• 4 • Night Welcome Party (Edited)

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"Take a look at that." I could hear Bangalore to my right. "You don't get to see that everyday." Wraith's voice is somewhere too. "Didn't he did that to Wattson when she sprain her ankle too?" Lifeline whispered loudly. It's not a whisper anymore, Lifeline. We can both hear all of you! "So fatherly of him, don't you think?" Wattson chirped.

I looked at to see how was Caustic feeling. He doesn't seem to be affected by all those comments. My heart started beating rapidly as I lean on his shoulder, indulging myself in his warmth. He doesn't seem to mind one bit. "Caustic, thank you for carrying me all the way up to my doorstep, I am fine now."

"Just give me the keys." He demanded. I obiedently passed him my room keys and he switched my position to how you would carry a baby with one hand. I lost my balance and hugged his neck. He proceeds to opening the door and placed me gently on the ground near my bed.

"Where do you place your home clothes?" He asked hanging the house keys on the hook near the door. I pointed to my drawer infront of my bed. "There. You can just pick whatever." When he opened the drawer, a look of disgust was shown on his face. "Why is it that everything you own is pink." I laughed at his comment. "It's because I love pink, silly."

"Get yourself clean, I will be in my own room." He turned back to the door. "After that, rest for a little. It helps with the healing." I nodded and followed him to the door, locking it. Caustic is a good man. Maybe I shouldn't fear him anymore.

I went to the bathroom and fill up my bathtub with hot water so help me relax my muscles. There were bathbombs in the bathroom counter so I took one and dropped it in the water. Rainbow coloured foam can be seen coming out from the ball. The smell of fruits filled the air. I took off my clothes and work my way down to the bandages.

I opened it to reveal a swollen angry red patch on my ankle. "I hope this heals fast. I totally screwed my first day with this ankle." I stepped in the bathtub and the heat immediately sent my body shivering out of pleasure. "The temperature is just right." I let myself soak in the water as I slowly drift off to sleep.


"..nal..ternal.." What was that sound, is someone calling me? "..Eternal..!" I jolt up. "E-Eternal here! H-how may I help you?!" Wattson was there. She was panting. "Why are you panting?" I asked her. Caustic can be seen on my bed in his casual attire with his head resting on the back of his hands.

"Dr. Caustic said that he has been knocking on the door for awhile but you didn't answer it so he had Crypto break the lock and I have to enter the bathroom. "Did anyone see me like this?" I asked Wattson while I covered my chest area with my arms crossed. "Crypto didn't as he was repairing the locks but Dr. Caustic.. might have as he was standing directly behind me when I opened the door."

"I can't get married anymore.. I am defiled." I sobbed. Wattson panicked. "Since Caustic had seen you partially naked, he will have to take responsibility to marry you right?" Wattson said it without thinking. I looked at her like she said something unbelievable and started sobbing even more.

"But I am young enough to be his daughter!" Caustic came over with his head down and eyes covered by his hand. "Quit your whining and get yourself ready. Everyone is waiting for you." I demanded everyone to get out of my room while changing myself to a more appropriate attire to head out.

Crypto, Caustic and Wattson were all waiting for me outside. I didn't dare to look at Caustic. I don't want to start bawling again. Caustic on the other hand, kept staring at me. He eyed me all the way to the bar where everyone was at. "Hey, here comes the champion squad." Mirage said.

I sat where the girls are at and Mirage places a cup of beer infront of me. I looked at the mug and sigh. Here goes nothing.. I gulped the whole mug down. It tasted bitter and definitely not to my liking. I stuck out my tongue in disgust but Mirage just kept refilling it. I decided to not let him down, I just kept drinking to the point where my whole world is spinning.

"You are such a light drinker." Wattson said as she giggled uncontrollably. She is probably drunk too. "Dr. Caustic!" She started. "What do you think of the newcomers?" Caustic looked at both Revenant and I. "I would say that they are both not worth my time and effort." He bluntly said. "A-After seeing my naked body, you don't want to bear the responsibility..?" I sulked.

He looked over to me and sighed. "You had drank too much. He grabbed me and made me sit between Wraith and himself. Wraith was already asleep as she was knocked out by the alcohol. My face felt hot, my body temperature was rising. I grabbed onto Caustic's arm. "Am I not.. Good enough..? Why do you always make me feel so terrified yet safe.." I leaned on his arm.

"What's so good about you that made me can't forget about you.. Why do I like you so much.." Tears started to form in my eyes. "And you saw me naked-" "One-third naked. I did not see your whole body. Only from your neck up." He clarified. Lifeline was listening attentively. She knew what happened.

Nothing can escape her. She is surprisingly good at keeping her alcohol. Caustic told Crypto to send Wattson back to her dorm and grabbed my arm. "We are going back." I whined. "Stop whining before I will kill you with my gas trap." I quickly shut my mouth and started crying. "Caustic is scary!" I tumbled my way through to Mirage who was talking to the sleeping Wraith.

"Woah hey there. I know you want to get laid by me but you will have to wait in line just like the rest." He winked. Caustic tore me away from Mirage and threw me over his shoulders like a bag of potatoes. "We are going back. No buts." I tried to reach for my bag but I was too far away. I stopped moving and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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