• 2 • The Battle begins (Edited)

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I could hear my phone ringing. It must be the alarm that I set before I took my rest. I stopped the alarm and went over to my restroom. "A bathtub Jacuzzi?" I gasped. This place is impossible! Since I have a few hours to spare, I took a quick shower to refresh myself and prepare for the battle later.

An announcement to gather at the rooftop to board the dropship was made. I looked at myself in the full body mirror once again and nodded to my own reflection. I was wearing a black short skirt with safety pants in it so I can move without flashing myself. Pink top together with a black hoodie and black heat-tech stockings because it will be cold at night. My long chestnut brown hair was loosely tied in a ponytail that flows all the way down my back. My fringe was touching my eyelashes but is not blocking my view of vision so I just left it as how it is. I was ready to challenge the legends. I checked myself if I brought everything that I might need before wearing my shoes and gloves and heading for the door.

I opened my door only to be greeted by my neighbour who was doing the same. It was Caustic. "H-Hi there." I greeted him. "Hello." he replied coldly. I didn't think my neighbour would be Caustic. We both locked our room doors and waited for the lift to come.

I looked at him, checking him out. He was wearing black boots and an outfit that was used in a laboratory. He was wearing a gas mask too. Does he have a hard time breathing? Because his breathing rhythm sounds off. When I looked at his eyes then I realized that he was staring back at me. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to check you out- I mean! Look at your gears and everything!" I quickly looked away from his being. I could hear a sigh coming from where he was standing.

Just then, the door to the lift opened and there was Lifeline and Octane. "Amiga, ready for the fight?" Octane asked me as I stepped into the lift. "Well, sorta." I gulped. I am terrified. I don't think I can knock all these people down.

The lift was beautiful. I had never seen a lift this big before. It's half a size of a field-well maybe smaller than that. In the lift, there are many more couches to sit on while waiting to head to wherever we are going. I took a sit beside Lifeline and greeted her. Soon, everyone was in the lift. "I can't wait to see who I am being teamed with!" Wattson clasped her hands together as she twirled around happily.

I looked at my neighbour. Caustic was sitting alone, sipping a cup of I assume its coffee while reading some paper when Gibraltar slammed his shoulders, scaring him. He almost spilled his coffee when that happened. He placed everything down and took out a canister. "Woah woah woah Brotha, that thing will kill us all." Gibraltar ran while Mirage, Bloodhound and Octane was stopping that giant from killing us.

I laughed when that happened and the girls stopped to look at where I was looking at. "Ah Gibraltar is back at it again, always teasing Caustic." Lifeline said as she leaned back on the sofa to relax. "We have arrived on the rooftop." The speaker sounded. I stood up and walked together with Wattson and the rest.

There was already a dropship on top of the roof, we walked in and boy, we have our own small space in the ship too? My space was just right beside Wattson's. "Say Wattson, how old are you?" Wattson sat on her chair and gave me a big smile. "Legally twenty-two!" She showed a scissors sign with her fingers. My eyes sparkled. "No way! I am twenty-two too!" She gasped. "That means we are the youngest here!" We both clasped our hands together and cheered.

Wattson is an easy-going person and we are somewhat alike. I still couldn't believe that I am here with the legends of Apex, in the same ship as them. I had a crush on Mirage once but that was a long time ago. Now, I just can't take my eyes off Caustic. He interest me but a part of me is still afraid of him. You will never know what he will do when he is angry.

"The teams has been formed." Mirage announced. I looked at the screen that was showing our groups and my heart started beating rapidly. I was teamed with Wattson and Caustic. The King and Queen of camping. "Dr. Caustic! We are together again!" Wattson ran over to the man whom was watering his plants. Wait, Plants? That is kind of cute if you were to ask me. A giant that loves plants.

I waved at him to let him know that I am in the same team as him too but all he did was stare at me intensely. "Don't slow me down." He said and I nodded. Wattson smiled happily as she bounced around his small space. She spotted a plush and picked it up. "You found my Nessie, Dr. Caustic?" He looked at Wattson and then back at his plants. "Yes. It was out in the open and so I took it with me." She hugged the Nessie plush and said that she will give Caustic another Plushie when they are done with the games. "No thank you." He said, almost immediately.

"Please ready your positions." The speaker said. Everyone then dropped whatever they are doing and headed to the back of the dropship. I followed where Caustic and Wattson went. "Stand here." Wattson said and I followed, standing between Wattson and Caustic. Soon, we were lowered down and all I can see is a field. A very big field.

"King's Canyon after dark, huh." I could hear Wattson's voice when I placed a earpiece in my ear. "C-Caustic, where should we drop?" I asked him. "This landing area will prove beneficial." He pinged at the marketplace. "Oh, some of them will head there as well but okay! Let's do this! Afterall, there's only five squads, so there are two squads with incomplete members."

"Prepare for certain death." Caustic warned us as we leaped off the platform and down to field.

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