• 8 • Opposite teams (Edited)

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"Are you good at sniping, Miss Skyler?" Mirage asked looking straight ahead, finding for a good place to land. "As long as I have whatever I need, I am a sniper champ." I said, feeling proud of myself.

The whole game is just me and Mirage having each other's back. Mirage bamboozled people with his decoy while I sniped the enemies when they let their guards down. When I needed to heal or to resurrect myself, Mirage would use his decoy to get the attention of the enemies.

"Three squads left." I gulped. Mirage shushed me and told me to listen to our surroundings. "I hear footsteps." Mirage said. Suddenly I felt someone kicked me, hard from the back. "I'm been attacked!" A familiar silhouette loomed over me. It closed my only way out and jammed the door with a gas trap. "A-Alexander! What are you doing!? Let me out!"

He said nothing as I should hear his footsteps fading. The gas trap will hurt me now as we are no longer in the same team. I thought to myself. Gunshots can be heard from afar but near enough to know that it's aimed at Mirage. "I'm taking some damage." Mirage said. I could hear him running everywhere to dodge both Bloodhound's and Caustic's shots. That's so unfair!

"Violett! Where are you?!" Mirage shouted through the microphone. "Stuck in a sticky situation! Alexander trapped me! He jammed the door with his gas trap." I kicked the door. Caustic's gas then started to activate. I coughed and backed away from there and waited for the gas to be out.

"Elliott, I am coming for you." I kicked the door for the last time and it broke. I quickly sprinted to where my partner was and retrieved his banner. "Please don't let there be people." I looked for a nearby respawn beacon and successfully respawned Mirage. I ran to a higher place where I can see where everyone is. It's time for my sniping skills to shine.

"Enemies over there." I pinged to where Lifeline and Revenant is. I aimed at Revenant who immediately knew where we were. Both Lifeline and Revenant went to hiding. "Curses. Elliot! There are in this house. Both Ajay and Revenant!" I pinged at where they were last seen entering. Mirage rushed to the nearer buildings. "Throwing a Thermite." He said.

"Thanks to that fool, I am finally able to kill you off." Revenant appeared behind me slowly as though he was mocking me. He then threw his skill where I was to silence me, meaning I can't use both my skill and my ult. "Say your farewell, skinbag." He shot me down with a golden P2020. "Ugh. Revenant is infront of me, please run-" Before I could finish my sentence, Revenant used his finisher on me.


I woke up on the drop ship with a pounding headache. "So this is where we go when we die on the field huh.." I massage my head as I slowly made my way to the killing board. "Three assist and one kill huh.." I sighed. I looked at the common area to see that most of us are already back. I saw Bloodhound and Lifeline are back. "Alexander was too aggressive." Lifeline sighed. "He probably saw that you got finished by Revenant." I looked at Bloodhound and they pointed at Mirage. "Elliott killed me."

There's three squads and three people left. Caustic, Revenant and Mirage. "It's the final circle guys!" I heard Bangalore shouting. Caustic has the advantage here. As long as the circle is small, Caustic could just use his ult which he did before Revenant got the chance to use his skill. Mirage was the first to die from there. "At least we got third place." I smiled at him when he reaches the dropship.

"We have our Apex Champion." The announcer said with Caustic on the field. He was covered in dirt and mud, he is unbeatable. He looked up to the dropship above and was panting heavily. I guess it's a little too much for someone like him. Even though he has been training everyday, his age is not a small number anymore. I looked at the score and shocked. Let me take back my words. Caustic alone killed half of the people. "He is the oldest Legend here. He is a pro at observing and killing off people." Wattson chuckled.

Caustic took the zipline up to the dropship where all of us were at and walked straight over to me. I backed away because he looked like he was about to murder me. "W-Wait! Alexander, I can explain!" He didn't get me the chance to and dragged me away from the crowd. "Help me!!"

Caustic sat on his chair and placed me on his lap. "Does it hurt?" I was taken aback by his kind and soft voice, I didn't know that he was capable of that. He sound so meek and vulnerable. That is not very 'Caustic-like'. "It hurts when Revenant finished me off but I am fine now." He hugged me tight. "I didn't want you experiencing that. That's why I trapped you. But you managed to get out of there just to respawn Elliott. I applaud you for that courage."

"Thank you for the compliment, Alexander." I smiled at him bopped his gas mask. "I had to move. Did you want me to be killed by the ring?" You joked. "I can at least take that much pain, Alexander. I am not a child that you need to protect." Caustic sighed, his face expression softened. "I know. Maybe I am just too over-protective." I played with Caustic's hair as he hugged me close to him.

"Where did the fierce, merciless and fearless Caustic disappeared to? People always said that you are a sociopath and all you think about is kill and gas and test subjects." I giggled. "Where did he go?"

He tightened the embrace and sighed. "Killed by Eternal's existence."

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