• 9 • Secrets revealed (Edited)

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"Let's go do some shopping!" Both Wattson and Lifeline jumped in excitement. "Girls, we are gonna step-up our games for the next meet-and-greet." I took a deep breath. After that last Meet and Greet session, I was traumatized. Bangalore took my hand and gave me a side smile.

"You Okay?" I looked from her to the ground and gave her a small nod. "I will be." Wraith looked at Wattson worriedly and sighed. "We will protect you this time. Besides, you have that big guy over there to protect you, right?" She pointed towards Caustic who was talking to the officials of Apex.

I walked over to Caustic and looked at the papers that he was holding. "What's that for?" I asked, pulling the paper down so I could see better. He is too tall. "A door. Between our walls so we could access each other's rooms easily." I don't dislike that idea. It means I am able to sneak into Caustic's room when I want to. "Sure, let's do that."

"Violett! We are going to get changed and prepared to head out, we'll meet at the lobby in two hours?" Wattson grinned. I nodded and waved them goodbye. "See you guys in two hours then!" I looked back at Caustic. "I will be heading out with the girls. I hope I don't get lost because I always does in a place I haven't been before." I scratched my head in embarrassment. "Talk to you later, Alex!" I waved goodbye to him.


I am back in my pink room. I made sure I locked my main door before heading to the bathroom to refresh myself, take a warm relaxing bathe. Afterall, two hours is long. I dropped a bathbomb into the bathtub and watched it foam out and merge as one together with the waters.

"Mmm.. Floral scent, just like Alexander's scent back then." I took off all my clothes and dipped my body into the pink milky water. The packaging did say that it will make your skin white and smooth. Times like these, you will have to pamper yourself. I thought.

I played with the water and listened to my neighbour opening his door to enter his apartment. Oh, so Alex is back home. What should I wear today and what kind of make up should I apply? I stood up from the bathtub and dried myself.

I flipped through my closet with just a towel up to cover my chest down and another to wrap my hair to prevent water from dropping onto for wooden flooring. I took out a white high waist shorts with a white t-shirt with pastel flowery printing on it. I also took a pink bomber jacket with cherry blossoms embroidered on the back in case I got cold.

I placed them out on the bed and looked at it. "Looks just fine to me, now for the shoes.." I took a white fishnet stockings and matched it with a pair of dusty pink slightly heeled boots. I nodded to myself with approval and started getting changed into them. I blew dry my hair and loosely braided them into a side braid. I also wore a white plain cap and a small light brown sling bag to top everything off.

I looked into the mirror and get started on my casual makeup. Drawing my eyebrows to make them more visible, applying some dark brown mascara and added a little tint of blush on my cheeks. To finish everything off, I coloured my lips with a light pinkish-orange coloured lipstick with a glossy finish.

I looked at the wallclock I have in my room and realized that I still have thirty minutes left. I grabbed my purse, phone and keys and headed out for the door.


"We are going to buy what we want." Lifeline was fired up. She said that she had been saying with the guys that it's driving her up the walls especially Octane. "So what happened between you and Silva?" Bangalore asked.

I can't help but stare at how Bangalore was attired. She had a plain grey turtle neck shirt accompanied with a black leather jacket that bikers use. She is also wearing a tight black jeans which highlights her muscles and a pair of black sneakers. She is gorgeous.

"He is constantly on his computer and rarely talk to me." Lifeline puffed out her cheeks, pouting cutely. "You should make yourself known, Ajay." Wraith added in. I leaned in and whisper a question. "By any chance, is Ajay dating..."

"Octavio Silva? Yes." Bangalore said. Ajay face is obviously red now. I was shocked. They never once had shown any type of affection infront of the legends. "He didn't want his fans to know about me and he is either in the match or playing on his computer so there's no chance to go all lovey-dovey." Lifeline sighed.

I turned my attention to Bangalore. "Oh, I am taken if that why you are looking at me." My mouth dropped. "Who is it? Is it the one you are always talking about?" Wattson was saying thing like she knew who it was. "Yup, that's the one. One of my fans who has been there for me all the time." Bangalore smiled as she thought of her lover.

Goodness gracious. It seems like everyone is taken. "How about you, Wraith?" She choked on her drink. "What about me?" Ajay had her head resting on her hand like she is totally not going to act dumb. "Mirage. How's you and Elliott?" Now it's my turn to choke on my drinks. "E-Elliott..?" The ravenette looked away, hiding her blush but it's still pretty obvious. "I know he is two years younger than me, so what?"

I waved my hands infront of myself. "I-I didn't mean it that way, I was just afraid that you will get angry at me because he always tries to flirt with me." Wraith sighed. "He is always like this when there's a new girl." Wraith waved it off like its nothing. "And that's what made me so angry. Because he rarely spends time with me even though we are just neighbours.."

Wattson started to blush. Everyone stared at her to pressurize her. "M-Me and Crypto.. We are doing fine.. He might not show it to you guys but he is a sweet and gentlemanly." Wattson looked so cute twiddling her thumbs. Then all eyes were on me.

"How's Alexander." Wraith asked. "He is like a doting father." I said as I suddenly remember that hot passionate kiss we shared that day. "He always look out for me." Everyone shook this head and sighed. "Poor Alexander." Lifeline said as she drank her drink. "He just got Father-zoned." Wraith giggled softly. With all the relationship problems out of the way, we all decided to head back to the dorm.

In the end, Lifeline did not even buy anything that she wanted to make herself happy.

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