• 10 • First time (Edited)

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As I were to open the door to my room, I thought to myself aloud. "Ajay has been dating Octavio all this while and Anita actually dated her fan? I can't believe Renee and Elliott are an item and since when did Wattson and Crypto started dating?" I must have looked stupid, standing outside my room.

"So I am the only one left?!" I thought loudly. "Left what?" I could hear Caustic's voice near my ear. I quickly jumped back and covered my ear. I could feel my face heat up. Caustic was wearing his home attire. Just a normal t-shirt and pants. His hair is combed back as per normal and he had his gas mask off. He was carrying a bag full of chips and coke bottles.

"Alexander Maxwell Nox." I placed both of my hands on my hips. "Is this going to be your dinner?" He shrugged. "I have a lab test going on. I don't have the luxury to cook and relax myself." I gasped. "Do not eat any of this junk food. I will be coming over to your place in a few minutes." I opened my door only to be greeted by a hole in my wall. It's a passage for us to see each other without the need to actually open the door. I eyed him and walked away, finding a decent pair of home clothes so that he can taste a meal that he will never forget.

I found my apron hanging on the wall of my kitchen and brought several ingredients for a few dishes for two. He was nowhere to be found when I headed over to his kitchen. He had all of the utensils and pans but they were sparkly clean. This man has never cooked for himself, ever. I quickly whip out several dishes and lay them up on the dinning table.

"Dinner's ready." I untied my apron and placed on the chair where I was going to sit. I waited for a few good minutes and he was not appearing. I placed a net over the dishes and decided to track him down instead. I opened every door that I can open and finally. One last door. It was a metal door with a pinpad on the wall beside it. There was a 'Do not enter' with a hazard sign on that door.

"Alex?" I knocked on the door. I looked at the pinpad and decided to try out my luck. I keyed in his birthdate and it said 'Access approved'. There was such an old school passcode. When I opened the heavy door, I could see Caustic holding onto a beaker of pink substance. "Alex, what is that?" He jumped a little, surprised that I was inside his laboratory. "What are you doing here without a gas mask on? You are going to be sniffing the Aphrodisiac fumes!"

Suddenly it hit me. My body suddenly felt hot. It was as though burning me alive. My head started to feel light. My legs buckled under me and I fell to the ground. My body feel so weak but it's definitely burning up. All I could hear was a faint sound of Caustic shouting my name. My body felt as though it's on a cloud and all I wanted was - "Sex.."

I was placed on the sofa alone until Caustic came back without his lab gears. He looked for awhile before deciding to get dirty with me. "Violett. How are you feeling?" I looked at my crush and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to me. "My body feels hot and I can't stop dripping.." He looked at my private and indeed my pants had a little stain of wetness.

He picked me up like I am nothing and dropped me on his bed. I let out a soft moan when my body felt a shock from the fall. He took off his top, revealing his muscular body. I reached out to touch him and admire his build. Those armour that he always wear doesn't do his body justice. "Do you like what you see?" He leaned down to whisper into my ear. I nodded softly, feeling suffocated.

Caustic removed and my pants and shirt carefully, no wanting to take off my undergarments yet. He took a long look at me as I squirm under him. He leaned in for a kiss but my mind was not going to give me a light one, I went straight to sucking his tongue, nibbling his lower lips. I was hungry. Hungry for him.

He knew what I wanted when he saw me constantly rubbing my thighs together. "What do we have here?" He asked in a low seductive voice. He slowly slides his hands under my panties. I could feel the wetness from in between my thighs when he removed my panties. "Just how wet can you be? Guess I would not have to use any form of lubricant since you are naturally one." He slide a finger in.

I inhaled sharply. We are really doing it. Caustic is going to take my first time. "P-Please be gentle.." My eyes started tearing. "This is my first time.." He looked at me without any expression as he placed another finger in. He is observing his test subject.

"Please Alex, I need you inside me. Your fingers felt great but-but I want to be connected with you as one." I moaned, turning my crush on. He pushed his fingers further in and I screamed. My private has never felt so sensitive. So this is the effect of Aphrodisiac.

"How cute to see you break under me." He said as he slide another finger in. That makes three. "I will have to prepare you thoroughly if you want me." I shooked my head."I don't care if it hurts, please.. I need you, I need it now!" He chuckled as he pulled down his pants and boxers low enough for his member to spring out from there. "If you say so." Caustic rammed himself into me.

He stayed there for awhile, letting me get used to his size. It's definitely bigger than average. "Alex..!" I could feel it stretching my insides. It hurts but that doesn't stop Caustic from continuing. He lift me up, on top of him so it's like I am riding him. "Go on, show me how much you want me."

Sex was something I had never experienced but it's not a foreign topic to me. I knew what sex was and what should I do when this happens. I lift myself up slightly with shaky legs and drop back down. His penis filled all the way to my womb. I could feel the tip all the way to my stomach.

"Too deep-" I placed my hand on his abdomen and steadied myself. "You don't get to do that, Violett." He slammed me back down. He grabbed my waist and forcefully make me bounce on him. My moans came out loud and it's turning him even more. "I'm getting close-" I couldn't breath properly. "You don't get to cum until I tell you to, Violett."

I could feel his dick pulsing inside me, he is getting close to climax too. He forcefully pushed me down onto his dick and swiftly removed me from it, cumming all over my body. After the sudden lost of his dick inside me, I came too. Caustic was breathing heavily. He looked at me, covered with his substance like a masterpiece before offering me a box of napkins. "Wipe yourself down, we will take a bath together after this. I doubt you even have the strength left to walk."

I took a few pieces of tissues and started wiping myself clean. "Can I rest for a minute or two? It's throbbing alot.." I said. He sighed and laid down on his bed, telling me to scoot closer to him. "I didn't think my first time would be so rough and with a legend." I giggled. "If you became my significant other, we will be able to experience this more often." He said.

"Let's wash up and have our dinner." Caustic said, lifting me up from the bed to the bathroom where we both get cleaned.

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