• 11 • Slowly Changing (Edited)

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Nice and clean, we both sat down on the dining table. There was an awkward silence. "The meet and greet session is coming again, isn't it?" I tried starting a conversation. "Are you not going to ask me why was I dealing with aphrodisiac?" I paused. "Yes, I was about to ask you that.."

"It is for Ajay Che. I had seen her countless of times, sitting at the common area, not talking to Silva at all. He had either been busy playing his games with his fans or playing games with us. It's never about the two of them." I covered my mouth, shocked. "I didn't think you would care about the rest of the legends."

"I didn't think I would either. But I don't regret it. Afterall, I get to see you so... vulnerable and adorable under me." The blush on my face deepened. "About that." I started. "Will you be my significant other? I mean, if you are okay with me." My hands were trembling, this is my first time dating someone who is so much older than me.

"I will not accept your confession." He said coldly. I didn't look up, I could feel my tears stinging my eyes. I feel so humiliated. "I will be the one confessing, Violett." I looked up to meet his emerald eyes, "Will you be mine? I am definitely too old to make babies like rabbits, thats for sure and all I do is stay in my laboratory, doing experiments."

I quickly wipe my tears away and smiled at him, taking both his big hands in mine and kissed them. "Most definitely! You may be twisted and a sociopath to some but in my heart, you make a good husband and a father." Caustic smiled and began picking up his utensils. "Let's eat before it gets inedibly cold."


"Ajay!" I ran up to her in the common room the next day. Just like what Caustic said, I would be able to find her here alone. "Hey there, Violett. What brings ya here?" I placed a small bottle of what Caustic gave me, aphrodisiac into her palm. "Alexander told me to give this to you. It's aphrodisiac." Her eyes widened. "Alexander did?" I smiled at her. "He has been changing recently huh? Anyway, have fun with Octavio!"

"Do you think Octavio and Ajay will last?" I stood beside Caustic with a gas mask on my face and a lab coat on my body. "I would like to think so. My experiments will never fail." I looked around Caustic's laboratory. It has different kinds of liquids, labeled and stored neatly on shelfs. "Don't touch anything." He warned. "Yes sir, I won't touch anything, I promise."

It was a dream come true. I have never thought Caustic will actually like me back. I have always thought he was someone who kills people to satisfy himself or maybe he is just lonely.. But I guess even a guy like him is capable of loving someone. Why did he change his heart? Why does he always look so soft infront of me?

"Hey, Alex." I looked at him. "Do you need a living test subject?" He looked at me and stopped whatever he was doing. "Are you suggesting to use you as a test subject." I guess nothing could hide from him. "That's what I am trying to imply, I guess." The silence was deafening. I could feel his gaze on me, piercing through me like a knife.

"I would take you up on that offer." That caught me off-guard but he is a mad scientist afterall. "Let me know when you need me." I walked over to him, tracing his muscular arm as I walked over to the other arm, peering at what he was doing.

"Tomorrow is the meet and greet. Honestly I am still afraid. But I know I have to overcome this phobia with males." Without waiting for his reply, I headed out from the lab. I took off the lab coat and headed to my room where I will take a nice long bath. I took my clothes and everything I needed and headed to the bathroom.

I looked at where my counter is and saw a new sets of bathbombs. "Oh, Lavender. I will like this." As usual, I will throw it into the bathtub already filled with warm water and watch it foam before taking off my clothes and dipping myself in.

This is so relaxing. I could fill all my fatigue fading away. I slide down all the way, dipping my head in the waters and listen to the sound of the calm waters. This is so relaxing.

Suddenly I felt a strong hand grabbing my head out from the waters. "What do you think you are doing?" A low familiar voice echoed in the bathroom. "Alexander?" I spoke, trying my best to get rid of the dripping water on my face. "Sorry about that, my head hurts so I was trying to calm myself down by listening to the calm waters.

He looked at me with a pained look on his face. "I thought I was about to lose a valuable test subject." He released the back of my neck and stood up, leaving me alone in the bathroom to clean myself up. "You will be sleeping in my room tonight, you have no say in this." He looked at me from over his shoulders and closed the bathroom door.

I wore my pajamas and got out from the bathroom to see Caustic sitting on my bed, waiting for me to get out. I hope at least I look presentable. He stood up, ready to head over to his own apartment and so I followed. "You should get some rest. You will need it tomorrow." He said as he wore his lab coat again.

"Are you not joining me?" I asked, sitting on the edge of his bed. "I have to get my things ready for the next match." He said without looking at me and walked back into his laboratory. I sat there, dumbfounded. Why would you tell me to sleep in your room when you are not even sleeping?

Angrily, I disobeyed him and went back to my room to sleep and I slept comfortably.

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