• 15 • Here lies Eternal (Edited)

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A week has passed but it felt like a month. Everyday was sleep, eat, rape, bathe, repeat. I am definitely going to be pregnant. Every night was just me sitting on the chair with my hands and legs tied. I had to sleep on the chair. I felt so dirty, so contaminated. "Think about what the legends will say when they see you like this." My kidnapper's voice echoed in the room. "She is filthy. She enjoys getting raped."

I cried every night before falling asleep. I had thought of starving myself to try to end my life but he will slap me or kick me if I don't eat. "Think about OUR child, will you?" My eyes are swollen due to him punching me in the face as a form of venting frustrations the world has been giving him. I had given up hope for help. It seems like no one will be coming.


Wattson frantically ran into Caustic's room. "Dr. Caustic! I can't find Violett anywhere!" The older male took his phone and tried dialing his lover's phone number. "I have tried calling her mobile too but no one is answering." Just then-

"Hello?" A male voice could be heard. Caustic was taken aback. "May I speak to Violett Skyler please?" He asked politely. "Oh, who do we have here. The infamous Toxic Trapper, Caustic." The man mocked. "What business do you have with my wife?" Caustic then knew who it was. The person who attempted kidnapping Eternal.

"If you are wondering why I am the one picking up, it's because I kidnapped her and we are going to have a fun time tonight. She wanted a kid or two ya? I will make her wish come true." He laughed. Caustic was furious. "Touch her and you will be dead." He growled and ended the call. He then looked at Wattson and told her to call all the legends together.

"We are going to get Ms. Skyler back."


"Caustic called your phone a few days ago. I told him that we are going to have a baby together!" I looked at the man who finally introduced himself as Chris without any emotions. Everyday I hoped that he would just end my life. This is too torturous. I could not even open my eyes as it's really swollen. Blood was everywhere on the floor as he likes to make small cuts on my skin.

Just then, I heard a loud crashing sound from above. "What is it.." Chris growled. I heard several footsteps flooding into the apartment where I was at. Then, I heard Bangalore's voice. "The police traced the VPN and it showed this building." My throat was sore from constantly screaming and shouting these few days but nevertheless I still tried to scream even if there's a cloth in my mouth.

Chris choked me as an attempt to silence me but I was not going to let this chance slip away. Crypto then used his drone to scout the area as well as Bloodhound, who was walking around trying to find traces of me and finally, they found me. All the legends rushed down to the basement only to see a knife resting on my throat while Chris was standing behind me as a body shield. Caustic's face was full of hatred and hurt when our eyes met.

Lifeline was shocked as she covered her mouth. "How dare you.. do this to one of our legends." She hissed. She tried taking a step forward but Chris shouted at her. "Take another step forward, my darling here will die." Lifeline stepped back. I could feel the knife cutting into my skin. I sobbed as the pain was stinging.

Caustic is not going to stay still anymore. He took out what looks like an arc star and threw it at Chris with accuracy. It cut through his skin and got stuck on his arm. Due to the pain, he let go of me and I fell to the ground. Everyone was all rushing towards me but Chris was faster. Just as I tried to stand, a knife pierced through my chest area. I looked back only to see Chris smiling at me.

"Like I said a few days ago. If I can't have you, no one will." Wattson rushed to me, holding on to me as her tears started dripping down from her eyes as she looked at me. I gave her my best smile that I could manage. "Don't.. cry, Wattsy." Bangalore took Chris upstairs where the police was all waiting for him.

Caustic then came over to me and hugged me tightly. "All because I did not accompany you to the market." He whispered in my ear with regrets. Lifeline tried healing me but to no avail. She knows that my heart is going to stop beating anytime soon and started crying silently as Octane patted her head. For once, I saw Octane standing still.

Caustic was not crying. But he looked like a piece of him just died. He touched the wounds on my arms and my neck. "You have suffered enough.." He said as he pulled out the knife behind my back. I winced a little but it's still manageable. "Thank you, everyone. For finding me and to rescue me. At least I got to see Alexander before... Before I die." I choked in my own tears.

My whole body was in pain and the thought of not being able to see Caustic again just saddens me. "I have always wanted to marry Alexander and build a family together but my life will end here today..." Caustic embraced me tighter. I could hear his heart slowly breaking. I tried to lift my head up and give him a kiss. A final kiss goodbye.

Wraith portaled over and told Caustic to get in. It leads to the nearest hospital and maybe I could be saved. But when Caustic arrived, I was already gone. All he was holding onto was not me, but a dead body that once lived Violett Skyler's soul.

----- End -----

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