded. "Alexander's appetite has been pretty good these days. He has been eating more than a bowl of rice everyday so I had to get more ingredients to cook for tonight."

As we were heading to the market in the cities, two hours away from the headquarters, we had been talking about the other legends and what we love about them. "I am going to head over to the milk section over there for my morning cereals!" Wattson said and i acknowledged, heading over the the coffee section myself.

Caustic has been drinking a lot of coffee these past few days because of his lab test but still, it's not good for his body. Just then, I felt a knock behind my head and my vision blurred and blacked out soon after that.


My eyes slowly opened. I looked around at my surroundings, trying to know where I was but the whole room was pitch dark except a lightbulb that was shining directly down at me. My head was pounding and all my limbs where tied to the chair that I was sitting on. That's when I knew that I was kidnapped.

"My lovely Violett." A familiar voice echoed in the room. A voice that I wish I didn't have to hear again. "You have no idea how much I love you.." He came out of the shadows and stood directly infront of me. He squatted down and placed his hands on my thighs, petting them. "Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid of me. I am going to be your future husband." He laughed maniacally.

My heart beat rapidly. I was beyond scared. I am petrified. My whole body was shaking. I felt so hopeless. I tried screaming at the top of my lungs but was slapped by him instead. "Don't scream. No one is coming to save you. No one comes by this island, my dear."

We are on an island? Tears started forming in my eyes and I sobbed silently. "Now now, don't cry. If you are not being a good girl, I will have to punish you." He said as he grabbed me by my hair and tugged on it hard, forcing me to look up at him. "Will you bear my children, Violett?" He said as he untied both my hands and legs.

I thought I was able to run but when I tried, a wave of electricity zapped through my whole body. "?!" I fell to the ground, gasping for air. "Don't bother trying to run, I placed a shock collar on you. So if you disobey me, I will not hesitate to zap you again, darling."

"Please let me go.." I sobbed. "I don't want to be your wife. I am an Apex Legend. My family needs me to survive!" I chocked between sobs. "I will marry you and will let you off after having a kid or 2?" I shook my head. "I already have someone I love so please let me go." He slowly came over to where I was and placed a piece of damped cloth over my nose. I tried to not breathe whatever chemical it might be but he punched me in my stomach and made me take a deep breath of it.

My vision blurred and I couldn't control my limbs. My conscious was the only thing that was still awake. I could feel my body being lifted up and placed on the table with my hands tied together underneath it. My legs were spread wide and tied together too underneath the table. "My my my.. look at this beauty." He said as he took a scissor and cut through my undergarments. "I wonder how does it taste like.."

He forcefully opened my mouth with his and shoved a pill down my throat. "I took one just now, this one is yours. It will take awhile to kick in." The man said has he wiped his mouth. I knew what it is when I felt that familiar hot and tingling sensation. I shut my eyes, trying to not let it take over my body but it's not working.

"Oh my, Violett. You are such a naughty girl." He kneeled down and started eating me out. My body shivered with pleasure unwillingly. "S-stop it.." My voice came out as a moan. The man stopped and started fingering me instead. "You look like you are enjoying it huh." He mocked. "I will make you cum and then the baby making session will start." I shake my head vigorously. "Please no.. please stop this.."

"You're mine now, no one will be able to save you. A legend as weak as you, how are you even a Legend?" He placed a sticky tape over my mouth and continued stirring my insides. "You are not a legend. You were never a legend. You are just a woman who bears my child. You can't even use your abilities outside of the field." He laughed at me, spitting on me.

He made me feel like I am worthless and helpless. "You are going to be my wife. Only I can make you feel like you worth something. If you don't obey me.." He pressed a button and waves of electricity can be felt again I screamed but my voice is muffled by the tape. "This will happen to you.."

He leaned down towards me where his face meets mine. "Only I can have you.. no one could. And if I can't have you, no one can."

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