• 7 • Divine Right (Edited)

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"A match will start in 3 hours. Please be on the rooftop in an hour." I could hear the announcement from my room's speaker. "Where will the map be this time and who will I end up with?" I asked the ceiling like it will give me the answers I seek. I was already ready for a match. I need to get this out of my chest. "What was that all about. He told me when I am ready but he gave me a passionate kiss like this."

My heart squeeze. I am really in love with him. But I am afraid. Afraid that he will just break me one day. A knock on the door shocked me. "W-Who's there?" I asked. "It's me." Caustic's voice can be heard. I rushed to the door and opened it.

Caustic was wearing something different today. He looked sexy somehow. "Caustic, are you secretly into BDSM?" I joked. I can't tell if he is looking at me or not because he had his eyes blindfolded with bandages. "Apparently this is my legendary skin and those insects told me to wear it because it will look nice on me."

I checked him out. "Not bad, I would say. You looked like you are really for some BDSM play." He chuckled. "Maybe I am." He stepped into my room and closed my door behind him. "H-How do you know where the door is at?" I gulped. He is going to trap me here.

"The bandages are not as thick as it seems. I still see everything." I backed off as he kept moving towards me. "The match in three hours, I suppose we have time for a short kiss session?" Caustic was tall. Like close to two metres tall. On the other hand, I was only one point six metres tall. Caustic can easily tower over me which he did.

He hastened his pace and soon, I tripped and fell back onto my bed. "Looks like you wanted it too. Been craving for it since last night?" He said it in a low voice which really turns me on. He pushed me on the bed and towered over me like a predator that has found it's prey.

He used his legs to trap mine so I couldn't run away as he was taking out his gas mask. "Ready for round two?" He whispered in my ear. My body felt hot, all I could hear was my own heartbeat pounding.

He leaned in, placing his lips on mine. It so soft that I might get addicted if this happens everyday. I opened my mouth slightly.

"Good girl, you already know what I want." he deepened the kiss, leaving no room to break it. "C-Caustic -I can't breathe..!" I pulled away from him, desperately gasping for air. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Call me Alexander." He said. "Alexander Maxwell Nox is my real name."

I was panting heavily I had to catch my breath. His hair was falling down from his usual comb-back manner. "Mine is Violett Skyler.." He took off his bandages which revealed his beautiful emerald pair of eyes. He was breathing heavily too as he combed back his hair that has fallen. My heart did a flip. He is way too sexy for his age. I am captivated by him.

"W-We have to go.." I rolled out of my bed and stood up, only to hit the ground again. "Violett?" Alexander looked at me from my bed. "My legs gave up on me." I laughed. He let out a sigh and pulled me up, letting me lean on him for support. "Let's go, we have a match to attend."


"Eternal!" Wattson clinged onto me like a lost child who finally met their mother on the dropship. "How are you feeling?" I smiled at her. "Better than ever! Thanks to Ale- Caustic." Everyone in the ship stopped and all eyes were on me. I froze. "Did she just accidentally called Caustic by his real name?" Whispers can be heard. "She almost said Alexander right?"

I looked over to Caustic who nonchalantly wore his gas mask and started mixing chemicals in his corner. "I-I didn't try to call him by his real name.." I twiddled with my fingers. Lifeline went up to me and patted me on my shoulder. "You have taken one for the world, Eternal."

Question marks could be seen on my head as I tried to figure out what she was trying to say. "Lifeline is my Legend name but my real name is Ajay Che." My eyes sparkled. The Legends trust me enough to let me know their names? "M-My name is Violett Skyler! Nice meeting you all! Not as legends but as normal human beings."

"Since you are a beautiful lady, you are worthy to know my real name." Mirage came over to me and trapped me up against the wall. "My name is Elli-" Before he could finish his sentence, a hand pushed him away from me. It was Caustic's. "Too close, Elliott Witt."

"Can I start calling you guys by your real names starting from today?" I asked. They all nodded and started introducing themselves. All except Revenant. I looked at Revenant and smiled at him. "Please call me Violett, Revenant."

"I will call you what I want, skinbag." I didn't mind him calling me that because he calls everyone that.

"The groupings are out." Bloodhound said and all of us went to check. It was a Duo match. I am paired with Mirage. Wattson is paired with Crypto. Pathfinder with Gibraltar, Caustic with Bloodhound and Bangalore with Octane. Lifeline is with Revenant and Wraith is all alone.

"Are you ready, Violett?" Mirage was the jumpmaster. I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah!" It's a happy thing. That I am recognized by the Legends. "Let's head over there." He pinged at Train yard. "I'll follow wherever you go." He sighed. "I wish all the girls around the world would say that to me."

"Let's go!" We jumped from the dropship.

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