• 12 • Meet and Greet

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It's abnormally cold today so I tried to grab a blanket without opening my eyes, afterall my alarm hasn't rang yet. I grabbed onto a blanket and snuggled into it like a cocoon with only my face out. I sneezed softly several time. I blame the air conditioner in my room. I sniffed the blanket, it smells like Caustic.

"Hmm.. Alexander.." I could feel myself smiling as I said his name. "What do you need, my little princess?" I heard a soft low husky voice near my blanket-covered ear. "I love you.." I said, thinking that I am still dreaming. "I.. I love you too." The voice replied.


I heard my alarm ringing and I woke up from my sleep. I found myself in Caustic's bed, with him sleeping beside me. I slowly tried to make my way out of the bed to surprise him with breakfast made by me. I looked into my fridge to see a brand new pack of bacon and I grabbed a handful of eggs. "I hope he likes it.." I mumbled to myself as I started the fire.

While I was making sunny side up for my share of the food, I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Is that breakfast?" Caustic said as he placed his chin on my head. "Hey, you will make me shorter if you were to push my head down like that and yes, breakfast. I hope you like bacons and eggs." He released his embrace and walked into his bathroom without saying anything else.

I turned around to see him wobbling his way into the bathroom and lazily picking up his toothbrush and applied some toothpaste on it before opening his mouth to brush. He look so cute when he just woke up, with his hair all messy and everywhere. He is definitely not a morning person. Maybe I should make him a cup of coffee too.

I laid down the table, served the food and stood infront of the coffeemaker that Caustic own. I looked over to where he sat, just staring at the food with tired eyes. "You look spent." Obviously he is tired, he probably spend the own of last night making and mixing chemicals. "I am in fact, tired." He said, sitting with his back leaned against the back rest of the chair, waiting for me to be seated down too.

I placed the chemistry printed mug filled with coffee infront of him and seated at where I was suppose to, the other side of the table. I took my utensils and started digging in. He on the other hand, drank his coffee first. He probably needs it more than the food infront of him. Today is the meet and greet. Let's do this.


We were told to wear what we feel comfortable in and we all agreed to wear our battle armors. "Are you ready, Violett?" Bangalore asked as Wattson held onto my hand. "I will be fine. Besides, I am not that of a wimp to be afraid of a simple meet and greet." I laughed nervously.

"Right." Bangalore, Wraith and Lifeline are not buying it. "I-I mean, I will be fine. Besides, I have you guys right? I can fend for myself." Wattson nodded her head and smiled. "And I will be there for you this time!" She is such a cinnamon roll. We all love her.

I adjusted my skirt once more and tried to be confident. Wattson held my hand and gave me a warm smile. "I'll be here for you." She reminded me. "Let's welcome the Apex Legends!" The MC of the day and the audience gave us a warm welcome. We went on stage to sit at our assigned places.

"Say, your fans here have some questions to ask each and every legends here, are you guys ready to ask them questions?!" The whole audience screamed and shouted their lungs out.

"Let's go with Bloodhound. It seems like alot of your fans love shipping you with Mirage over there, what do you think of Mirage?" Bloodhound was silent for awhile before letting out a sigh. "A nuisance." Everyone in the stage either laughed or giggled. "Hey! How could you say that about me, I am not a nuisance right, Eternal?" I wiped my tear away and nodded. "At least not on the field."

"How about Mirage? What kind of girl is attractive to you?" He placed his hand under his chin and went silent for awhile before opening his mouth and said: "All ladies are attractive to me. But I would prefer mysterious and a soft speaker. Someone totally opposite of me." That's a shock, I didn't think Mirage has a type of girl he likes.

"That's unexpected, how about you Crypto? Ever wanted to be a K-POP star?" Crypto stayed silent for awhile before replying. "I am happy to be able to kill." Everyone was silent. That's a little straight forward but at least his fans love it.

"Wattson. One of the youngest Legend in Apex. Everyone is curious as to what you think of Caustic. Is it true that he adopted you?" The blond girl though for awhile and smiled to herself. "Caustic is like a father to me. He constantly take great care of me and it is not true that he adopted me but I still love him like one." I could feel my heart melting. I am now convinced that she is an angel.

"Aww, isn't that the cutest reply we have heard?" The MC said. Every Wattson's fan all Aww'd at her. I giggled a little when she looked at me. She is definitely the cutest. Then everyone's attention is on Caustic. He gave them all his dead face.

"Ehh, we all have a question for Caustic too don't we all?" Even the MC is intimidated by Caustic. "Let's see.." All of the Legends stared at the MC's expression. The question must be a bad one because his face is all scrunched up. "Do you.. Like any of the younger legends, Mr. Caustic?"

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