• 3 • Apex Champion (Edited)

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"Don't stray too far out from each other, alright?" Wattson said as she placed her fence to guard the fort. I had my trusty Spitfire with me and a Triple take. We have killed 5 in total. And I am the one without any kills. I would always break the enemies shields and then get knocked down instead.

Luckily Caustic was there to cover me using his gas trap while I use my ultimate which is to self resurrect myself. "Don't get knocked down again or I will have to end you myself." Caustic's low voice could be heard from the earpiece. I gulped. I don't want to be killed on my first day with the legends.

He placed another gas trap infront of me as well as a phoenix kit. "Patch yourself up. We are going to push forward." He activated the trap and ran out of the fort with Wattson. "Using a phoenix kit!" I said through the microphone. "Got it." Both Caustic and Wattson acknowledged. Once I am done healing myself, I headed out to join them.

"One squad left, I shall finish this." Caustic said. Wattson gestured me to where they were and there was a team hiding from us as well. "Enemies over there." I pinged at where I saw one of them peeking out. Caustic took out his canister and readied his aim. He threw his ultimate to where I pinged. "Gas cloud deployed. They are taking damage." Both Wattson and Caustic rushed in to fight but I stayed at where I was. I have the higher ground so my Triple take will shine. I swapped my spitfire to my Triple take and take my aim. Bloodhound used their abilities but that doesn't affect me. I knocked down bloodhound and Crypto but Mirage was nowhere to be found.

"Now ya see me, now ya don't. Now ya see me, boom." He knocked down Wattson with an Eva-8. "You're dead." He laughed. "He baited us." Caustic groaned. The one who was in the gas was his decoy and not himself. "Curses.." I aimed at him and shot several shots of my sniper gun at him. "His shields broke!" I shouted. Caustic threw his gas trap infront of Mirage which automatically triggered it. Mirage slowed down due to the toxic gas that was emitting out from it.

Before I could take out my spitfire, Caustic had already shot the man with his peacekeeper.

"We have our Apex Champion." We were announced as the champion. I helped Wattson up and tried patching her up. "We are the champion team!" Wattson started jumping in excitement. "You guys are the best!" She hugged the both me and Caustic. I thought Caustic will push her away but he didn't, which was surprising.

All of us went back to the dropship and started chatting. "Congrats on being the champion on your first day." Bangalore came over to me and patted me and Wattson on the shoulder. "Someone is getting triggered over there." Wraith pointed to Revenant which was staring at us. "I am gonna shut you up." He pointed his palm at us.

"Don'cha dare, Robo boy." Lifeline said to Revenant. "Hey, I thought I was the robot boy." Pathfinder's body slumped as his screen showed a sad face. "You are robot boy no. one and he is no. two." She said to Pathfinder. I laid down on my couch and took a shut eye.

I did sprain my left ankle when I was in the battlefield but when I remembered what Caustic said "I will have to end you myself." I shivered. He is terrifying! "I still can't believe that you won on your first round with the legends on the first day!" Wattson squealed with delight. I opened my eyes and smiled at her. "It was just luck." I told her.

"Good job, kiddo." Wraith was at the common area where most of the Legends were sitting and chatting. I gave her a nod and went to sleep. It will take a few hours to get back to our dorm. At the corner of my eyes before I shut it, I caught Caustic staring my way. I pretended that I didn't see that and turned the other way instead.


I woke up in the afternoon and looked at everyone. They were all up and about in the ship. When I wanted to stand up and walk, my left leg felt heavy. I looked down town see that my leg is being wrapped up with bandages. "Caustic told me that you might have sprained your ankle so I helped you to stabilize it." Lifeline said.

I looked over to Caustic who was knocked out on his lab chair. He looks very tired. "I am going to make him a coffee. May I know where the pantry is?" Lifeline pointed to the front side of the dropship and I headed there. I saw a coffee maker and started it up, placing a black coffee capsule into the machine.

Soon the pantry smelt of freshly brewed coffee. I walked over to where Caustic was resting and tapped on his shoulder. His eyes opened as he slowly sat up straight. I placed the cup infront of him and he eyed me. "What's the meaning of this." He demand an answer. "Thank you for noticing that I had a sprained ankle and told Lifeline to patch me up." I gave him a smile.

He slowly took the cup from me and removed his mask. That was the first time I saw him without the mask. He looked like any other men you see out there. But there's something about him that really draws you to him. What is it? You stared at him a little too long for his liking and he spoke again.

"You have my thanks. For the coffee." I snapped out of it and backed off, waving my hands infront of me and explaining myself. "A-ah you're welcome! I hope the taste is to your liking! T-though I didn't put anything else in there."

Before I know it, everyone in the ship was looking at the both of us. I gulped. I could hear Mirage's failed attempt to whistle, making things even more awkward.

"We have arrived, brothas." Gilbraltar said at he looked at the door open, let us out of the ship. Everyone was happily heading out while I tried my best to walk myself out of ship. "I'll help you." Caustic said as he lift me up princess-style like I was nothing. "C-Caustic, people is going to spread rumors about us!" I panicked.

"Does that affect you?" He looked at me with a look of disapproval. "Well that's sounds great-I mean No! We can't let them say things like this! We are going to be fired from being legends!" He sighed. "I have a valid reason for doing this, Eternal." He said. "Just let me do it."

After that, he walked all the way back to our rooms while carrying me all the way.

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